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~~~~~~Centuries ago~~~~~~~~

In a Kingdom of Peace where everyone was fast asleep, however the only one awake was the emperor as he strolls through his garden admiring the beauty of it even at night, he looks up at the sky seeing it to be clear and the moon was full 'what a beautiful night sky' he thought with a smile, then suddenly the winds picked up, it was strong but not strong enough to knock him over then the moon shined even brighter than before "what's going on?" He said as the winds shifts toward the pond and circles around a large lotus bud. The moon shines down on it while the emperor watched in awe as the lotus bud started to glow

Then the lotus blooms in a bright light and the emperor quickly shielded his eyes from the bright light, when the light died down the emperor opened his eyes and gasped at what he saw, the lotus bud was now blooming, but the petals where the color of pure silver and in the center of it was a small baby monkey with fur white as snow, six big colorful ears, and a red face marking with flames at the end. The emperor was at awe at the sight 'by the gods' he thought, then the baby began to shiver and cry their six ears folding down "oh..." the emperor said as he approached the pond and gently picks up the newborn infant and tucked it...him into his arms "you poor thing" the emperor said gently petting the baby, the baby soon stops crying and gently nuzzled into the hand

"A wonderful gift from the gods are you?" The Emperor said as the baby let out a small cute sneeze, the emperor chuckled "now what shall I call you little one?" The Emperor said thinking of many names for the baby, he looks down at the baby's ears and thought of the perfect name "I shall call you Liu'er Mihou, the Six Eared Macaque, 15th prince of the Kingdom of Peace" the Emperor said and began walking back into the palace with his new son in his arms

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