Chapter 22

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After a few more moments they slowly pulled away staring into each other's eyes their faces a deep shade of red 'Wow' they both thought staring at each other, Soon Wukong was the first to break the eye contact as he looks at the sky seeing most of the lanterns disappearing "it's getting pretty late, want me to fly you home?" Wukong asked looking back at Macaque "yeah, I would like that" Macaque said, Wukong nodded and summoned his cloud help Macaque on the cloud of fly back to the palace

Soon they came to a stop at the palace doors, Wukong helps Macaque step down from his cloud "Thank you for this night Wukong, I had a really great time" Macaque said smiling at the copper simian "yeah, I'm glad you did, I had fun too" Wukong said smiling opening the gate for the prince, Macaque nodded holding the bouquet in his arms as he walks towards the gate, but he stops and turns around and kisses Wukong again, the copper simian was bright red as his tail began wagging. Macaque pulls away and walks inside the palace looking back at Wukong one more time "goodnight" Macaque said with a smile "g-g-goodnight" Wukong said stuttering, Macaque smiled and closes the gate leaving Wukong outside standing "YES!!!!" Wukong said falling back on his cloud and flies off back to his mountain cheering and whooping in joy


Macaque enters into his room humming happily and smiling, he unties the rope around the bouquet and placed it into a vase. As he was adjusting and fluffed the bouquet he heard knocking from his door "come in" Macaque said, the door opens and Ai, An, Bao, and Bo came in "hello" Ai said smiling, Macaque turned to see his four oldest sisters there "oh hello, did I wake you?" Macaque asked turning back to the flowers as he grabs a pitcher filled with water and pours it into the vase "no, you didn’t" Bao said smiling "so, how did yours and Wukong's date go?" Ai asked, Macaque smiled and turned to his sisters "it was wonderful, the games the dragon dancers, the fireworks, the lanterns, it was just so-"

"Amazing!" Wukong said smiling as he tells his time he had with Macaque at the festival to his monkey's "I played jianzi with the village kids, then me and Macaque watched the dragon dancer performance and it was incredible, and you should've seen how he beats his opponents in chess, defeated them all without batting an eye" Wukong said. The monkey's chirped and ooed as they listened "and after that we watched the fireworks, it was incredible and then we--"

"Watch the lanterns be released it was so beautiful, the sky was filled with so many lights" Macaque said while his sisters listened "and then what happened?" Bao asked, Macaque looked away blushing a little "come on tell us please" An said, Macaque face was red as he mumbled something "what was that?" Bo said, Macaque face turned even redder "we kissed" Macaque said louder. The four girls gasped and squealed loudly their eyes sparkling "I knew it!" An said as the other three sisters nodded "what was it like?" Bao asked looking at her younger brother "it was--"

"Magical, like I was really the ruler of heaven, I didn't want it to end" Wukong said laying back on the bed "that is a moment--"

"I'll treasure forever" Macaque said smiling as he finished wiping the makeup off, the four oldest sisters awed "we're so happy that you found your true love Dìdi" An said as the four sisters hugged him "and if he hurts you, we will turn him into a fur coat, Immortal or not" An said smiling her face shadowing over "thanks" Macaque said hugging his four oldest sisters, soon the five broke the hug "well, we're off to bed, goodnight Dìdi" Ai said as the other sisters said goodnight as well "goodnight" Macaque said as the four sisters left. Once he was alone he began changing out of the hanfu and into his nightgown, as he was braiding his hair he stares at the bouquet one more time smelling the beautiful aroma before heading to bed blowing out the lantern hanging beside his bed. He lays down on his bed staring at the full moon from his window "goodnight Wukong" Macaque said smiling as he fell asleep

On Flower Fruit Mountain, Wukong dress in his night clothes looks out his window staring at the full moon "goodnight Macaque" Wukong said smiling and falls asleep

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