Chapter 4

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The next day, Macaque finished up getting dressed after a bath when he heard something tapping on the tent "who is it?" Macaque asked finishing up tying his sash "it's me" a familiar voice from yesterday said, Macaque opened the tent flaps to reveal Wukong there with an armful of fruit "I got breakfast for us" Wukong said holding up the fruit in his arms "Wukong, where did you get all of this?" Macaque asked letting the copper simian in "me and the monkey's gathered them for us, and don't worry about the gaurd, I froze him just so we could have breakfast together" Wukong said placing the fruit onto the table

"F-frozen?" Macaque said in shock and worry "ah don't worry, he'll be fine, he'll just be frozen for about an hour or two" Wukong said grabbing a peach and taking a bite from it "oh, that's a relief" Macaque said letting out a small sigh of relief, he looks down at the pile of fruit and takes a mango, he sniffs it and bites into it humming at the sweet taste "it's so ripe" Macaque said taking another bite of the Mango "sure is every fruit on Flower Fruit Mountain is forever ripe and never rot or go out of season" Wukong said taking another bite from the peach "amazing, Meihui would be fascinated by this" Macaque said finishing the mango "Meihui?" Wukong said with a mouthful of peach "my younger sister, she loves to learn new things, and is really smart, father said she'll be a wise brilliant queen one day" Macaque said fiddling with the plum in his hands

"She's sounds smart" Wukong said grabbing a banana, he then comes up with an idea "how about I give you a tour around my island" Wukong said, Macaque looked up at him his ears perking up "sure! I'll give you a exclusive Sun Wukong Tour" Wukong said puffing his chest out, Macaque chuckled "I'd like that very much" Macaque said smiling. Soon they finished and left the tent and Wukong summoned his cloud "wow" Macaque said an awe as the copper simian hops on "hop on" Wukong said holding his hand out to the prince, Macaque took the hand as he was pulled up onto the cloud "now hold on tight, this is going to be fast" Wukong said and flies off into the air. Macaque held on closing his eyes as he gasped in surprise "you can open your eyes" Wukong said chuckling, Macaque slowly opened his eyes and gasped in awe as they fly over the jungle

Wukong flies over a rainbow next to a waterfall gently taking Macaques hand and stick their hands into the rainbow making some of it fly into the air like water, Macaques eyes sparkled at it, Wukong made the cloud fly through the rainbow causing them to be covered in colors of the rainbow, Wukong then flies through the fruit orchard, Macaque was at awe at the trees that bared fruit and blossoms, Wukong picked a peach blossom off a branch and placed it into Macaques hair, Macaque blushed as they fly around a large peach tree making the petals fly off the tree

They fly towards a beautiful river as Macaque looked down at the river seeing his reflection in the river, Wukong then flies up into the clouds "this is amazing!" Macaque said looking down at the mountains, Wukong chuckled and had a child-like smirk and made the cloud fall from the air, Macaque shrieks and held onto Wukong tightly, just as they were about to hit the ground Wukong pulled up with ease "you did that on purpose!" Macaque said glaring at the copper simian "of course not, my cloud sometimes has a mind of its own" Wukong said smirking innocently

Macaque rolled his eyes but smiled as well, they soon approached a large waterfall "watch this" Wukong said as a gold seal appears on the waterfall and they split apart revealing the entrance of a cave "wow" Macaque said in awe. The cloud soon came to a stop as Wukong hops off "I'll lead you to my palace on foot, if you don't mind walking" Wukong said as he helped Macaque off the cloud "no I don't" Macaque said with his own smirk. Wukong leads Macaque deeper into the cavern as the tanned simian looked around an awe, they soon came to a stop at a curtain of vines "behold" Wukong said pulling the vines back to reveal a large palace "The Stone Palace, My home" Wukong said smiling "wow, it beautiful" Macaque said staring at the stone palace "troops, fall in!!" Wukong called out

Trees and bushes inside the grotto rustled and dozens of mountain monkey's runs out sitting in front of their king "we have a guest, everyone meet Prince Liu'er Mihou" Wukong said gesturing to the tanned simian "he's visiting the mountain so treat him like he's one of us" Wukong said, the monkey's shyly walked up to the tanned simian and hooted in curiosity "hello" Macaque said waving at the troops, one mountain monkey climbs up Macaque and began playing with his hair, soon more monkey's gathered around Macaque and climbs onto him some grooming his hair and fur, while others sniffed him "h-hey" Macaque said laughing a bit "they like you" Wukong said smiling glad that his monkey's made a good impression. Soon the monkey's hopped off of Macaque "they're so adorable" Macaque said smiling down at the monkey's who smiles back at their new friend

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