Chapter 26

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The sound of a child laughter filled the air as the toddler runs around the palace while Wukong playfully chases them "I'm coming to get you, you can't run from me forever!" Wukong said as he chases after his child, the child laughs some more as they ran but they couldn't out ran him "gotcha!" Wukong said catching his child "now face the wrath of the Jade Emperor, Great Sage!" Wukong said tickling the child, the toddler squealed with laughter as they tried to get away from Wukong's tickling "stop torturing our child Wukong" a familiar voice said making the copper simian turn to see Macaque standing there with a smile and a very pregnant belly

"Shouldn't you be resting" Wukong said as he stops tickling the child "how can I rest when the sound of the Jade Emperor torturing our son echos throughout the palace" Macaque said smiling rubbing his swollen belly "alright alright, the Jade Empress has saved the Great Sage once again" Wukong said smiling as he placed the toddler down "Ma!" The toddler said running up to the tanned simian, Macaque slowly bends down and picked the toddler up, he stands back up but wobbles back a bit, thankfully Wukong came to him and helped him before he fell "thank you" Macaque said smiling at the copper simian

Wukong smiles as he looks at his family "I'm so happy to have all of this my love" Wukong said kissing Macaque who kissed back "me too Wukong" Macaque said smiling after breaking the kiss but his smile fell "but it can't last" Macaque said his ears drooping "what do you mean of course it'll last" Wukong said slightly confused "no it can't,'re waking up" Macaque said, Wukong's eyes widened at what he heard "wh-what?" Wukong said as everything around him began to fade

"Wake up"


Wukong let out a gasp as his eyes shot open, he looks around seeing that he was still on the forest floor in a cave moonlight shining above the hole above him, and a familiar weight on top of him, he looks up to see the mountain on top of him, he breathes heavily as he stares back down at the ground clutching Macaques hair stick in his hand as tears streamed down his stained face digging his claws into the dirt as his breathing grow heavier his heart pounding faster and faster in his chest ' wasn't' Wukong thought letting out a shout his hand clutching his matted hair his body shaking "no I!" Wukong said closing his eyes

He let out a sob as he pulled the hair stick closer to him "I should've...I love him....I don't want him to go....why couldn't I...I never should''s gonna hurt the end " Wukong whispered as he dig his claws deeper into his scalp drawing blood "I....I'm sorry....Please don't leave me...I'm not ready" Wukong said more tears spilling out of his eyes as blood trickles down his face and he let out a scream of pain and sorrow


Rain pelted hard outside the mountain, echoing across the cave almost calming, but it brought Wukong no comfort at all, his head was laid on the ground as a high fever rages his body, deep bags under his eyes from nightmares or not sleeping at all, his hair and fur was matted and dulled and was covered in scratches, claw marks, and dirt. The poor copper simian breaths heavily as he clutch the hair stick tightly in his hand letting out small whimpers as tears filled his shut eyes "Mangoes....Mangoes" Wukong weakly said coughing harshly

When the coughing fit died down the copper simian was left there panting and wheezing. Then he heard footsteps approaching and he weakly opened his eyes, his vision was blurry but from what he could make out made him weld up with tears "Mangoes" Wukong rasped out, the blurry figure of Macaque knelt down in front of him, he then pulls out a bowl and a small bag. He placed the bowl underneath a stalactites dripping with water and gently cups Wukong's cheek, the copper simian whimpers as he nuzzle his face into the hand "Macaque" Wukong said tears running down his stained face, the blurry figure gently wipes the tears away

He then takes the bowl now filled with water and opens the small bag pouring the content from the bag into the bowl, he then mixed it with his finger and lifts Wukong head up to place the lip of the bowl to the copper simians mouth. Wukong still in his fever sleepy like state drinks the contents of the bowl, the liquid having a sweet, cool,minty taste that felt good for his sore throat, when the bowl was empty the blurry figure takes the bowl away and began to stand up but Wukong grips his hand "don't go...please don't leave me" Wukong said whimpering, the blurry figure knelt back down to Wukong gently petting the copper simians hair while humming a gentle tune

Wukong leaned into the touch as he felt himself drift off, he looks up at the figure noticing his lips moving but nothing was coming out however he did make out some of it "Don't give up.....we'll see each other soon.....and have our happily ever after we've always wanted...until then...know that I will always love you and waiting for you" the blurry figure said. Wukong weakly nodded as sleep was slowly taking him "I will wait...for you" Wukong said, then the last thing he saw before falling into a deep sleep is Macaque smiling as a flash of gold light shines behind him

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