Chapter 33

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More days passed and they continued on their journey west, Macaque and Tripitaka are getting to know one another more and the monk was true to his promise of never using the tightening spell and to listen more, Wukong would help Macaque as the tanned simian slow regains his powers and getting his strength back, though there are always problems on the way, like the Gold and Silver Demon and the 5 weapons (which Wukong is still bummed out for giving them up), a snotty river demon that kicked the real river god out of his domain and, kidnapped Tripitaka and Zhu Bajie (which the river God thanks them by parting the river for them to cross after defeating the demon)

And three Immortal demons who tricked the king to enslave Buddhist monks making them build a giant Taoist temple (Wukong frees them after defeating the guard) they then snuck the last few into the last surviving monastery for the night, Wukong investigating the giant Taoist temple bringing Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, and Ao Lie along, making a big storm to make the three immortals and young Taoists leave for the night and they began to eating the food left out ( Wukong saving some for Tripitaka and Macaque), turning to the gold statues as the three immortals ask for golden elixir giving the statues a big golden cistern, and the three pilgrims did something else instead of holy water (Wukong was holding it in for centuries and Ao Lie and Zhu Bajie couldn't stop laughing), they got discovered and they bolted out of their, they then went to the king to have their papers re-certified, then the 6 gets dragged into a competition (with Tripitaka winning the rain, clothes, dragon calling, and meditation contest), then the three immortals demand one final competition in testing their immortality, in which Wukong won all three of them with the three immortals dying proving them to be just demons (and Wukong spent an hour apologizing to Macaque profusely for scaring him when he turned into a flea in the pot of boiling oil) and they were finally off. What a day indeed

Zhu Bajie let out a groan as he walks tiredly on the dirt road of the mountain "we've been walking forever" Zhu Bajie said tiredly "3 hours is not forever piglet" Wukong said glancing over at the pig demon "is with the speed where going at" Zhu Bajie said tiredly "you sure we can't just fly to the monastery to get the scrolls" Zhu Bajie asked earning a bonk on the head by Wukong "he have to get there ourselves, no short cuts" Wukong said making Zhu Bajie groan again "don't worry brother, we'll find a good place to rest soon" Sha Wujing said placing a comforting hand on the pig demons shoulder

Then Macaques ears starts twitching as he hears something in the distance "what do you hear Mac?" Wukong asked looking at the tanned simian "talking, and clattering of pans, a village is somewhere nearby" Macaque said looking at the pilgrims "really, which way" Sha Wujing asked looking at the tanned simian, Macaque listens carefully "there, just at the bottom of this mountain and behind those trees" Macaque said pointing at the direction "whoa, Wukong wasn't kidding when he said your hearing was good" Zhu Bajie said as they head to the direction of where the village is

As they reached to the bottom and through the trees they see a village right in front of them just as Macaque said their would be, Wukong looks at the village with his eyes of truth scanning for any demons or danger in it, when the copper simian was done he turns back to the others "it looks safe and there aren't any disguised demons in the village but don't let your guard down, it could still be a trap" Wukong said looking back at the village "ah don't worry brother, it looks pretty harmless to me" Zhu Bajie said with a shrug "yes that may be, but let us not throw caution to the wind just yet" Tripitaka said as they went to the village

As they entered the village they noticed how happy everyone is, laughing, and happily talking with one another, some of the villagers looks at the pilgrims and happily wave at them "everyone is...happy here....too happy" Wukong said feeling a little creeped out by it, Ao Lie spotted a villager entering a large black and red temple that had an eerie energy coming off it. Then a woman appears in front of the pilgrims startling them "hello travelers, I am Joo Dee, welcome to our humble village" Joo Dee said with a big smile "hello miss Joo Dee, I am Zhu Bajie, excellent chef, and wonderful warrior" Zhu Bajie said smiling doing a pose, Wukong facepalms at the pig demons flirting

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