Chapter 30

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Two hours had passed and Wukong returned with the food carrier filled with food also carrying something wrapped in cloth "I'm back, and I got the food" Wukong said placing the carrier down, he looks over to the tree to see his master and brothers talking to Macaque "I see you guys are getting along really well" Wukong said smiling, the pilgrims and Macaque look up at the copper simian "oh big brother, we didn't notice that you came back" Sha Wujing said with a smile "eh it's fine, besides I got us food and also a special treat" Wukong said Zhu Bajie perked up at that "a treat, what kind, is it food?" Zhu Bajie asked looking at the copper simian "yep, but not just any kind of food" Wukong said unwrapping the cloth to reveal two loafs of milk bread

Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, and Ao Lie's eyes sparkled at the delicious bread "milk bread!" Zhu Bajie snatching a loaf and was about to eat it if Wukong didn't snatch the loaf away from the Celestial swine "ah-ah, this is for ALL of us to share, NOT just for you, you glutton" Wukong said glaring at the pig demon, Zhu Bajie whines but didn't complain. Wukong then began splitting the first loaf into three giving the three pieces to Ao Lie, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing. Wukong then split the second loaf and gave it to the monk, he then looks at the big piece then to Macaque "here, you'll need all of it" Wukong said handing the loaf to the tanned simian "b-but what about you?" Macaque asked looking at the copper simian "I'll be fine, there was actually three loafs of bread before I came back" Wukong said whispering the last part

Macaque looks at the loaf and takes it taking a bite of the milk bread and humming in delight of the yummy bread "hey how come he gets the biggest piece?" Zhu Bajie said slightly envious "because he is practically skin and bones and needs to get his strength back, you are the exact opposite so don't even think about complaining" Wukong said slightly glaring at the pig demon, Zhu Bajie grumbles and continued to eat the piece of bread "it's delicious, where did you get the milk bread Monkey?" Tripitaka asked eating another bite of the bread "well an old lady gave them to me, as a thank you for saving her from thieves" Wukong said smiling

"You didn't kill them, did you?" Tripitaka asked looking at the copper simian "no no no, though one of them accidentally fell and hit his head on a rock, but he's alive...I think" Wukong said smiling a sweatdrop on his forehead looking away from the monk, Tripitaka stared at him with a raised eyebrow for a few moments before leaving it alone. Wukong let out a small sigh of relief before looking back at Macaque who was still eating the big loaf of milk bread, he picks up a gourd filled with water and opens the top "here, you must be parsh" Wukong said giving the tanned simian the gourd, Macaque takes it and drinks the cool refreshing water

He takes a few more gulps and let out a sigh of relief "thank you" Macaque said smiling before going back to eating the milk bread. When Macaque finished he drinks some water again letting out a small sigh of relief having to fill his empty stomach, the tanned simian began to feel tired and falls asleep leaning against Wukong. Hours passed and when Macaque woke up it was late evening and a campfire was burning in front of him along with the smell of food

He shifts and slowly sat up rubbing the eyes "oh, your awake" Wukong said helping the tanned simian into a sitting position "yeah, how long was I asleep?" Macaque asked looking at the evening sky "all day, you were really exhausted" Wukong said grabbing a bowl filled with noodles and a pair of chopsticks "here, it's food" Wukong said, Macaque takes the bowl and sniff it smelling a delicious smell of herbs from it, he picks up some noodles with the chop and takes a bite, humming in delight at the meal "it's so good" Macaque said taking another bite of the noodles "yeah, Bajie made them, he's pretty good with cooking despite that he has terrible table manners" Wukong said smiling "hey! You're the one to talk!" Zhu Bajie said his mouth stuffed and some broth on his face "I have no idea what you're talking about" Wukong said with a cheeky smile "yes you do! When we first met you were scarfing down the noodles along with Ao Lie!" Zhu Bajie said

"I was not, and don't you drag our little brother into this, he's innocent in this" Wukong said as Ao Lie chuckles playing innocent "don't be acting innocent you're just as bad as he is!" Zhu Bajie said as Sha Wujing, Macaque, Ao Lie, and Wukong began laughing while Tripitaka continues to eat smiling as he watches his disciples playfully bicker. They continue on talking playfully bickering, sharing stories, and sharing laughs by nightfall, Macaque and Tripitaka were the first to fall asleep as Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, and Ao Lie to clean up

Wukong looks at Macaque sleeping and to Tripitaka consciously touching the circlet on his head "Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, Ao Lie, I want you three to do something for me" Wukong said making the three look up at the copper simian "what is it big brother?" Ao Lie asked tilting his head "...when master is about to use the tightening spell, make sure you take Macaque somewhere far when it happens" Wukong said, Zhu Bajie Sha Wujing, and Ao Lie's eyes widened in shock at what the copper simian said "please....I-I don't want him to see me like that" Wukong said looking down clutching his arm. The three looked at each other then back to Wukong "alright, we will" Sha Wujing said, Wukong smiled at his brothers "thanks" Wukong said smiling as they prepared to sleep


Somewhere else, big shadowed demons appeared in the area the pilgrims were in before their eyes glowing red as they sniff the area one found the broken remains of the bear trap while the other discovered the bloody leaf and cloth and gave them to the leader who sniff them "report this to The Cursed Immortal, now!" The leader said, the other demon nodded and left going to report the findings they found

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