Chapter 11

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~~~~~~weeks later~~~~~~~

Macaque exhales as he meditates along with Wukong beside him, both breathing in and out as they meditate. As Macaque was in deep meditation his ears started to glow as he started to hear things from very far away, from the chattering people, to the rustling leaves, to the ocean gently crashing into the sandy beaches, he was so deep into meditation that he didn't notice two trouble makers quietly sneak behind him and bang on the gongs loudly "AHHH!!!" Macaque shouted startled by the loud sudden noise breaking his meditation "AHAHAHAHA!!!!" Mingli and Ling laughed holding their stomachs "LING, MINGLI!!!" Macaque shouted glaring at the twins

"Sorry Dàgē, it was an opportunity that was too good to pass" Mingli said laughing as he and his twin brother quickly dodges the pillow thrown at them and runs off still laughing "those little demons!" Macaque growls out gently rubbing his sore ears "aren't they mischievous" Wukong said chuckling "they are absolutely annoying!" Macaque said letting out a groan, then Wukong comes up with an idea "what do you say we get them back" Wukong said with a mischievous smirk, Macaque ears perked up at that "what do you have in mind?" Macaque asked, Wukong chuckled and began whispering his plan to the prince


Mingli and Ling laughed as they ran down the hallway until they bump into someone "and just where are you two running off to?" A familiar voice said making the twins look up to see the Emperor and Empress standing there "nowhere mother, father" Mingli and Ling said hiding the gongs behind their backs smiling, the Emperor and Empress raised an eyebrow "have you been teasing your brother again?" The Emperor said, the twins looked at each other and back to their father "no father" Mingli and Ling said a sweatdrop on their heads

"Well in that case we need you two for something very important" the Emperor said placing his hands on his son's shoulders and leading them off somewhere the two not noticing two tails slinking back into the robes


"Are you sure this is what a true king should do?" Mingli asked as he walks on a tightrope over a muddy pond in his underwear while Ling was balancing a large vase filled with water on his head also in his underwear while standing on a single bamboo over the muddy pond "of course it is, a true king must learn humility, balance, and focus" the Emperor said watching from the sideline. Sweats drip down Mingli face as he walks down the tightrope his arms wave around as he tries to keep his balance

The Emperor blows a small puff of air at the twin and Mingli started to wobble more "whoa, whoa, whoa--AHHH!!" Mingli said falling off the tightrope and into the mud bringing Ling down with him. The twins sat up covered in head to toe with mud while the 'Emperor' and 'Empress' laughed causing a puff of gold and purple smoke to appear, when the smoke cleared standing there were Macaque and Wukong laughing

"DÀGĒ!!!" Mingli and Ling shouted in shock "sorry Dìdi, it was an opportunity that was too good to pass" Macaque said laughing along with Wukong as Mingli and Ling glares at them "what is going on here" The Empress said walking into the scene. The Empress looks over and spotted the twins in the mud "Ling, Mingli what have I told you about playing in the mud!" The Empress said

"But mother--" Mingli tried to say but the Empress raised her hand silencing the boy "not a word, go and wash up, now" the Empress said in a serious tone, the twins got up from the pond and walks back into the palace. When the two were inside the Empress then turn to the two simians "and what were you two doing out here?" The Empress asked raising an eyebrow "nothing, we were just about to grab something to eat after finishing up with training when we saw the twins playing in the mud" Wukong said as Macaque nods his head in agreement

The Empress humms for a moment "very well, remember to wash up before you two eat" the Empress said and walks back into the palace, when the Empress was gone the two began snickering "I can't believe we got away with it" Macaque said smiling "I told you we would" Wukong said playfully punching Macaques shoulder as the two laughed

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