Chapter 1

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~~~~~~~ninteen years later~~~~~~

Macaque, now all grown up, wearing a light purple and white hanfu, sat under a tree reading a book enjoying the cool spring air when his ears twitched, he looks up and saw nothing, he was confused when he heard the noise again "Hello, is anyone here?" Macaque called out looking around the garden "Ling, Mingli if you two are trying to scare me again, it's not working" Macaque said thinking that this was one of his younger siblings tricks, but then he yelps in fright when a figure with long black hair, brown eyes, wearing the palace gaurd uniform drops down in front of him upside down "Boo" the figure said with a smirk "Kai!" Macaque said smiling as his guard/friend drops down to the ground "I told you to stop doing that" the tanned simian said hitting him with his book "I'm sorry, but it's so funny that I'm the only one that can scare you" Kai said laughing, Macaque humphs and looks away crossing his arms with a pout

"But anyway, I came here to get you, your brother Bolin has returned" Kai said, Macaque gasped "my gods, I completely forgot he was coming back today from traveling over sea!" Macaque said standing up and running to the palace, Kai watched Macaque leaving and reached out to him but stops himself 'one day, I will tell you how much I love you' Kai thought looking at his hand with a blush. Macaque runs into the palace his ears twitching as he follows the sound of his older brother and father talking in the study room, when he reaches it he saw his father and older brother there "Bolin!" Macaque said running into the room and hugging his older brother "Mihou" Bolin said hugging his younger brother back "it's so good to see you again" Macaque said

"You too Dìdì" Bolin said happily, soon the two broke the hug "how was your trip?" Macaque asked smiling "it was long but amazing, I've met wonderful spirits and even made an alliance with other kingdom" Bolin said smiling, the emperor smiled "well done son" The Emperor said placing a hand on his son's shoulder "I wish I could travel and see the world" Macaque said, the emperor chuckled "maybe one day my son, come the servants have prepared lunch for us" the emperor said and walks out the study room "Pst, Dìdì" Bolin said making the tanned simian turned to his older brother, Bolin smiled and pulls out a rolled up map from his sleeve and handed it to Macaque "I received this yesterday, I'm sure you'll like it" Bolin said, Macaque smiled and takes the map "thank you" Macaque said tucking the scroll in his jacket and the two head off to where their father was


After Lunch, Macaque went to his room and placed the map on his desk "let's see what new lands are there" Macaque said unrolling the map, his eyes sparkled at the drawing of the lands and cities, he then spotted an island that had no name "huh, a mysterious island" Macaque said looking at the island, then an idea came to him "maybe I can explore it" Macaque said rolling up the map and heads to his parents


"You wish to explore this mysterious island?" The Emperor said looking over at the map "yes father, something about the island feels special and I wish to explore it" Macaque said smiling, the emperor look at the map studying it "it's about three days from here....very well, you may go" the emperor said making Macaque perk up "as long as your gaurd is with you" the emperor said smiling "thank you father" Macaque said bowing to his parents and left to his room. When he reached his room he cheers and chirps excitingly "Mihou, are you alright?" Kai asked from behind the door "yes, I'm just perfect" Macaque said smiling excited for his great adventure


The Next day, Macaque packed everything he needed for the trip as he looks over at the ship that would take him to the island "be safe out there my snowflake" the empress said hugging her son "I will mother" Macaque said hugging his mother back "make sure you bring us something back from your travel" Changchang said hugging her older brother "bring us back something fun to play with" Ling said smiling "Yeah, like a new pet!" Mingli said smiling too "don't you two have enough pets back in the palace?" Jie said looking at her younger twin brothers her arms crossed, Macaque chuckled "don't worry, I'll bring you all something from the island" Macaque said smiling at his siblings "please come back soon Dàgē" Lin said hugging her older brother "I promise Lin" Macaque said hugging his youngest sister

"Prince, we're ready to depart" Kai said, Macaque nodded, hugged his family one more time and walks onto the ship, later on the ship set sails and Macaque smiled brightly his heart pounding as his new adventure awaits

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