Chapter 17

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~four months later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"And then I told him to go stuff yourself!" Wukong said smirking, Macaque laughs at the story Wukong told him "did you actually told the Jade Emperor that?" Macaque said after calming down "yeah, he thinks he so wise and powerful, when he's actually a big overgrown oaf" Wukong said crossing his arms, Macaque chuckled "how very bold of you, I can't think of anyone who would even think things like that aboit the Jade Emperor" Macaque said looking at the copper simian "yeah well none of them aren't me, that old man doesn't scare me one bit!" Wukong said crossing his arms behind his head

"Anyway, he won't be in commission for long, once me Azure, Demon Bull King, Peng, and Yellow Tusk overthrow him--" but he was interrupted by Macaque "overthrow?" Macaque said confused raising an eyebrow "oh yeah! I didn't told you about the plan" Wukong said smiling "plan?" Macaque asked even more confused "well me, and my sworn brothers are going to fight heaven and overthrow the Jade Emperor" Wukong said smirking. Macaque eyes widened in shock "wh-what?!" Macaque said quickly standing up in shock "I know that it sounds crazy--" but the copper simian was cut off "crazy? That's insane! Why would-how could you even THINK that overthrowing the ruler of heaven is a good idea?!?!" Macaque said shocked looking at the copper simian like he was crazy

"I know I know, but hear me out" Wukong said holding his hands up "for years the Jade Emperor and heaven have lived carefree, ignoring all the problems in the mortal realm, they sit around all day, throwing parties, and eating endless feasts, while everyone in the mortal realm sufferers, so me and my brothers decide that the Jade Emperor is to be taken down once and for all" Wukong said explaining the plan. Macaque looks down at the ground then back up at Wukong "Wukong, I know that you say that you are capable of doing anything but...overthrowing the Jade Emperor...maybe something not even you can do" Macaque said causing Wukong to look up at the prince "now don't take it the wrong way I know you are strong but, I can't help but worry that things will go wrong with your plan, I...I just don't want to see you get hurt" Macaque said hugging his arms as his tail wraps around his waist

Wukong stared at the prince in surprise before smiling "things won't go wrong, I know you're worried but trust me, I can handle anything they'll throw a me" Wukong said, Macaque still wasn't convinced and looked away his ears drooping, Wukong then let out a sigh "okay, if I can't handle it and things go south I'll stop and bail out from there" Wukong said making the tanned simian look up a him "you would do that for me?" Macaque asked, the copper simian smiled "of course I would, I....I care a lot about you" Wukong said a blush on his face scratching the back of his neck. Macaque smiled and hugged the copper simian "thank you" Macaque said, Wukong's tail started to wag as he hugs the prince back "your welcome" Wukong said smiling

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