Chapter 16

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Kai watches from behind a pillar as Wukong talked to Macaque his nails digging into the wood 'How dare dare that...SIMIAN waltzs up here and try to take MY Moonlight' he thought gritting his teeth as both Macaque and Wukong laughed 'that excuse of a king!' Kai thought slamming his fist into the pillar cracking it before stomping off angrily. He enters the training ground and began training, thrusting and swinging his sword grunting with every thrusts, he growls as he stares at the training dummy picturing Wukong there smiling at him and with a yell he slices the dummies head off

The guard pants still angry about the whole thing and put it sword back in its sheath "I need a walk" Kai said walking off to the village


As Kai walks down the busy streets he was still angry wanting that copper simian away from his Moonlight 'That insignificant beast, he is ruining everything I worked for, we should have never came to that island' Kai thought walking out of the village and into the forest, he grits his teeth as he unsheaths his sword and began slashing the trees chopping down any smaller ones while slashing the large ones. He grunts as he swung his sword down again when something caught the sword "careful now young man" an elderly woman's voice said making the guard look over to see an elderly woman with grey hair, wearing a light blue hanfu using her cane to block the sword "sorry ma'am, I did not see you" Kai said quickly sheathing his sword and bows

"It's alright young man, though I must ask, what have you so enraged that made you attack these trees?" The old woman said looking at the destruction "it's....something that mustn't concern you ma'am" Kai said look away "but I am if I see a young strong man like yourself troubled by something" the old woman said walking up to the guard "is it something have to do with your home, your family, or...your love for the prince?" The old woman said. Kai's eyes widened and he quickly turned to the old woman "how did you..." Kai said in shock. The old woman smiled "I can see it in your eyes young man" the old woman said before turning around "come with me...I would like to show you something" the old woman said walking off, Kai hesitated at first but soon followed her

They walked for a while until they came across a small cottage "please come in" the old woman said opening the door and walking inside, Kai walks inside the cottage and looks around, it looked like a normal cottage "please have a seat" the old woman said pointing at the table with some chairs, the guard took his seat as the old woman placed a cup next to him and poured some tea into the cup "here it is" the old woman said placing a large round object covered in cloth on the center of the table, she unraveled it to reveal a crystal ball, Kai stare at the crystal ball in awe "what is that?" Kai said staring at the ball "a special crystal ball that can show you what you truly desire" the old woman said

She waves over the crystal ball and it began glowing lighting up the room, Kai watched in awe at the crystal ball "show me his deepest desire" the old woman said, the crystal ball glowed brighter before fading a bit revealing a image of Macaque sitting over a field of flowers 'Moonlight' Kai thought as Macaque looks up and smiles holding a bouquet of plum blossoms "what a wonderful desire I see" the old woman said. The image changed and the crystal ball shows Macaque and Wukong talking laughing together "and what's this I see, a rival trying to take what is yours" the old woman said as Kai began to be filled with rage "that simian is trying to take him from me" Kai said gritting his teeth "I see" the old woman said looking at the crystal ball

"I want him gone, away, disappeared" Kai said clenching his fists "what do you want?" The old woman asked, anger and jealousy bubbled over "I. Want. Him. DEAD!!!!!!" Kai shouted slamming his fist onto the table. The old woman smiled "what if I tell you, there is a way you can defeat him" the old woman said, Kai stared at her "what do you mean?" The guard said raising an eyebrow "what if I told you that you can defeat this simian and claim your prince all to yourself" the old woman said, Kai raised an eyebrow his interest perking up "how?" Kai asked. The old woman stands up and walks over to a wooden chest "there is a rumor of a special metal ore that can injure or kill demons, Immortal, and even celestials" the old woman said opening the chest "no one knows its origin, but it is in a land where the sun never shines, the grass never grows, and snow never falls, where the clouds are so dark and thick that not even Erlang's Phoenix eye can break through them, and ash would rain down" the old woman said turning around to the guard with a black scroll in her hands

"This map is the only recorded evidence that the land exists" the old woman said offering the map to the guard "follow this map, and during your journey, you will become stronger than the simian" the old woman said. Kai take the scroll and stares at it "thank you" Kai said, the old woman smiled "you are most welcome" the old woman said, soon the guard left as the old woman watched from her doorway her eyes flashing blue for a second


"You have to go?" Macaque said in shock after hearing what his friend said "I know that it's so sudden but a family member of mine has fallen ill and I need to help them" Kai said the scroll tucked behind his belt. Macaque looked at his friend in worry before looking away "I'll only be gone for a few months, and when I return we could do something together, just the two of us like old times" Kai said smiling, Macaque looked back at him and smiled "yes, like old times" Macaque said, Kai smiled and hugged his friend and Macaque hugs back. Later on Kai packed everything he needed for the journey and set off on his journey

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