Chapter 15

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~~~~~~~~~~~~2 weeks later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Macaque swung his staff down a Wukong who blocks it with his staff, they clash their staff a few more times before jumping away, Macaque falls into a shadow portal under him and appears from behind Wukong and sweeps him off his feet with his tail, Wukong quickly placed his hand on the ground pushing him off the ground and jumps 4 feet away from the prince. Wukong smirks at Macaques progress and charges forward when a shadow clone came at him, hitting Wukong, the copper simian falls back just as more shadow clones piled on top of Wukong as Macaque points his staff at him "how was that?" Macaque asked as the shadow clones got off of Wukong dispelling

"Better, way, way better, your getting the hang with this really well!" Wukong said getting up "really?" Macaque asked his ears perking up "yeah, you're almost getting as good as me!" Wukong said smiling, Macaque tail wags happily as a small blush forms on his face "thank you" Macaque said smiling, Wukong's face turned bright red and chuckled "n-no problem" Wukong said scratching the back of his head "well I better get ready, the neighboring Emperor is visiting us to discuss with some plans" Macaque said his staff dispelling "yeah alright, you go on do your princy duties" Wukong said smiling with a wink, Macaque chuckled and left. When the tanned simian was gone Wukong groans and face palms "Ugh! Why did I thought that was a cool thing to say, stupid!" Wukong said face palming again, Kai who was leaning against a pillar scoffs

"You're just a phase, you know that right" Kai asked glancing at the copper simian, Wukong let out a sigh "no, I actually don't know that Kai" Wukong said turning towards the guard "well of course you don't, you don't know anything about Macaque" Kai said turning away from Wukong "I know that he's super amazing thanks to me" Wukong said pointing at himself. Kai rolled his eyes and walked up to Wukong "listen Sun Wukong, Macaque might find you interesting, but that's only because you're a monkey demon like him nothing more, you're a novelty, at best" Kai said pointing at Wukong "what makes you so sure?" Wukong asked slightly glaring at the guard "oh, it's very simple I've known Macaque for 6 years, I've learned all of his favorite things and his dislikes, you on the other hand only known him for 5 months and you still know nothing" Kai said smirking before walking away

"Well, maybe I could learn about him" Wukong said making Kai stop "what?" The guard said glancing at the copper simian "I could get to know him better, maybe even better than you do" Wukong said, Kai scoffed "I like to see you try simian" Kai said before walking away. Wukong felt his blood boil and slams his fist into the ground 'Dammit he's right, Macaque and I have been friends for 5 months and I still don't know anything about him!' Wukong thought gritting his teeth "wow, that's some argument" a female voice said making Wukong turn to see Changchang, Bolin, Meihui, Liang and Dingbang standing there "that might probably be the first time you two ever spoken to each other" Dingbang said smirking

Then Wukong's eyes widened in realization "wait, you guys are Macaques siblings right?" Wukong asked quickly going towards the siblings "uuhh, of course we are?" Bolin said confused "so that means you know a lot about him" Wukong said smiling "what are you getting at?" Changchang said raising an eyebrow "can you all please tell me everything about Macaque, all his likes and dislikes, please" Wukong said. The siblings looked at each other before looking back at the copper simian " you like Macaque?" Meihui asked looking at the copper simian "n-no! Yes! Maybe...I don't know, I just want to get to know him more" Wukong said a blush on his face scratching the back of his head. The siblings looked at the copper simian then huddled together, whispering to each other before looking back at the copper simian "what's in it for us?" Liang asked crossing his arms, Wukong thought for a moment "I'll let you and your siblings ride on my nimbus" Wukong said, the siblings looked at each other and back to the copper simian

"Alright, we'll help you" Changchang said, Wukong smiled "thank you!" Wukong said smiling, the siblings smiled back "alright! To get to know our brother, you need to do exactly what we say, alright!" Liang said pointing at the copper simian, Wukong nodded "number one, he likes the color purple, specifically lavender, plum, or normal purple" Dingbang said, Wukong nodded "number two he hates durian fruit, smell taste and all, the sight alone makes Mihou gag" Dingbang said crossing his arms "got it no durian" Wukong said nodding listening as the siblings listed down the things Macaque like and dislike "and last but not least, the most important thing about Mihou, he doesn't like loud noise, especially thunderstorms" Bolin said, Changchang, Liang, Meihui, and Dingbang all nodded "why thunderstorms?" Wukong asked raising an eyebrow "because they are really loud, and they hurt his ears really badly" Changchang said looking at the copper simian "so bad, that Mihou ears would bleed and cause him to stay in bed for days" Dingbang said

Wukongs eyes widened at what he heard "they do?" Wukong said, the siblings all nodded their heads. Wukong looks down in deep thought 'When a thunderstorm comes he'll be in pain, and no one can help him' he thought staring at the ground, he then looks back up to the siblings "alright, I might be able to help him with that" Wukong said looking determined. Later Macaque was walking down the hallway when he heard rumbling, he looks up and saw the sky was covered in grey clouds and the sound of rumbling was heard again 'It's going to rain, and a thunderstorm' Macaque thought his ears drooping wincing at the sound of faint thunder "Macaque!" A familiar voice said making the tanned simian turn to see Wukong running up to him

"Your back, how was the meeting?" Wukong asked coming to a stop next to the prince "they went well, pretty boring if you ask me" Macaque said smiling, Wukong chuckled "yeah I bet" Wukong said smiling "so where you heading now?" Wukong said crossing his arms behind his back "just to my room to rest up a--AUGH!!!!" Macaque cried out in pain as the loud sound of thunder filled the sky, he clutched his ears as he collapse but Wukong quickly caught him "Mac, are you alright?!" Wukong said in panic "I-I..I'm fine just a little--" but the sound of thunder filled his ears causing him to scream in pain. Wukong looks up and saw the rain and comes with an idea "hold still Mac, this will help you" Wukong said his hands glowing as he placed them over Macaques ears

The loud sound of thunder slowly faded away as well as the ringing in his ears, Macaque opened his eyes and looked around as the sound of thunder sounded fainter "wha...what happened?" Macaque asked touching his ears "it's a damper spell, dampens any loud noise for anyone with sensitive hearing" Wukong said helping Macaque stand up "damper" Macaque said staring at the rain "yeah, you're siblings told me about you hating thunderstorm and really loud things" Wukong said rubbing the back of his head "they...told you" Macaque said looking at the copper simian "yeah...I couldn't just let you suffer, when you're clearly hurting so I--" Wukong was cut off when Macaque hugs him tightly "thank you" Macaque said hugging the copper simian, Wukong blushed and hugged back "You're welcome" Wukong said smiling

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