Chapter 7

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A few days passed and Macaque and Wukong became close friends, talking about their interests, and other things, but sadly it was time for Macaque to return home "do you really have to go, couldn't you stay just a few more days" Wukong said as more of Macaques things are placed onto the ship "I wish I could, but my family needs me, along with my kingdom" Macaque said smiling "but I'll try to visit you one day" Macaque said gently clasping his hands over Wukong's, the copper simian stared at his friend and sigh "okay, until then, I will wait for you" Wukong said smiling

"My prince, we're ready to head back home" Kai said, Macaque nodded and gave Wukong one last hug before walking up the gangplank and onto the ship, once he was on the ship the sails were lifted and the ship began to sail away from the island, Wukong watches at the beach before running into the jungle climbing up the tall mountain and coming to a stop at the cliff edge watching as the ship Macaque was on sail away. On the ship Macaque looks over at the mountain and saw Wukong at the edge of the cliff and waves one last time at his friend and Wukong waves back as the ship sails farther and farther away


~~~~Three days later~~~~~

Just as Macaque steps down from the gangplank he was immediately tackled into a hug by his siblings "you're back Dàgē!!!" The younger siblings all said hugging the tanned simian "we missed you Dìdi" Jie said, Macaque chuckled "I missed you all as well" Macaque said hugging his siblings, when he was released from the hug he saw his father and mother there with Lin in his mother's arms "I'm so happy you've returned to us my snowflake" the Empress said hugging her son "I missed you Dàgē" Lin said hugging her older brother "I promised I'd come back" Macaque said hugging his little sister "let us return to the palace, I'm sure you have a tale you tell us" the Emperor said and they all entered inside the carriages heading back to the palace

When they were in the palace Macaque began to tell his family his time on Flower Fruit Mountain "you really met a monkey that looked just like you!?" Changchang said surprised by what her younger brother "yes, but he had gold copper fur, two normal pair of ears, and a peach shaped face marking" Macaque said smiling "and he jumped into a waterfall to become king, that's so incredible!" Bingwen said amazed by the copper simians bravery "yes, he really is incredible" Macaque said smiling at the memories of him and Wukong a small blush on his face "does Dàgē have a crush on King Wukong?" Ling said snickering "I think he does" Mingli said snickering too, Macaque face turned bright red along with the tips of his ears "I DO NOT!!!!" Macaque shouted as the twins laughed "your blushing say otherwise" Mei said smiling, Macaque blushed more and covered his face in embarrassment while his siblings laughed


On Flower Fruit Mountain, Wukong sat in the dining room his head in his arms as he lazily rolls an orange with his finger on the table sighing, it's been 3 days since Macaque left and was really missing the prince, the other monkey's were worried about their kings behavior, he pushes the orange away and sighs, then a female monkey hops onto the table and chirps at him "I'm fine Mei Ling, I just miss him is all" Wukong said, Mei Ling chirps at Wukong again "I know that it's only been 3 days, but I really miss him a lot" Wukong said burying his face in his arms, Mei Ling looks at the copper simian in worry before having an idea and chirps and hoots at the copper simian "what?" Wukong said shooting up from his seat

"Go to him? I mean don't get me wrong I want to, but I can't just waltz up to the palace doors, knock on them and say 'hey Emperor, my name is Sun Wukong, your son's friend from Flower Fruit Mountain' I don't think they'll believe that" Wukong said slouching back down on his seat, then his eyes widened as an idea popped into his head "I'VE GOT AN IDEA!!!!" Wukong said smiling his eyes sparkling "gather the rest of the monkey's, we're going on a field trip!" Wukong said running out the dining room leaving Mei Ling there in confusion

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