Chapter 20

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Wukong huffs as he storms off further into the jungle still mad at what Azure said 'how could he think that Macaque is making me forget about the plan that he's making me weak!' Wukong thought coming to a stop and slammed his fist into a tree cracking it and makinga few peaches fall to the ground one landing on his head, he let out a sigh as he slumps down to the ground burying his face in his hands, he then takes the lilium flower from behind his ear and stares at it thinking over what Azure said "Macaque's not a distraction, he's not making me soft, if anything I feel stronger when I'm with him, he sees me for me, and made me believe in myself, why can't he just see that Macaque was the best thing that could have happened to me" Wukong said gently touching the pedals

The copper simian let out a sigh as he tucked his head in his knees his thoughts everywhere, he then look over to see the peach on the ground and picked it up, tracing his thumb over the soft fuzzy skin of the fruit, he let's out another sigh dropping the fruit as he curls up in himself. Then Mei Ling hops over to him and chirps at him in worry "I'm fine Mei Ling, just have a lot in my head right now" Wukong said looking at her, Mei Ling tilts her head and curls up beside the copper simian, Wukong looks at her and gently pets her "thanks" Wukong said feeling a bit better

After a while of sitting, he got up and walked towards the lake where they met and sit down at the edge, he stares at the water as he gently pushes a lotus towards where the other lotus flowers were letting out a sigh, then an idea pops into his head and flies back to the mountain on his cloud. He flies into the other entrance to the mountain, he hops off his cloud and runs to the stone palace sneaking in through the window, he runs towards his room and began to look for something "come on where is it, I know I put it around here somewhere" Wukong said opening a drawer, he went to a wooden chest and opened it digging through it until he felt something "a-ha here it is!" Wukong said pulling out a medium size wooden box

With his prize he sneaks back out the window and deep into the grotto, after looking around he found a boulder half his height and having a smooth flat surface "perfect" Wukong said sitting down placing the wooden box down. He opens the box to reveal a paint set Macaque gave him a month ago, he takes out the cup and filled it up with water from a nearby river, then takes out the color ink pigment blocks lining them up in front of the smooth stones for the ink, takes out the paint brush and began painting. He trace every line carefully and slowly making sure to not make a single mistake ,dipping the paint brush into the black ink and going back to drawing

When he finished with the outline he went to the color ink blocks, slowly and carefully move the ink block onto the wet rocks making the water change into the color of the ink blocks, he then dips the brush into the paint and began coloring staying in the lines. Wukong stick his tongue out as he gently paints the smaller details not wanting to mess up a single thing, after hours of painting he was finally done "done" Wukong said looking at his work, it was a beautiful painting of Macaque smiling with a peach blossom crown on his head and carrying lotus flowers in his arms. Wukong smiled at his work and placed a preserving spell on it "he's going to love it" Wukong said smiling at the painting of his love

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