Chapter 32

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Days passed and the 6 continued on their journey, fighting demons, rescuing Tripitaka, and avoiding any demon soldiers, Macaque has been getting better as well his injuries have healed, his weight had been restored, and his nightmares hadn't returned, Sha Wujing, Ao Lie, and Zhu Bajie have kept their promise to take Macaque somewhere far when Tripitaka is about to use the tightening spell and come back when it's over, though Macaque started to grow suspicious about it all

Right now, Macaque was with Sha Wujing, and Zhu Bajie gathering wood and wild vegetables for lunch "Bajie, I found some more Bok Choy" Macaque said holding up the Bok Choy "Great, just a few more and I'll make a delicious Bok Choy noodle soup" Zhu Bajie said as he pulled up more ginger roots from the ground "it must be good as you say" Macaque said placing the Bok Choy in the basket "it is, one taste of it and you'll never taste cook Bok Choy again" Zhu Bajie said cutting the plants off the ginger roots. Macaque chuckled but then his ears perked up his eyes widening as all six of them twitched at the sound of the familiar scream causing him to drop the basket "Macaque, are you alright?" Sha Wujing asked looking at the tanned simian in confusion, Macaque didn't answer and looked at the direction where he heard Wukong's screams "he's hurt, Wukong is hurt!" Macaque said and began running in the direction where the scream was coming from

Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing eyes widened "Macaque wait!" Zhu Bajie said as the pig demon and river spirit chased after the tanned simian. Macaque runs through the forest so many thoughts running through his mind as Wukongs screams got closer and closer ignoring the calls from Sha Wujing and Zhu Bajie, when he reached the campsite he froze on the spot as his eyes widened in shock at what he saw, in front of him was a couple of dead demons lying on the ground, and Wukong groveling on the ground screaming in pain clutching the circlet as Tripitaka was standing over the copper simian muttering something "What are you doing?!?!" Macaque shouted running over to Wukong, he knelt down to the copper simian "Wukong, Wukong can you hear me?!?!" Macaque said holding on the struggling screaming copper simian, the tanned simian looks at the circlet seeing it glow as the monk continues to mutter "stop it, please stop it!" Macaque said hugging Wukong as the monk continues

"STOP IT!!!!" Macaque shouted his eyes glowing purple creating a shockwave, waves of dark purple knocking the monk down, finally making him stop the tightening spell "Master!" Sha Wujing said quickly going over to the monk checking him over, Tripitaka groans as he shook his head clearing it from the dizzy spells and looked at the tanned simian in surprise. Wukong let out a sigh of relief as the circlet on his head loosened, he looks up to see Macaque panting and hugging him tightly "Mihou?" Wukong said confused about what had happened "...You said that you made a vow to never harm another that exclud Wukong...Sha Wujing...Ao Lie...Zhu Bajie....Me?" Macaque asked not looking at the monk still panting from the outburst of his powers

Tripitaka was stunned by this, "of course not, they are my disciples, I would never harm them, not even you" Tripitaka said standing back up "You say that, but here you are hurting the very same person that saved you from getting killed by those demons!" Macaque said hugging Wukong closer, Tripitaka flinched at that never being shouted like that

"You maybe a great monk, but you are nothing but a naive, foolish, hypocrite that's lying to himself so that he doesn't face the truth of what he is doing is going against what he vowed not to do!!" Macaque shouted glaring at the monk his gold amber eyes blazing with anger, Tripitaka gasped in shock at those words feeling an immense hurt from them, Sha Wujing, Ao Lie, and Zhu Bajie were also shocked by what the tanned simian said completely stunned. The whole area was silent before Macaque helps Wukong stand up and leaves, leaving the monk and pilgrims still stunned

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