Chapter 23

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wukong stares up at the falling snow with Macaque laying on his chest, their tails entwined together as they enjoyed the peaceful winter from inside of the palace "isn't this peaceful, the two of us snuggled together watching the snowfall" Wukong said smiling softly "yes, it's perfect" Macaque said smiling before letting out a sigh "Macaque, is there something wrong?" Wukong asked looking down at the prince "nothings wrong just....imagining what the future will be like that's all" Macaque said looking at Wukong "really, didn't you once said that you could hear the future?" Wukong asked looking down at Macaque "I do, but it’s short and rarely happens" Macaque said

"Well what did you heard?" Wukong asked looking down at the prince "I heard cheers, laughter, music playing, all sound so lively and happy" Macaque said smiling, Wukong smiled as well "you know I like that, maybe it's near when me and my brothers defeat the Jade Emperor and rule heaven the way it should be ruled" Wukong said smiling proudly imagining that future. Macaque frowns at the mention of Wukong and his brothers fighting heaven "when do you go to battle?" Macaque asked looking down "in mid spring" Wukong said his smile faltering a little "do you really have to go through with this, I just...I can sense something in the wind feels like tragedies ahead" Macaque said with worry laced in his voice

Wukong heard the worry in Macaques voice and hugs him closer "hey, it's going to be okay, nothing will go wrong" Wukong said gently petting Macaques hair, the tanned simian still didn't felt at ease "you know I haven't forgotten the promise I made to you, if anything does become too much for me and my brothers we'll leave the fight" Wukong said, Macaque remembers the promise Wukong made for him when the copper simian first told him "you promise that you will leave the fight if it's too much?" Macaque asked staring at him "I swear on my life" Wukong said

"Please don't, I don't care if you are Immortal just please don't swear on your life" Macaque said burying his face in Wukong's chest, Wukong hugs the prince a bit tighter "alright, then....I'll swear on my favorite napping tree, and you don't need to worry about that, I've got hundreds of more napping trees" Wukong said smiling and Macaque couldn't help but let out a small laugh "Wukong I'm serious" Macaque said with a smile "I am too, I wouldn't miss my favorite napping tree one bit" Wukong said making the prince laugh some more with Wukong joining along

Soon they both calmed down "feeling better?" Wukong asked looking down at the tanned simian "yes, thank you" Macaque said smiling "good, I don't like it when my Mangoes is sad" Wukong said smiling "Mangoes?" Macaque asked tilting his head raising an eyebrow "yeah because, you like Mangoes and when you blush it reminds me of the red part of a ripe Mango" Wukong said rubbing the back of his head "if you don't like it then I'll-" but Macaque cut him off "no no, I like it, it's sweet" Macaque said smiling. Wukong blushes "I'm glad you like it" Wukong said smiling

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