Chapter 8

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The next day Amauri was really excited about going to the zoo. Alden couldn't sleep way too angry about what happened the day before but seeing Amauri overjoyed he had to smile. They prepared happily and Alden was relieved to see Tyon didn't come for breakfast. However his good mood didn't last long because soon after he discovered that the gates were closed off until Tyon came back in the evening.

Alden tried arguing with the knights but there was nothing to do. Alden started getting very angry. He tried to control himself in front of the child but he was boiling. He knew it wasn't the knights fault but Tyon wasn't there and he needed someone to knock out. To make things worse, it was the exact moment the five knights who ost Amauri decided to walk past. Seeing Alden all worked up, they went up to the knights and told them they would handle the situation leaving Alden alone with them because Earl decided to take Amauri to make a bouquet of flowers for his mama.

"What's going on? asked Gaillard, the knight closest to Alden.

-What's fucking going on is that I am going to murder your commander. Bring him back here right now!"

Two of the knights looked at each other awkwardly while the others tried calming Alden down:

"Calm down and let's sit down for a bit.

-I am not sitting down! He does this every time! He is doing his best to destroy that adorable child but I won't let him. How could he just lock us up here? His list of crimes just can't stop getting longer. He kidnapped me for fuck's sake! I stayed by my own volition but now he is locking me up? What would he have done if I had said no to staying here? Would he have tied me down? And what about Amauri? He has been locked up all his life! That's not the way to raise a child! I should call child services or something. This is unacceptable!"

Alden had been screaming without breathing and finally stopped almost choking. Gaillard took advantage of the situation and signaled to Willie, the second knight closest to them, to bring something to drink. Willie ran away and soon came back with a glass of water. It was so quick that Alden frowned and went silent for a second drinking slowly. Not knowing what to say, Gaillard turned to yet another of the knights: James. That knight seemed older than the others and when he felt the stared he signed before walking closer:

"It's okay."

Alden lost it hearing him say that:

"It's okay? How the fuck is this okay?"

James immediately raised his hands in the air and retreated as if saying he did what he could. Gaillard was not impressed, almost ready to cry. Alden was back to screaming and Willie seemed ready to run for another glass of water.

"Is it okay to kidnap and lock up people? What kind of sick people are you hanging out with? Has he done this to other people before? That's not normal, no! I will call the authorities!"

Gaillard panicked thinking of the first time they met:

"Please, no. He never did any of the sort.

-Oh it's just me then! Then everything is okay!

-Please calm down...

-No! It's driving me insane! That guy is the worst person I ever met!"

Alden continued screaming and James already gave up when Amari and Earl walked back with a bouquet of flowers. Alden turned it off immediately and smiled warmly which shocked everyone. How could he go from 0 to 10 so easily?

"Look mommy! I did this for you!

-Oh... You are adorable. Thank you so much.

-Could you tell me what these flowers are?

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