Chapter 18

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~~~~~~~~~~Three weeks later, On Flower Fruit Mountain~~~~~~~~~~~

"Heyyy Macaque, listen" Wukong began clearing his throat "I know up to this point our friendship has started to b-become more than it has recently and your training has been going along really well so...." Wukong paused for a moment tapping his paw on the dining table as he runs his other hand through his hair " is the question, would you like to...." Wukong paused again taking a deep breath as a blush forms on his face "to go out on a date?" Wukong asked smiling sheepishly. A clone dress up like Macaque looked at the peach in his hand "ehhh, no" The clone said frowning at Wukong "okay that's not helping" Wukong said making the clone poof away

He let out a long sigh as he leans back further into his chair covering his face with his hands "why is this so hard" Wukong said groaning "I'm the handsome Monkey King, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, I fear nothing, so why is it hard to ask the person I like out" Wukong said banging his head on the table. Mei Ling hops onto the table and chirps at him "oh it's nothing, I'm just trying to figure out on how to ask Macaque out, turns out it's sooo hard" Wukong said banging his head on the table again, Mei Ling tilts her head and chirps and hoots at the copper simian "it is that hard! I mean, I can barely control my tail from wagging when I stare in his eyes, or my face from turning red as a beet when he laughs, or or..." Wukong said before sighing leaning back his chair "we're basically a million worlds apart...and I don't know how I would even start" Wukong said staring at the ceiling "if I could tell him" Wukong said closing his eyes laying his head on the table

Mei Ling placed her paw over her kings head and gently pets it letting out chirps and chitters, Wukong looks up at her and smiles "thanks" Wukong said smiling


Later, Wukong flies down to the palace garden and leans on a tree staring at the red, orange, and yellow leaves that decorate the tree letting out a sigh "is something troubling you Sun Wukong?" A female voice said making the copper simian turn to see the Empress staring down at him "it's nothing your majesty" Wukong said looking away, the Empress stares down at the copper simian "keeping it inside you and pushing it away will never bring you peace" she said sitting down next to the copper simian. Wukong looks at her and sighs "I...I want to ask your son out but...I don't know how to tell him without choking" Wukong said running his hands through his hair, the Empress stares at the copper simian before smiling as she remembers a similar situation like this happened

"You know, you are just like my husband when we were young" the Empress said smiling, Wukong looked up at her "he wanted to ask me out but he couldn't find the words, he was stuttering so badly that I could barely understand what he was saying and I've never seen his face so red" the Empress said smiling chuckling at the memory "but in the end he managed to say it" the Empress said, she then looks over to the copper simian "but where do I take him?" Wukong said, the Empress thought for a minute before smiling "in three months there's going to be a Lantern Festival, you could take my snowflake there" the Empress said standing up. Wukong perked up at that "yes the Lantern Festival, that's perfect!" Wukong said standing up "thank you your majesty" Wukong said giving the Empress a quick bow before running off to look for Macaque, the Empress chuckled as she smiles


In the royal garden, Macaque was looking at a orange leaf admiring the colors, then his ears twitched and he turns around to see Wukong running towards him "Wukong, when did you get here?" Macaque asked tilting his head a bit "I just came here a few minutes ago, because...I wanted to tell you something" Wukong said looking away a bit, Macaque looked at him in confusion "what did you want to ask me?" Macaque said, Wukong stared at his feeling his heart racing 'Here goes nothing' He thought as he took a deep breath "okay, everything is so crazy right now and I have no idea what my future holds but, it would be so great if you were in it, so....uhh" Wukong paused as he clasp his hands together his cheeks burning red, he looks up at Macaque before looking away flaring his nose a bit before taking a deep breath his cheeks puffing out

"Do you want to attend the Lantern Festival with me?!" Macaque asked a blush on his face, Wukong deflated and groans, covering his face with his hands "noooo I was so ready" Wukong said smiling sheepishly a blush on his face as Macaque cover his smile with his hand "I'm sorry I'm sorry, you can say it" Macaque said smiling clasping his hands together "okay, Liu'er Mihou, do you want to attend the Lantern Festival with me?" Wukong said smiling "yes!" Macaque said smiling widely "okay!" Wukong said smiling. They're was an awkward silence before Wukong offered his hand to Macaque and the prince took it "why is this still so scary?" Wukong whispered clutching his stomach "I don't know" Macaque whispered the tips of his ears turning red

Over on the other side of the garden the Empress was watching with a smile on her face

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