Chapter 5

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"Come on, if you think the outside is beautiful, wait until you see the inside," Wukong said taking Macaques hand and leading him inside the stone palace with the mountain monkey's following behind him, Wukong opened the doors and lead Macaque in, inside was beautiful the walls were white along with the pillars, the floor was light green marble with red carpets, tapestries hung on every wall and there was a red and gold throne in the center of the room "wooow," Macaque said in awe

Wukong then proceeds to show the prince around the palace showing the prince every room in the palace "so what do you think?" Wukong asked as they finished the tour "this is amazing, it's almost as big as my palace" Macaque said smiling at the copper simian "I'm glad you like it" Wukong said, then Macaques stomach growls making the tanned simian blush, Wukong chuckled "come on let's grab some lunch" Wukong said leading Macaque to the dining room to get something to eat

As they entered the dining room there were bowls and plates filled with all kinds of fruit and gourds filled with wine along with cups filled with tea "I'm guessing that you're not a wine person are you?" Wukong asked pulling a seat for Macaque "no, I've never drink in my whole life" Macaque said taking his seat "that's alright, we also serve tea too" Wukong said taking his seat at the table and began eating "so did you enjoy the tour?" Wukong said eating a pear "it was wonderful, your island is amazing, and so is your home, how you managed to build a beautiful place like this?" Macaque asked looking around the palace "actually it was already like this when I found it" Wukong said finishing his pear "found it?" Macaque asked raising an eyebrow "yeah it's a pretty long story" Wukong said and began to tell the story of how he found the place "and how I found this place, along with the title the handsome Monkey King" Wukong said smiling

"That's amazing, we're you scared?" Macaque asked looking up at the copper simian "nah, I wasn't scared one bit" Wukong said with a smirk. Then a monkey runs up to them and chirps and hoots at the copper simian "really, it's nearly time!" Wukong said, the monkey chirps and ran out of the palace with the others following behind "what's going on?" Macaque asked looking around in confusion "nothings wrong, it's sorta a tradition for us, you're gonna love it" Wukong said leading the prince out of the palace and towards another entrance of the cave

They walked up the mountain until they reached the top where the other mountain monkey's were and Macaque gasped at what he saw, in front of him was the most beautiful sunset he has ever seen, the sky colored with purple, red, and orange as the sun slowly sinks into the mountains "what did I tell you, there's a whole world at your feet and who gets to see it, but the birds, the gods, and the monkey's here" Wukong said smiling at the sunset "it's beautiful" Macaque said staring at the sunset, Wukong turns to the prince and smiles admiring how beautiful the prince looked in the sunset 'Wait did I just thought he was beautiful?!' Wukong thought in realization, he quickly looks away his face beet red

Macaque looks back at Wukong "are you alright Wukong?" Macaque asked looking at the copper simian "y-yes, j-just drank a little too much that's all" Wukong said still looking away as he tries to control his blushing. Soon the sun disappeared and the sky began to grow dark "well it's over, I should probably return you to the camp" Wukong said scratching the back of his head as he summon his cloud "yes" Macaque said stepping onto the cloud with Wukong and they fly back to the beach. Soon Wukong came to a stop at the edge of the jungle and Wukong helped Macaque off the cloud "thank you again Wukong, I had a great time" Macaque said smiling "yeah well, I'm glad you liked it" Wukong said smiling scratching the back of his head, Macaque smiled and walks back to his tent while Wukong watched him before leaving

As Macaque entered his tent, he takes out the peach blossom from his hair and smiles at it a blush dusted across his face

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