Chapter 8

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Kai slams the doors closed with a growl as the Emperor and Empress claps "splendid, absolutely marvelous!" The Emperor said smiling "I haven't seen such a magnificent performance in all my years" the Empress said smiling as well "your majesty's" Wukong said hopping down from his cloud "I have journeyed from Flower Fruit Mountain to meet you in person" Wukong said bowing to the Emperor and Empress "oh no need to be so formal, you must be the Monkey King my snowflake has talked so much about?" The Empress said making the tanned simian blush from embarrassment "mother" Macaque whispered hiding his face in his hands while his siblings snickered

"Why yes, that would be me your majesty's" Wukong said smiling at the Emperor and Empress "welcome to the Kingdom of Peace, I am Aiguo, this is my wife Ah Cy" the Emperor said introducing himself and his wife "and these are our children" the Emperor said showing the copper simian his children "my oldest son Bolin, my second oldest daughter Ai, my three younger daughters An, Bao, and Bo, my other son's Qiu, Bingwen, Changpu, Chen, Chongan, Dingbang, my three daughters, Jun, Changchang, Jie, you already know Liu'er Mihou, Meihui, Lan, Lien, Liang, Mingli and Ling, Mei, and finally my youngest daughter Lin" The Emperor said as the children bowed

"Nice to meet you all" Wukong said bowing to them as well "I'm guessing that you already met Kai right, he must be delighted to see you again as well" An said looking over at Kai who had his arms crossed glaring at the copper simian "ecstatic" Kai said sarcastically before walking up to the Emperor "sire, don't you find it rather odd that...Wukong came parading here unannounced or without even sending you a letter of--" but the royal gaurd was cut off by Jie "Ling, Mingli, get off from that right now!" She said when she spotted the twins on Wukong's cloud "ah, they're fine, they don't mean no harm" Wukong said

Just then the cloud shot upwards and began flying around the throne room, doing flips and loopty loops, the twins laughed in excitement "THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!" They shouted as they dived down towards the others who quickly ducked in time, the cloud flies around the room on more time and flies back to the others dispelling as the laughing twins slide onto the floor a bit "that was awesome!" Mingli said recovering "so what business do you bring to the Emperor and Empress, Wukong?" Kai asked narrowing his eyes at the copper simian "well I heard that the Emperor and Empress was looking for teachers to train Prince Mihou" Wukong said smiling at the prince "so with your permission your majesty's, I would like to train him" Wukong said

Macaque's eyes widened a bit "you wish to train my son" the Emperor said Wukong nodded "observe" Wukong said with a smirk. He jumps up into the air and transforms into a hawk everyone watched in awe as the golden hawk flies around the room before Wukong transforms back on a gold puff of smoke, still in mid-air he plucked a few hairs and blows on them creating a few hair clones, the clones land doing a few tricks before poofing away as Wukong lands, the copper simian pulls out his staff and twirls it in his hand "ta-da!" Wukong said resting his staff next to him "that was incredible, you crush is amazing Dàgē!" Ling said his eyes sparkling along with his twin brother

Both Macaques and Wukong's face turned bright red from the young prince comment "s-s-stop it!" Macaque said quickly covering Lings mouth "you wish to train with my son" The Emperor said as Wukong placed his staff away "yes, I can sense that he has strong powers and I wish to help him with them" Wukong said smiling at Macaque. The Emperor thought for a moment "....very well, you may train my son" the Emperor said, Wukong smiled "but sire, you cannot trust your son with this..demon that we've just met today, surely we must-" but Kai was cut off when the Empress raised her hand "if my son trusts him, then he is trustworthy" the Empress said calmly yet sternly "yes you're highness" Kai said bowing "now, would you like to stay for lunch?" The Empress asked gently smiling at the copper simian "sure, lunch would be nice" Wukong said smiling

"Wonderful, Snowflake, would you be a dear and show Wukong around the palace?" The Empress said turning to the tanned simian "yes mother" Macaque said and motion Wukong to follow him while Kai glares at the copper simian his fist clenching tightly


"You really didn't had to do all of that you know" Macaque said walking down the hallway with Wukong beside him "I know, but I just wanted to make a good impression on your parents" Wukong said scratching the back of his head, Macaque chuckled "how did you manage to do all of that?" Macaque asked, Wukong chuckled "with a bit of help from my monkey's and a whole lot of hair" Wukong said lifting his hat up a bit to reveal a large bald spot, Macaque gasped and covered his mouth with his hands to hold in his laughter "don't worry though, it'll grow back in a day or two" Wukong said putting his hat back down

"Did you really meant it, when you said you were going to train me?" Macaque asked looking down at his hands "of course I did, when you said your parents were looking for teachers for your powers I couldn't get it out of my head, so I thought 'hey, maybe I could teach him' and help you with your powers" Wukong said smiling, Macaque stared up at him before walking in front of him and bowing to the copper simian "thank you, for offering to teach me" Macaque said, Wukong chuckled "It's no problem at all, just make sure you come on time for training tomorrow" Wukong said a small blush on his face

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