Chapter 3

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"Mihou!" A familiar voice called out as Macaques ears twitched "Mihou where are you?!" The voice called out "Kai! Kai I'm over here!" Macaque called out to his gaurd "stay where you are, I'm coming over to you!" Kai called out from across the jungle "Kai, who's that?" Wukong said tilting his head raising an eyebrow "he's my royal gaurd, he keeps me safe from any harm that would comes to me" Macaque explained to the copper simian. Then the large leaf was pushed away revealing Kai "Mihou!" Kai said running towards the prince "are you alright, are you hurt?" Kai said looking over at the prince "I'm alright Kai, nothing harmed me" Macaque said smiling, Kai smiled back in relief before noticing Wukong "who is this?" Kai said stepping in between them "I'm Sun Wukong, the Monkey King" Wukong said scratching his cheek as he offered his hand to the royal gaurd

Kai looked at the copper simian and to the hand with a look of disgust and a raised eyebrow "charmed" Kai said not accepting the hand, Wukong looked at the royal gaurd in confusion 'What's up with him?' Wukong thought as the gaurd turned to the tanned simian "come you're highness, the camp has been set up" Kai said leading the tanned simian back to the beach "bye Wukong" Macaque said smiling at the copper simian with a wave "bye!" Wukong said waving back with a smile


"He didn't hurt you did he Mihou?" Kai asked when they made it to the campsite "I told you Kai I'm fine, he didn't harm me in any way, we were just talking that's all" Macaque said trying to reassure this friend that nothing happened "I don't trust him, he could be a thief or working with an enemy" Kai said not liking how close Wukong was to his prince "he wasn't, he's good I can feel it" Macaque said, Kai looks at him and sighs "alright, but I'm keeping an eye on that copper simian" Kai said making Macaque chuckle as he entered his tent. As the tanned simian entered his tent he couldn't help but smile as his thoughts were of Sun Wukong "I wonder if I'll be able to meet him again?" Macaque asked blushing a bit looking at the lotus flower in his hands


Meanwhile, up on a tree Wukong was laying on top of the tree relaxing in the sun but however his mind was on the tanned prince simian he met a while ago "I've never seen anyone like him" Wukong said blushing at the way Macaques smiled "I've got to see him again!" Wukong said transforming into a eagle and flies towards the beach. He finds the camp and lands on a palm tree as he looks at the large tent then at the gaurd 'Now how to get pass him' Wukong thought then has an idea, he transforms into a fly and flies down the camp flying past Kai and into the tent. When he was inside the tent he spotted Macaque sitting at a desk drawing something, he lands on top of Macaques head to get a closer look and saw a drawing of him smiling with a lotus flower on his head

"Wow, that's me?" Wukong said out loud startling Macaque "who's there?" Macaque said looking around for the voice "up here" Wukong said flying off of Macaques head and transforms back in a puff of gold smoke. Macaque gasped in surprise at the copper simians sudden appearance "ta-da!" Wukong said smiling "you have powers?" Macaque said in awe, Wukong chuckled "sure do! I can fly, summon a Somersault cloud, can shoot lasers out of my eyes, create hair clones, super strong, can do 72 transformations, super fast, and I'm Immortal" Wukong said listing all the things he can do. Macaque was at awe at the copper simian "wow, that's amazing" Macaque said Wukong blushed a little

"I have powers too" Macaque said, Wukong looked at the tanned simian "really?" Wukong said, Macaque nodded "but all I can do is this" Macaque said, with a wave of his arm his and Wukong's shadows stretched out to the tent wall merging together creating a dark purple hole, then a lantern floats out of the shadow "whoa" Wukong said in awe watching the lantern float towards Macaque "I can make shadow plays with it but that's all I can do, my father hired many powerful teachers to help me with my powers, but none of them can figure my powers out" Macaque said letting the lantern float back into the shadow hole

"Most think it's weird that my powers are like this" Macaque said looking down in sadness his ears drooping a bit "well I think they're not" Wukong said making the tanned simian look up at him "you don't?" Macaque said to the copper simian "I think they're wonderful and unique" Wukong said smiling, Macaque blushed at the answer as the tip of his ears turned red "t-thank you" Macaque said looking away shyly "you're welcome, I gotta go my monkey's need me, I'll vist you tomorrow bye" Wukong said transforming into a butterfly and flies out of the tent "bye" Macaque said smiling still blushing

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