Chapter 9

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~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~

Macaque woke up as the sun's rays entered his room, he sits up stretching with a yawn, as he gets rid of the bedhead from his hair he remembered what happened yesterday "oh my gods!" He said and quickly hops out of bed nearly tripping on his tail, he quickly changed out of his night clothes and puts on a black and purple sleeveless wushu uniform. As he was tying wraps around his hands his door knock "yes" Macaque called out "breakfast, your majesty" a servant said through the door, he opened the door to see the servant holding out a tray filled with baozi, congee, and a cup of milk "thank you" Macaque said taking the tray from the servant with a small bow and going back to his room closing the door behind him

Later after finishing his breakfast he exit his bedroom and heads to the training yard tying his hair into a ponytail, when he reaches the training yard he looks around to see the training equipment out and ready "bout time you got here" a voice said making Macaque look up to see Wukong standing on his cloud above him smiling "am I late?" Macaque asked as Wukong flies down "nah, you're on time actually" Wukong said hopping down from his cloud "so you ready to start your first day of training?" Wukong said crossing his arms behind his back "yes" Macaque said straightening up  "good...let's start with a classic mabu stance" Wukong said, Macaque nodded and went into the stance

"Now this stance will not only strengthen your leg muscles but also improve your balance when it comes to riding a horse, better balance, you'll be faster on your feet, strengthens the transverses abdominus muscle, stronger more relaxed back, and develop Yang energy" Wukong said getting into the stance as well "now as you inhale you pull your arm back slowly and when you exhale, you strike fast and hard" Wukong said pulling his right arm back and punches, Macaque followed suit. They continued doing so while the Emperor and Empress watches "alright, I think that's enough of that" Wukong said getting out of the stance and walking up towards the weapon rack "now time for the fun part" Wukong said grabbing a wooden staff and tossing it towards the prince who easily caught it

Macaque looked at the wooden staff then back up to the copper simian "we're going to a simple staff sparring, it's going to start off slow so you can get the hang of it, then we'll pick up the pace, is that okay?" Wukong said, Macaque looked down at the staff "yes" Macaque said, Wukong smiled and summoned his staff getting into a stance, Macaque followed suit and they began sparring, going slow and steady. Soon as Macaque got the hang of it they started to go faster, sweat drips down Macaques face as he blocks another blow from Wukong's staff, he pushes the  staff off and swung the wooden staff at the copper simian who dodges it, Wukong sweeps kicks Macaque knocking the prince off his feet and pointed his staff at the tanned simian "not bad Mac, you're really good when it comes using the staff" Wukong said smiling "thanks" Macaque said, Wukong offered his hand to the prince who took it and helps Macaque up

"Best two out of three?" Wukong said, Macaque nodded and they started sparring again, as they sparred Kai watches from behind a pillar, his eyes glaring at the copper simian, Macaque swung the staff at Wukong who blocks it with his staff, he sweep kicks Macaque again but the prince jumps up from the kick in time, then his eyes started to glow purple and the wooden staff started to turn dark purple with spikes at the end as he swung it back down to Wukong who blocks it causing a blast of wind to form from it "whoa" Wukong said staring at the new staff, Macaque gasped as he stares at the staff that was once wooden

"Would you look at that, your very own weapon" Wukong said as he placed his staff away, Macaque stared at his new staff as is dispels into nothing in from of him "wow" Macaque said in awe "looks like you can create your own weapon" Wukong said, Macaque stared at his hands where the staff was "It was like, I made it from my own shadow" Macaque said, then Wukong placed his arm around the prince "hmm shadow staff...I like it, I bet your old teachers didn't make it this far in your training" Wukong said smiling at the prince, Macaque looks like the copper simian and smiled "yeah, they didn't" Macaque said and the two chuckled, the Emperor and Empress smiled while Kai growls under his breath


By nightfall Macaque sits in the bathtub filled with hot water, rose petals, and lavender sighing as his muscles relaxed from a hard day of training, he lifted his hand from the water and stares at his palm where the shadow staff was, after the bath Macaque dressed in his night clothes and went to bed staring up at the moon before fall asleep

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