Chapter 31

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The early morning light streams onto the balcony, casting everything in a soft, muted glow. I wrap myself in a blanket, shielding myself from the morning chill. With my guitar cradled in my arms, I try to find words, a melody, to express the tornado of emotions inside me.

Plucking a few tentative notes, a melody starts forming, and with it, words begin pouring out. I scribble them down, refining as I go, my heart guiding the lyrics.

In whispered tales and moonlit nights,
You and I, defying heights.
Yet the world keeps pulling us apart,
Even when you're the home of my heart.

My fingers hesitate over the strings, memories of Harry flooding back with each chord. The hurt is raw, but the longing is stronger.

They say love like ours is a fading star,
Destined to burn out, never going far.
But every tear, every scar,
I'd endure, just to be where you are.

Challenged by the emotions welling up, I pause, collecting myself.

In a world that doesn't want us to be,
I still choose you, and you'd choose me.
Against the odds, against the tide,
I long for the day we don't have to hide.

Lost in the flow, I almost miss the sound of the hotel phone breaking through my concentration. I reach for it with a sigh, still holding onto the last note of the song.


"Ms. Butler," comes the efficient voice of the hotel concierge, "your team has arrived. Are you happy for us to send them up?"

"Thank you," I reply, hesitating for a moment, "Give me five minutes, and then you can send them up."

I gently place my guitar on the bed, wishing for just a few more moments of solitude. The raw lyrics I've penned are scattered around, each line echoing my thoughts. With the impending arrival of my team, I quickly gather them, stashing them safely in a drawer.

I pause, catching my reflection in the balcony's sliding glass door. My hair looks all over the place, showing signs of a sleepless night and the hours I've spent dancing and drinking with Harry. Quickly, I try to tame it, hoping to hide just how restless my night has been.

There's a soft knock, pulling me from my thoughts. Taking one last glance around the room, I open the door. The familiar faces of my management team greet me, their expressions a mix of concern and business-like efficiency.

"Morning, Lucy," says Emma, her eyes taking in my appearance with a critical eye. "Rough night?"

I force a smile. "Something like that."

She steps in, followed by the rest of the team, and the room quickly fills with a buzz of activity. Discussions about schedules, wardrobe choices, and tonight's performance fill the air.

I try to focus, to let the professional part of me take over. But in the back of my mind, all I want is to talk to Harry. I'm trying so hard not to forgive him for everything and not jump back into his arms... but all I want is just that. He feels so close but yet so far, it's infuriating.

"Lucy?" Emma's voice breaks through my thoughts, pulling me back to the present. "Did you hear what I just said?"

I blink, realizing I've zoned out. "Sorry, can you repeat that?"

She raises an eyebrow, a hint of annoyance in her gaze. "You seem distracted today. Everything okay?"

Taking a moment, I decide honesty is the best approach. "Just a lot on my mind. But I'm here, and I'll get through it."

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