Chapter 6

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The Next day, Macaque was exploring around the jungle finding beautiful and fascinating objects to take home to his siblings with Kai watching closely behind him making sure that nothing attacks the prince, just as Macaque placed a shiny Obsidian stone into his pouch his ears twitched and looks up to see Wukong flying over him heading towards the waterfall, the prince smiled and runs to the direction "Mihou!" Kai called out running after him. Macaque runs through the jungle before coming to a stop at a clearing where all the other mountain monkey's were gathered around Wukong

"Wukong!" Macaque called out making the copper simian turn to the prince, he was now wearing golden armor with twin feather crown "Mac, i was about to head towards you, what do you think?" Wukong said showing his new armor to the prince "it looks amazing" Macaque said staring at his reflection from the armor "and check this out" Wukong said reaching in his ear and pull out a small pin that grew into a red and gold staff "wow" Macaque said

"I know right, my very own weapon" Wukong said leaning on his new weapon, just then Kai appeared "Mihou, don't run off like that!" Kai said stepping into the clearing ignoring Wukong "I'm sorry, but I saw Wukong fly over me earlier" Macaque said. The guard turned to Wukong looking over at his new armor and weapon "I see" Kai said pulling the prince away from the copper simian "and I don't suppose that you didn't steal them did you?" Kai said raising an eyebrow "wha--steal?! I did no such thing!" Wukong said feeling a bit offended "then where did you get them?" Kai said crossing his arms "if you want to know the Dragon of the East Sea Ao Guang gave them to me" Wukong said twirling his staff a bit, Macaques eyes widened "Ao Guang, THE Ao Guang, I thought no one could reach his underwater kingdom with how deep his kingdom is" Macaque said In awe

"It's not that deep actually" Wukong said as he began to tell them how he met the Dragon of the East "that was incredible" Macaque said smiling, Wukong chuckled sheepishly as he scratches the back of his head, Kai scoffed and rolled his eyes unimpressed "yeah I can do some real damage with this bad boy" Wukong said hanging the staff over his shoulder, Kai scoffs "like you know anything about wielding that weapon" Kai said, Wukong feels a bit angry at the guards response "I sure do, I bet I can beat you six ways to next week" Wukong said, Kai raised an eyebrow "really, well then" Kai said drawing his sword out "let's test that theory" Kai said getting into a fighting stance, Wukong smirks and got into a fighting stance as well

They glare at each other and began fighting each other, Macaque and the mountain monkey's watched as the two fight their weapons clashing together, grunting and shouting as they try to land a hit on the other opponent. After about 30 minutes Wukong got the upper hand and knocks Kai down his sword landing beside him "what do you think about that?" Wukong said smirking down at the guard, Kai growls glaring up at the copper simian and got up picking his sword up "I'll head back to the camp Mihou" Kai said before stomping back towards the beach holding his injured arm

Macaque sighs as he watch his friend storm off "someone's a sore loser" Wukong said leaning against his staff "he's not always like this" Macaque said looking at where his friend left 'Why is he acting like this?' Macaque thought wondering why his closest friend was acting like this "seems to me that he's a little bit jealous about my awesomeness" Wukong said with a smirk shifting the staff so that he's balancing on it, Macaque looks back to the copper simian still worried about his friend but it slowy faded away as Wukong does tricks with his new staff

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