Chapter 10

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TW: abuse

The servants couldn't take the atmosphere at the mansion and tried helping little by little. Alden being all friendly and open, he was the one they decided to turn to. They wouldn't turn to Tyon either way. He was terrifying to most of them and even more when they had no idea what was going on with him. They were scared he would behead them any second seeing how cold his eyes were when someone approached Alden and soon gave up on the other plan too. Alden was happy to meet new people and talked with them happily however every time Tyon came up, he made up an excuse and disappeared anyway not leaving them time to convince him of anything.

The servants didn't achieve anything and even knights started trying their luck. Alden was even colder to them and cut the conversation short as soon as possible before Tyon even came up. Alden and Tyon were the topic of the year in the mansion and everywhere they went, people would stare at them. Alden didn't mind and did as if he didn't notice anything whereas Tyon was way too focused on Alden to see anything.

As he was passing the training grounds with Amauri, knights even stopped training to look at them. Alden started getting frustrated and decided to hide with Amauri in the library. There they chose books and sat down to read. Alden invested all his energy in him without regretting it one bit. Amauri was always with his mommy except for when he took his bath or had to go to classes which wasn't often. At those times Earl would come for him and Alden would have a little time for himself.

Staying in the library alone he continued reading but soon heard the door open and close. When he looked up he saw Tyon approach and he immediately stood up to put the book back on the shelf before leaving. Tyon saw his movements and hurried to the shelf eager to talk things out. When he turned around, Tyon was really close to him and Alden flinched. He wanted to run away but couldn't move with that man so close to him:

"Move back."

Tyon immediately did with the face of a sad puppy.

"I just want to talk.

-Fine then let's talk."

Alden couldn't push this back anymore. Now that Amauri was fine he wanted to get back to the original plan and take him to the zoo as promised.

"We have a lot of things to discuss.

-I know..."

No one ever saw such a small knight commander but Alden didn't see anything because of his past anger slowly coming back to him:

"Have you got any idea what you did wrong?"

Tyon couldn't take Alden's gaze anymore and stared at his shoes.

"I should have let you go to the Zoo with Amauri.

-Even before that!"

Alden really wanted to stay composed in front of Tyon but there was no helping it.

"You kidnapped me! You never apologized for that.

-I'm sorry.

-I didn't finish. You think you can do anything you want to people and that is not okay. You are no one and are for sure not better than anyone else. You can't drag people away and you can't lock them up either. I get that you are concerned for Amauri's safety but he is a child, not a hamster!"

Tyon was waiting calmly for Alden to finish.

"And you didn't want to let me wear whatever I wanted? You didn't let Amauri express his feelings, you never showed him any love, you would have forgotten about his existence if you didn't see him at breakfast. You shouldn't raise a child if you don't know how. Does Amauri have any other family members aside from you?


-I see... Poor child... I would love to take him away from here but unfortunately he loves you a lot. Oh and speaking of love, that child tries to please you so much. Would it kill you to at least smile at him? I never saw you smile and I am sure that could be a huge trauma in the long run for him. What will you do to him if he starts rebelling as a teenager? Are you going to lock him in a dark room?


-Are you going to hit him?


-I don't believe you! You are so cold and terrifying, I wouldn't be surprised if you started hurting him or neglecting him all together. What would he have done if I never ran into him? And what would you have done if I didn't sign that contract? Would you have forced me?"

Tyon opened his mouth but realized it was probably what he would have done back then. He didn't care about other people's feelings and always got whatever he wanted no matter the cost. Seeing him stay silent made Alden's blood freeze of shock.

"You are a horrible person. I never met anyone as bad as you. What the heck is wrong with you seriously?"

Tyon had no idea what to do or what to say.

"I was wrong, I am sorry.

-What exactly are you sorry about? You do things you should apologize for every second. I can't keep track anymore.

-For everything. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just... You can take Amauri anywhere. He was really sad when he heard he couldn't go.

-I know. I was the one comforting him, not you! Because you are never there. You just do horrible things and then leave without a worry."

It wasn't true that Tyon didn't have any worries. He had changed more than anyone in those few weeks and couldn't even recognize himself but now he knew that if he did something to hurt Alden, he wouldn't be able to breathe. He felt pitiful but couldn't do anything about it.

"I know. I'm sorry."

Tyon wasn't good with words and didn't know what to say. He wanted to tell him how bad he had thought about it and how terribly sorry he really was. He wanted to tell him about all his sleepless nights and all the times he thought about him or stared at him from his study window. He wanted to hug him close to his body and never let him go. He wanted to feel his warmth and get back to the kiss they shared that day.

"I will take Amauri to the zoo.


Tyon looked up and realized Alden wasn't looking at him anymore. He was looking straight ahead somewhere before Tyon but there was no one behind them. He frowned:

"Are you scared of me?"

Alden frowned and looked up:


-Why don't you ever look me in the eyes?"

Tyon knew his question was childish but he really wanted Alden to look at him. Alden had said before that Tyon was terrifying. Was he really scared of him? That would break Tyon. He wanted to see himself in Alden's eyes and no one else but he didn't want to see fear in them.

"I am not scared of you.

-Then why are you avoiding all contact?

-Because I despise you. I hate even the idea of you and don't want to have anything to do with you. I can't wait for this year to be over for me to leave and never see you again."

Tyon felt as if someone had ripped his heart out. He staggered a bit and Alden took advantage of the situation to slip away. Seeing him leave angrily, Tyon called him and reached out his hand by reflex. He didn't want to touch him but just reached out without thinking. Hearing his name be screamed this way, Alden raised his arms by reflex and protected his head while closing his eyes. They didn't know who was more surprised by his actions. Seeing Alden protect himself and shake, froze Tyon. Was he scared of him? Did he think he would hit him? He had no idea how things could have gotten so bad and knew even less what to say. He wanted to comfort him, to tell him he would never hurt him but no words were coming out.

Alden suddenly realized what he did and put his hands down. He looked at Tyon and quickly explained himself:

"I am not scared of you!"

But then why was he shaking?

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