Chapter 14

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~

On Flower Fruit Mountain, Macaque was drawing a beautiful jungle tiger lily that was a perfect mixture of red, orange, and yellow with Kai standing behind him scanning the jungle for any dangerous threats. As Macaque was finishing the drawing a large shadow flies over him, he looks up thinking that it was Wukong but instead saw a strange demon that looked like an eagle with big gold wings "huh?" Macaque said as he watches the strange demon fly off towards the waterfall "who is that?" Macaque asked, Kai following his gaze and spotted the mysterious demon "what in the?" Kai said looking back to Macaque who heads up to the waterfall "Mihou wait!" Kai said running towards the prince 

Macaque reached towards the waterfall and hides behind a tree watching as the demon lands on the rock the golden wing glowing before disappearing behind their back, a golden seal appeared on the waterfall and the curtain split. The eagle demon walks in entering the cavern and Macaque and Kai quickly entered just as the waterfall curtain falls back in place "Mihou, I don't think it's wise to follow a strange demon, you don't know if they're dangerous" Kai said scanning around the cavern for the eagle demon who disappeared in the cavern. Macaque eyes looked around the cavern until his ears twitched and he turns around to jump back just as the eagle demon came down from above and stab the ground with the spear 

"You're fast for an intruder" the eagle demon said smirking as he pulled his spear our of the ground and charges at Macaque, the tanned simian quickly dodges them all, the eagle demon cackled and charges forward again with his spear. However Kai stepped in and blocked the spear with his sword and kicked the demon away in the face, the eagle demon skids back and wipes the blood off his beak "impressive, for a mortal" the eagle demon said smiling "you haven't even seen what I can do" Kai said and charges forward the eagle demon charging forward as well and their weapons collided. They fought each other and sparks flew in the air, they were about to charge each other again when a white array formed beneath them freezing them on the spot "enough!" A old yet powerful voice said making the two turn to see a large white elephant with yellow tusks "just in time brother, help me deal with these pesky intruders" the eagle demon said glaring at Kai who glares back

Then Wukong came up and runs between the two "whoa whoa whoa, they're not intruders Peng, this is prince Macaque and his royal guard Kai, the ones I told you all about" Wukong said, Peng raised an eyebrow "so these are the ones you mentioned brother?" The white elephant said as the white array disappeared unfreezing Kai and Peng "Uh-huh" Wukong said and went to Macaque checking to see if he was alright "you know them Wukong?" Macaque asked looking at Peng and the white elephant "yep, those two are my sworn brothers, Golden Winged Peng, and Yellow Tusk Elephant" Wukong said pointing at the two demons "it is a honor to meet you young prince, I apologize for my brother's actions" Yellow Tusk Elephant said bowing, Peng on the other hand just crossed his arms and looked away with a scoff, this angered Kai "show some respect to the prince demon!!" Kai shouted glaring daggers at the eagle demon, just then two more demons entered to see what was going on, one was a large bull demon with a silver nose ring, and the other was a lion with orange mane 

"What's going on?" The lion demon asked looking at the scene "ah nothing just a small misunderstanding that's all" Wukong said chuckling "by the way guys this is Prince Macaque and his guard Kai, Macaque this is Azure Lion and--" but Macaque cut him off "Demon Bull King" Macaque said,  Wukong and Demon Bull King looked at Macaque in shock "how do you know my name Prince?" Demon Bull King said slightly glaring at the prince "Princess Iron Fan talks about you" Macaque said. Demon Bull King eyes widened as a small blush dusts across his face "y-you met Princess Iron Fan?" Demon Bull King said, Peng chuckled "what do you know, princy knows your crush" Peng said smirking "SILENCE!!!" Demon Bull King shouted, his face red in embarrassment 

"Why don't we all head back into the stone palace and I'll tell you guys more about Macaque" Wukong said running back to the stone palace while holding Macaques hand both missing the glare Kai was giving and slight upset look from Azure


"So brother has been training you for the past months" Yellow Tusk Elephant said looking at the prince as they sat in the dining room "yes, and I've been making great progress thanks to him" Macaque said, Wukong smiled "well I am a great teacher after all" Wukong said chuckling Demon Bull King snorted "I'll believe it when when I see it" Demon Bull King said rolling his eyes "you're so cruel brother" Wukong said puffing his cheeks out. Azure Lion looks over at Macaque "so is it true that you are the Prince of the Kingdom of Peace, a place where both demons and mortals can live together in peace?" Azure Lion said causing everyone to look at the tanned simian "yes, my mother and father want everyone to live in peace, may they be demon or mortal, everyone deserves to live in peace" Macaque said smiling at the words that his father once said

"Your father must be a wise king" Yellow Tusk Elephant said, Macaque nodded "indeed he is" Macaque said 

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