Chapter 27

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~centuries later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wukong numbly stares down at the hair stick that belong to Macaque, gently tracing the engravings and the purple gem as he stares at the hair stick Macaque enters into his mind, his soft snow white fur and hair, his beautiful flame face markings, his gentle touch, his six colorful ears, his golden eyes, and his smile. Unshed tears filled his eyes as memories played over and over into his head "what are you looking at brother?" A voice asked starling the copper simian, he turns around to see Ao Lie standing there his head tilted with curiosity "n-nothing, it's nothing" Wukong said wiping his tears away with a swipe of his sleeve "are you sure, it must be something that's upsetting you" Ao Lie said tilting his head to the other side "are you upset that Zhu Bajie tricked master and had you exiled?" Ao Lie asked

Wukong couldn't help but let out a faint chuckle "something like that?" Wukong said side glaring at the Celestial swine "I said I was sorry, I couldn't have known that she was an evil demon threatening to destroy the world!" Zhu Bajie said, Wukong raised an eyebrow "unlike you I have Gold Vision that let me see demons who are in disguise, I'm not bewitched by some woman like you" Wukong said, Ao Lie and Sha Wujing chuckled as Zhu Bajie turn away "now now disciples settle down" Tripitaka said not opening his eyes as he meditate. Wukong sighs "by the way how's your leg, does it still hurt?" Wukong asked looking at Ao Lie "it's okay, it doesn't hurt that much anymore" Ao Lie said with a smile, Wukong weakly smiles back and turn back to the hair stick in his hands, only to see it wasn't there

His eyes widened in shock and looked around to find it "is this what had you so down" Zhu Bajie said making Wukong turn to see the pig demon holding the hair stick in his hand "give it back Piglet" Wukong said glaring at the pig demon reaching for the hair stick "why, what's so special about it anyway, don't tell me you stole it" Zhu Bajie said pulling the hair stick away from Wukong's reach "brother I think you should give it back to him brother" Sha Wujing said as the pig demon pulled away again "why, he probably stole it l from that kingdom we left" Zhu Bajie said tossing the hair stick into his other hand to avoid Wukong's grasp "I didn't steal it, it's been with me the entire time now give it back or I'll rip your snout off!" Wukong said reaching for the hair stick again

But when Zhu Bajie tossed it up into the air, it bounced off his fingers and land into the camp fire "NO!!!" Wukong shouted quickly reaching into the fire and pulling out the hair stick, he began inspecting it seeing it there was any cracked or broken but nothing was broken and the copper simian let out a sigh of relief before glaring at the pig demon "I told you to give it back to me, but you had to keep playing around with it like a little kid!" Wukong said glaring at the pig demon "I-I'm sorry okay, I didn't know that old thing meant anything to you" Zhu Bajie said

"This thing means EVERYTHING than anything else in the world! IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO IT I'M GONNA--!" Wukong stops himself off when he saw the scared looks on his brothers and masters faces, he quickly runs from the group jumping up into the top of it facing away from them "Wukong!" Ao Lie said running towards the tree, he then shoots a glare at the Celestial swine who flinched at the glare "w-what?" Zhu Bajie said nervous under Ao Lie's glare "you were teasing him too much and now you upset him!" Ao Lie said glaring at the Celestial swine "I-I didn't know that old thing meant anything to him" Zhu Bajie said holding his hands up "it might have meant nothing to you but it meant everything to Wukong, it probably belongs to someone that cared about him a lot" Ao Lie said crossing his arms

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