Chapter 12

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~~~~~~the next day~~~~~~~~

Macaque sits at the steps of the training yard as he waits for Wukong 'Is he running late?' Macaque thought his tail gently thumping behind him, his ears twitched and he turns around to see his mother standing there "I see Sun Wukong is running late" the Empress said walking up to his son "he's usually on time for training, I'm worried" Macaque said looking up at the clouds "yes, but don't forget that he is not only your mentor, but also a king, and a king must attend to his subjects" The Empress said kneeling down next to her son

Macaque thought for a moment and looked up at his mother "yeah, you're right" Macaque said, the Empress smiled and stands back up "now since you don't have training why don't you get dressed, we have two very special guests coming to visit" the Empress said, Macaque stands up "yes mother" Macaque said and went to his room to get ready. Afterwards Macaque comes out of his room wearing a white and lavender hanfu with a lavender scarf around his arms, his hair in a bun held up with his favorite gold hair stick with a pink and white flower and a big purple gem at the top, he walks down the hallway leading to the throne room with Kai following behind and the servants opened the door

As they entered into the throne room Macaque saw his father and mother there talking with two people one was a woman in beautiful expensive robes,  a ribbon floating in her arms, wielding a large banana fan staff, and the other was a young adult with two buns held by a red ribbon while the rest of his hair was out, two red dots over his eyebrows, a golden band over his neck, wearing pink lotus colored armor shaped like lotus petals, gold wrist bands, a ribbon floating in his arms, standing on gold wheels, and wielding a spear both bearing very serious face. The Emperor turns around and saw his son "ah just in time" the Emperor said turning back to the two

"Princess, Prince, this is my 15th son Liu'er Mihou and his guard Kai" the Emperor said introducing Macaque and Kai "Mihou, this is Princess Iron Fan, and The Third Lotus Prince Nezha, they came all the way from the celestial realm to visit us" the Emperor said introducing the prince and Princess, Princess Iron Fan and Nezha turned their attention to them their cold gaze staring at them, Kai was unfazed and matched his gaze with theirs "it's a pleasure to meet you two, it's such an honor for two celestials to come all this way to the Kingdom of Peace, you may call me Macaque if you want, I hope we can be good friends" Macaque said giving the two celestials a gentle smile. The two were stunned by the tanned simians response a small blush on their face, with one thought on their minds

'I will protect him with my life'


"What's it like in the Celestial realm? I've read that it's very beautiful" Macaque asked as they entered the garden "and you are right, the realm is beautiful, especially in the spring" Iron Fan said as they walked over to bridge to the gazebo "is it really above the clouds or farther above?" Macaque asked, Iron Fan couldn't help but let out a laugh "it is very far, but we give off the illusion that it's above the clouds" Iron Fan said. Then they heard a twig snapping and Nezha quickly went in front of Princess Iron Fan "halt, who goes there!" Nezha said pointing his spear at the noise, there was a squeak and a little girl slowly poked her head out before hiding back behind the bush, Kai grabs the spear and pushed it away from the little girl "do not point your weapon at the princess!" Kai said glaring at the lotus prince who glares back

"Settle down you two" Princess Iron Fan said pushing the two away from each other, Macaque pushed the bush away and saw that it was Lin "Lin, what are you doing here?" Macaque asked as his youngest sister runs out and hugs his leg "wanted to see Dàgē" Lin said looking up at her older brother, Macaque chuckled and picks Lin up "who is this sweet thing?" Iron Fan asked looking at the little girl who hides her face in Macaques shoulder shyly "this is Lin, my little sister" Macaque said showing her his little sister. Lin peaks over and looks at the princess "hi" Lin said waving at the women "hello there little one" Princess Iron Fan said giving the little girl a gentle smile, Lin smiles back before looking over at Nezha "angry pink man" Lin said pointing at the lotus prince

Nezha let out a squak in shock as Iron Fan, Macaque, and Kai chuckled "n-no, no that Nezha" Macaque said chuckling, Lin looks back at Nezha and tilted her head "why does he look so angry?" Lin asked turning to Macaque "he's not angry, he is just keeping guard, like Kai does" Macaque said smiling at his little sister "oh" Lin said hugging her older brother, Nezha huffed and looked away puffing his cheeks as he pouts. They entered into the gazebo and took their seats in the chairs "is it true that you ripped out Ao Bings spine?" Lin asked the lotus prince "no actually, we became close friends after we fought, what you heard was not true, yet everyone think that I killed Ao Bing" Nezha said

"Oooh" Lin said, then a blurr of gold crashed into the water and Wukong pops out wet "sorry, I didn't mean to be so late but you will not believe what happened to me!!" Wukong said looking at Macaque, he then noticed Princess Iron Fan and Nezha there as well "who are you?" Wukong asked tilting his head "this is Princess Iron Fan and Nezha they're here visiting the Kingdom" Macaque said introducing them "so you must be the Monkey King everyone has been talking about?" Iron Fan said raising an eyebrow "so ya heard of me?" Wukong said smiling "well anyway, you will not believe what happened" Wukong said and began explaining what happened to him,  from getting kidnapped by two Yama, to getting carried off into the underworld, to complaining to the ten kings,  to erasing his name and the names of his monkey's in the book of death

"And that's what happened" Wukong said finishing his explanation "you erased your name from the book of death?!?!" Nezha exclaimed in shock and anger "hey! It's their fault for making the mistake, if anything I'M the victim over here!" Wukong said pointing at himself "that still does not excuse you for fighting the underworld and erasing your name from the book of death!" Nezha shouted, the two began arguing back and forth as Macaque, Kai, Lin, and Princess Iron Fan watch and Macaque couldn't help but chuckled as well as Iron Fan

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