Chapter 19

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 days later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Wukong, Wukong, Wukong where are you?" Azure Lion called out as he searches through the jungle, he, Peng, Yellow Tusk Elephant, and Demon Bull King came for a meeting only to discover that Wukong wasn't at the stone palace and they began searching for the copper simian. As he was about to call out Wukong's name he felt something land on his nose "huh?" He said picking up the thing off his nose and inspect it, it was a white and pink Lilium pedal, he stares at the pedal in confusion when another one fell from above him

He looks up and saw a familiar copper tail gently swaying from the trees "Wukong, Wukong!" Azure Lion called out but Wukong didn't listen as he was staring at the Lilium flower in his hand which had three pedals remaining with a smile on his face "he loves me" Wukong said plucking a pedal before letting it go "Hm, he loves me not" Wukong said plucking a pedal and looks at it disheartened before dropping it "he loves me!" Wukong said plucking the last pedal with joy "Hahaha, I knew it!" Wukong said smiling as he hugs the pedal leaning against the tree he was in

"Wukong!!" Azure shouted making the copper simian look down to see one of his brothers there "oh hey Azure, whatcha doing here?" Wukong said hanging on the branch by his tail "we've been looking for you, have you forgotten about the meeting today?" Azure called out, Wukong raised an eyebrow before his eyes widened in realization "the meeting was today, I completely forgot!" Wukong said jumping down next to Azure Lion "let's go, DBK's probably fuming right now" Wukong said running back to the mountain "Wukong!" Azure called out as he runs after the copper simian

Later on the five were in the dining hall discussing about their next plan in taking down the Jade Emperor, however Wukong wasn't listening or paying attention for that matter as he stares at the lilium flower he brought with him staring at the soft pink spotted petals and quietly humming to himself, not even noticing when Demon Bull King asked him something. He was snapped back to reality by a loud bang "WUKONG!!!" Demon Bull King shouted banging his fist on the table "h-huh what?" Wukong said looking around in confusion "we're you even listening to what we were just discussing?" Demon Bull King asked staring at the copper simian with a stern look "oh uhh sorry Demon Bull King I wasn't, what were we discussing about?" Wukong asked

"We are discussing about fighting heaven and overthrowing the Jade Emperor and you haven't paid any attention about what we just discussing, and instead you're focusing on a flower!!!" Demon Bull King shouted. However Wukong's attention was back onto the flower, angering the bull demon even more "WUKONG PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!" Demon Bull King shouted, his voice echoing across the room "sorry sorry, I was just thinking about stuff" Wukong said tucking the flower behind his ear "I've got to help out the monkey's with something, you guys can continue without me" Wukong said standing up from his seat and walking out of the dinning hall his tail gently swaying behind him

"He's got it bad" Peng said resting his head on his hand "huh, what does he got?" Yellow Tusk Elephant asked raising an eyebrow "isn't it obvious brother, Wukong is in love" Peng said with a smirk, Yellow Tusk Elephant stared at the eagle demon and back to where Wukong was " love, I thought I'd never see the day that happens" Yellow Tusk Elephant said, Demon Bull King was also surprised by this "well I guess it's just you, me, and Azure are the only bachelor's left, right Azure?" Peng said turning to where the lion demon was sitting. Azure didn't answer, instead he got up from his seat and head to where Wukong was heading leaving the rest of them confused


In the jungle Wukong was helping his troops when a large shadow was over him, he turns around to see Azure Lion standing over him "oh hey Azure, you come to help me out?" Wukong asked smiling "actually, there is something I want to discuss with you about" Azure Lion said, Wukong tilts his head "talk about what?" Wukong asked raising an eyebrow "it's about you and the prince" Azure said, Wukong was even more confused "what about me and Macaque?" Wukong said very confused "it's just....I feel like he is making you soft and making you forget our goal" Azure Lion said. Wukongs eyes widened at what the lion demon said "what? What you think....Macaque is making me forget about the plan, the plan we've spent planning and continue planning for a year!" Wukong said feeling a bit angry

"Wukong, I'm just worried that the prince is making you soft and--" but Azure was cut off "Soft! You think my love for Macaque is making me soft, he's not, if anything he's worried that the plan will go south and something bad will happen!" Wukong said, Azure Lions eyes widened "you told him about our goal?" Azure Lion said in shock "yeah I told him so what, it's not a secret that we're trying to keep" Wukong said crossing his arms "but you can't tell him about the plan" Azure Lion said trying to calm himself "he is my friend, he had every right to know, he's not a distraction, he's just worried that something will go wrong that's all!" Wukong said his tail lashing behind him in anger "Brother I understand, but I am just worried about you that's all" Azure said wanting to calm the copper simian down "Then don't be, I haven't forgotten about our goal and Macaque is NOT making me soft" Wukong said before stomping off leaving the lion demon standing there

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