Chapter 24

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 months later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Now you promise that if something happens, you'll leave the battle?" Macaque asked as he held Wukong's hands, it was mid spring and it was time for Wukong to go into battle with his brothers "I promise, I'll come back soon" Wukong said smiling, Macaque wasn't convinced and looked away his ears were drooping, Wukong saw this and pulled Macaque into a kiss, Macaque blushed a bit and kissed back. Soon they pulled away from the kiss "don't worry, I'll be back before the end of spring, I promise" Wukong said smiling, Macaque looked back and smiled "okay" Macaque said, Wukong smiled as he summoned his cloud, hops on, and began to fly up into the air their hands slipping from each other as the copper simian flies away

Macaque stood there watching as Wukong flies farther and farther away until he could no longer see him 'Please be alright' Macaque thought as he stares at the distance, standing there a little while longer before slowly turning around and heading back to the palace

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 Days Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Macaque ears twitches at the faint booming noise from above making him look out the window and up at the cloudy sky "still worried about Wukong?" Bolin asked glancing at his younger brother from his book "yes, he says not to worry about him but I just can't help it" Macaque said looking down at the cup of tea in his hands "you're just like mother you know, always worrying when he'll be back when he goes off on a trip or to a far away kingdom" Bolin said chuckling "but this is different, he's up there fighting heaven, and I'm down here doing nothing but sitting here worrying if he'll ever come back" Macaque said his ears drooping, Bolin couldn't help but laugh "just like mother, always worrying for the one she loves" Bolin said then placing a hand on Macaques arm "he'll come back,he's practically impossible to kill, I guarantee that he'll come walking right through those palace gates, march up to you, and shower you in a hundred kisses" Bolin said smiling. Macaque looked at the hand, then back to his oldest brother and smiled feeling much better

Then suddenly there was a commotion coming outside as some guards ran to the front of the palace "what's going on?" Bolin asked one of the guards "someone is approaching the palace gates" the guard said running to catch up with the other guard, Bolin and Macaque shared a confused look "he's back that fast?" Bolin said raising an eyebrow, Macaque shared the same confused look and the two run to the throne room. As they entered the throne room Macaque and Bolin notice that their mother and father was there too along with some more guards "open the gates" the Emperor said, two guards opened the gates to reveal a cloaked person standing there

"Who are you, state your name now" one of the guards said, the cloaked figure slowly removed their hood revealing to be Kai his hair spikey and his brown eyes now amber "hello Mihou, I'm back" Kai said smiling, Macaques eyes widen in shock "Kai" Macaque said staring at his friend "yep the one and only, I got a new style, and a few new toys as well" Kai said pulling the cloak back to reveal a new sword as well as a black monkey tail "wh-what happened to you?" Macaque asked his voice lace with fear

"What happened to me, everything! I'm stronger now, faster, more Immortal, and even more powerful than that excuse of a king!" Kai said creating a small blood red ball of his new power, Macaque felt fear growing inside him "w-w-why?" Macaque asked staring at his friend "because I love you, I couldn't tell you then because I was too weak, but now, now I'm stronger, I have powers, I can protect you from everything now," Kai said walking up to Macaque taking his hand "don't you see, I did this for you, and we can be together forever and ever" Kai said with a smile that scared Macaque more "Kai...n-no" Macaque said pulling away from his friend

Kai stares at him confused "no....what do you mean no?" Kai said confused "Kai, this..this isn't right, what you have done isn't right, this isn't the Kai I know" Macaque said staring at his friend "this is the real me! This power, these immortality, all of it is me! I love you from the first moment I saw you, that's why I did this, all that I become was for you" Kai said staring at the prince "Kai I'm sorry but...I'm in love with Wukong" Macaque said, Kai's eyes widened in shock "wh..what?" Kai said in shock "I don't understand what has happened to you or why you did this but if we can just--" but Kai didn't hear anything as he stares down at the ground in shock. But then he felt anger rising inside him 'now that simian takes my love, my Moonlight!' Kai thought clenching his fist "no" Kai said his eyes shadowing "Kai, you have to understand--" but Macaque was cut off "No! I have sat by and done nothing while that excuse of a king came here and make a mockery out of me, and now he has brainwashed the love of my life! I won't have it!!" Kai said grabbing Macaques arm tightly "ow, Kai stop!" Macaque said trying to get out of the tight grip

"That's enough Kai!" Bolin said ripping Kai's hand off his little brother "stay out of this weakling!" Kai said shoving Bolin to the ground "enough!" The Emperor said pulling Macaque behind him "Kai, you are not in you're right mind, leave now, or I will have no choice to use force" the Emperor said as all the guards pointed their weapons at the former guard, Kai smirked and let out a chuckle "do you think you can stop me with those puny weapons" Kai said showing his sharp fangs his eyes glowing blood red as dark blood red magic began to grow underneath him. Everyone in the room stared in shock at this "now, get out of my WAY!" Kai shouted stomping his foot hard to the ground making a shockwave, the floor, walls, and pillars cracked and the guards were all knocked down "take the royal family to safety, hurry!" One of the guards called out "hurry you're majesty's!" a guard said leading the Emperor, Empress, and prince's out of the throne room

"Find the children!" The Emperor said, the guard nodded and went to find the rest of the children "are you two alright?" The Empress asked looking at her eldest and younger son "we're alright" Bolin said, Macaque nodding in agreement. Later the guard came back with the rest of the siblings "what's going on, what's happening?" An asked as the palace began to shake a bit "it's Kai, but somethings wrong with him, it's as if he's possessed" Bolin said holding Macaque "we need to leave immediately!" The Emperor said leading his wife and children. The palace began to shake again "hurry children" the Empress said holding Lin tight in her arms Macaque looks up to see a pillar cracking and was about to fall right on top of the twins "Mingli, Ling watch out!" Macaque said pushing the two out of the way just as the pillar fell separating Macaque with his family

"Mihou, Mihou are you okay?!" Qiu called out from the other side, Macaque groans and shakes his head "I'm alright" Macaque said, then there was a loud boom as the palace shook again "keep going, I'll find another way around" Macaque called out looking around the hallway "Dàgē don't go!!" Lin called out to her older brother "I'll find another way around here, and I'll find you, I promise" Macaque said, then the palace shook again "go now!!" Macaque called out keeping his footing "stay safe snowflake" the Empress said and they continued running "you as well" Macaque said staring at the pillar, then there was a loud shout "MOONLIGHT!!!" Kai shouted, Macaque quickly ran the other direction looking "you were meant to be mine and I am all that you need!!" Kai shouted as Macaque turned another corner hearing Kai beginning to follow him "can't you see you carved open my heart, you can't just leave me to bleed!!" Kai shouted, Macaque spotted the prayer room and quickly runs in the room closing and barricading the door just as as Kai bangs on the door hard

"MACAQUE!!!! Open the--open the door please, Moonlight open the door" Kai said standing on the other side of the room "Moonlight can we not fight anymore please, can we not fight anymore" Kai said as Macaque backs away from the door to the Buddha statue "Moonlight sure you're scared I've beer there, I can set you free" Kai said with a manic smile, Macaque didn't answer as he covered his mouth with his hands "Moonlight don't make me come in there!" Kai said sounding angry, Macaque hides behind the Buddha statue "I'm gonna count to three!" Kai said, Macaque curled up on himself and closed his eyes "one...two...fuck it!!" Kai shouted and blasted the door and barricade off, the loud noise was too much for Macaque and he blacked out

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