Chapter 2

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~~~Three days later~~~~

Macaque hops off the boat as it stops at the sandy beaches, he gasps in awe at the jungle and tall mountains in front of him "wow" Macaque said walking towards the jungle "Mihou be careful" Kai called out as he unloads the ship "I will!" Macaque called out and walks into the jungle. Macaque pushed a palm leaf away as he walks through the jungle, he paused as he watches a Phoenix flies over him "wow" Macaque said as a red-orange feather falls next to him and he picks up the beautiful feather "Jie would love this" Macaque said placing the feather into his pouch, his ears twitched at the sound of leaves rustling and turns to see a little white mountain monkey with a plum in their hands staring at him "Hello there" Macaque said smiling at the monkey

The monkey shrieks in surprise and flees dropping the plum in their hands "no wait!" Macaque called out but the monkey was gone "I'm sorry" Macaque said sighing before continuing on. Macaque continues to walk through the jungle his ears twitching as he heard all the sounds in the jungle from the chirps of birds, the hoots from other mountain monkey's, to the sounds of the insects, Macaque pushed a large leaf away and gasped when he saw a large crystal clear lake with pink lotus flowers on the pond water "oh wow, so beautiful" Macaque said sitting down on a large rock next to the lake, he gently picks up a pink lotus flower and pulls it close to him admiring the beautiful petals of the flower in his hands "what a beautiful flower" Macaque said smiling. Suddenly he heard a branch from above him break and he looks up to see a blur of gold fall into the water with a big splash

"What in the?!" Macaque exclaimed in shock looking into the water, then the thing poked it's head out of the water right in front of his face and Macaque was soon staring at two golden eyes, the creature yelps in shock and backs away, only to fall back into the water, Macaque stared back where the creature was with a shock and confused look when the creature poked it's head back into the water and Macaque got a good look at it, the creature was a simian like him with gold fur, and a peach shaped face marking, their fur was dripping wet, and there was a lotus flower on top of their head, Macaque couldn't help but laugh "HAHAHAHAHAHA!" The tanned simian laughed, the copper simian look up at him and began laughing as well. Finally the two calmed down as Macaque looks at the copper simian "a-are you alright?" Macaque asked calming down from his laughter "yeah I'm fine, I fell off way higher places than this, and besides I needed a bath anyway" the copper simian said with a big smile as he swims towards the rock and climbs out of the lake

"Well I'm glad that you're not hurt" Macaque said taking the lotus flower off the copper simians head as he shakes the water off him "who are you anyway?" The copper simian asked looking at Macaque "I am Liu'er Mihou, the Six Eared Macaque, the 15th prince of the Kingdom of Peace" Macaque said with a small bow "Prince huh, well, I'm Sun Wukong, the Monkey King" Wukong said puffing his chest out with a smirk. Macaque gasped and straighten himself up "I'm sorry your, highness, I did not know that this island was your home, I would've asked your permission to enter here" Macaque said bowing

Wukong laughs "it's fine, everyone is welcome here as long as they don't hunt my monkey's" Wukong said with a smirk "though when they said that a demon that looked like me entered the island I thought they were pulling my tail because I thought I was the only one" Wukong said looking at Macaque "I thought I was, it's so nice to know I'm not the only one" Macaque said smiling, Wukong blushed and smiles "yeah, it really is" Wukong said scratching the back of his head

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