Chapter 29

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Macaque let out a small groan as he slowly regains conscious, he opens his eyes and blinks clearing his vision more, when his vision was clear he sees a tall tree above him it's leaves shielding him from the sun while letting a few rays poke out. He slowly looks around and noticed a group of people huddled around talking with each other, he shifts a bit but let out a chirp when he felt a jab of pain " easy now, don't move too much" a familiar voice said along with a gentle hand, Macaque looks up from see Wukong staring down at him with a gentle smile

"Wukong" Macaque said tears in his eyes "hey Mangoes" Wukong said, Macaque lifted his arms to hug him and Wukong met him half way "you're real, you're actually here and real" Wukong said smiling as he gently hugs him "Wukong...I-I missed you" Macaque said smiling tears in his eyes "I missed you more" Wukong said smiling tears in his eyes. After a while they slowly pulled away "what happened....I-I thought you were dead...all these years" Wukong said wondering why "I was kidnapped....and been a Kai" Macaque said, Wukong's eyes widened at what he heard "Kai....kept you all this time?" Wukong asked, Macaque nodded his head, then the copper simian began to feel anger 'All this time...all that pain, suffering, tear shed, and agony I felt was because of him, and I've been blaming on the wrong person!!' Wukong thought clenching his fist in his lap tightly

'Then...back then, in the city...Macaque was there all this time and...I didn't notice that he was he was under my nose'  Wukong thought in realization, he quickly calmed down saving his anger and hate for the real culprit "how did you manage to escape?" Wukong asked looking at the tanned simian "I-I snuck out of the palace and city, and I just ran, I didn't know where I was going but I just kept running until...I found you" Macaque said looking at the copper simian "what happened, why are you" Macaque asked reaching to touch the circlet but Wukong stops him by gently grabbing his hand "I-It's fine, it's nothing, I'm on a journey to help my master to retrieve some scrolls" Wukong said looking towards the monk Macaque following his gaze "see the human wearing the monk robes that's my master, Tripitaka or Tang Sangzang" Wukong said pointing at the monk "the dragon boy is Ao Lie, the water spirit is Sha Wujing, and the pig demon is Zhu Bajie, don’t worry there on this journey as well and they are friendly along with the monk" Wukong said looking back at the tanned simian

Macaque was about to say something when his stomach growls making him blush "let me get you something to eat" Wukong said grabbing the carrier that hold the food and began to dig in it, as he rummage through the bag he noticed that it was lighter than usual "huh?" Wukong said looking at the  box more even holding it upside down to empty it out only for an apple core to fall out "empty, but there was enough food for--" Wukong stopped mid-sentence when he remembered that a certain pig demon was the last one with the food carrier "Piglet!" Wukong said making the Celestial swine jolt at the nickname "why is the carrier that held the food that was suppose to last us for three months empty?" Wukong asked smiling his eyes shadowing over

Zhu Bajie quivers in fear as he stares at the copper simian "I-I-I w-well...I-I" Zhu Bajie stuttered trying to come up with an excuse "well, I'm listening" Wukong said an angry mark on his head "I-I-I may have....kind of....accidentally...ate it...all" Zhu Bajie said hiding behind the monk. Wukong was about to pull out his staff and beat the Celestial swine like a pinata but he takes a deep breath and calms down "you're lucky that master is teaching me to be patient and meditation, otherwise I would beat you to a pulp and send you flying to the moon!!" Wukong shouted making Zhu Bajie yelp in fear "now I'm going to go get more food, Do. Not. Wonder off. Or. Leave. This. Area. Understand" Wukong said looking at the others especially Zhu Bajie, they all nodded their heads. Wukong then knelt down to Macaque "I'll be gone for a little while and I'll be back, I promise" Wukong said kissing Macaques forehead, Macaque blushes and nods his head, Wukong looks back at the group one more time before hopping onto his cloud, grabbing the wooden food carrier with his tail, and flies off

When the copper simian was out of sight Macaque looks at the others who looks over at him, the tanned simian feeling nervous shys away from the fours gaze. His ears twitched as he heard footsteps approaching towards him followed by a yelp and a thump, he looks over to see Ao Lie in front of him face plant into the ground "owie" Ao Lie said rubbing his sore head "are you alright?" Macaque asked shifting a bit to sit up a little bit more "yes, I'm fine, it always happen a lot" Ao Lie said sitting up with a small chuckle "I'm Ao Lie" the dragon boy said smiling

"And I'm guessing you're Macaque right?" Ao Lie said tilting his head "yes, I am" Macaque said looking at the dragon boy "wow, big brother was right, you really are beautiful" Ao Lie said smiling, Macaque blushes at that "r-really, e-even if I' this" Macaque said looking at his blackened fur "yes, so beautiful" Ao Lie said still smiling, Macaque smiles back feeling better. Then he heard more footsteps approaching and see Tripitaka, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing walking over to the two

"Hello" Tripitaka said with a gentle smile "h-hi, you must be Tang Sangzang, right?" Macaque asked looking at monk "yes, though you may call me Tripitaka if you like" Tripitaka said sitting down next to the dragon boy "a-a-are you really friendly as Wukong says?" Macaque asked looking at them nervously "yes, I am ,I made a vow to never harm another soul, and I have no strength to do so" Tripitaka said with a gentle smile, Macaque looks at the monk feeling less tense and nervous, he then looks at Sha Wujing and Zhu Bajie "and you two must be Sha Wujing and Zhu Bajie" Macaque said

"Yes that's us, it's really nice to meet you Macaque" Sha Wujing said with a smile, Macaque slowly smiles back and they four began talking getting to know one another

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