Chapter 34

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Before the Wedding, there were still two big events upcoming: Christmas and New Year's ball. For Christmas, the Farroworb family was invited to a family gathering counting the Pardirages family but seeing this, Alden hesitated. He didn't like Christmas. Growing up it wasn't a happy holiday for children and he had no good memories of it which was why he really wanted Amauri to have a good time. He wanted this child to remember Christmas forever as the warmest night of winter. Because of this, Alden got really lost in thought for a few days and seeing this, Tyon came up to him and surrounded his waist with his arm. Alden didn't even realize still thinking about Christmas when he suddenly heard a voice from behind him. He jumped and almost fell if it wasn't for Tyon maintaining him.

"How did you get here?"

Tyon laughed:

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

Alden signed.

"I really want Amauri to have a good Christmas."

Tyon was listening to Alden while lowering his head on his shoulder. Alden knew they had to act like a couple in front of the others anyway and he didn't mind being tactile. He didn't remember perfectly what had happened when he had been sick but he knew that Tyon had been there for him and didn't hurt him. He was still uncomfortable at the idea of trusting him but he didn't mind being close to him.

"We are invited to a family gathering for Christmas but maybe being only us three would be better. I have no idea. I can't ask Amauri because he only wants to be with me. What would be the biggest hit? A big party with his friends too or a family thing? I have no idea. I know you don't like people either so I can't ask you."

Tyon didn't deny and Alden signed. What to do? He got lost in thought again and Tyon hugged Alden even closer, taking advantage of him being busy for cuddling him as much as he wanted. Tyon closed his eyes and started feeling Alden's scent feeling completely at ease. Being close to Alden was Tyon's home. Nothing else could make him more relaxed than having Alden all to himself. There was no one to talk to him and no one to look at him. He was completely his in that moment and Tyon had the urge to bite Alden for some reason. He thought about it but didn't dare ask Alden if he could, scared that he would disturb his thinking. He therefore just stared at Alden's neck feeling his teeth itching like crazy. He remembered how soft Alden's skin was and could still feel his tears on his tongue. Tyon was still deep in his imagination when he heard someone come their way.

The next second, Janyn appeared and hearing him, Alden woke up, getting away from Tyon. The latter let him go but glared at Janyn with terrifying eyes. Why did he hire such a person? He wanted to fire him on the spot and feelling this killing aura, Janyn immediately swallowed before finding an excuse to leave. However it was too late and Alden wasn't all lost in thought anymore, his eyes focused.

"We will stay here for Christmas."

Tyon was really happy about this and Alden saw it, rolling his eyes:

"Don't look that relieved."

Amauri was just as happy about the announcement and once Christmas arrived, they had a calm and warm family day where they cooked cookies, ate together, read a Christmas story and went for a walk once it was dark outside. Once they arrived home, the presents were already there and Amauri jumped on them excitedly. However, once again, he didn't open his gifts first but turned to his mommy to watch him open his gifts. Alden couldn't convince Amauri to go first and everyone stared at him while he was opening his first present.

Amauri had an amazing night as well as his parents and he thanked them thousands of times for being together. Soon after came the New Year's ball organized by the King. The little family got ready and left rather late. The reason for this was of course because Amauri and Tyon had spent hours dressing Alden. It was Alden's fault if he thought about it. He had the bad idea of creating three dresses for the ball instead of one and loved all of them not being able to decide which one to wear. Therefore he went to ask his little family and they left two hours late for the ball. Alden hated being late. He couldn't take it. He hated arriving first and arriving late.

Therefore, Alden started rubbing his forehead completely stressed out:

"Are you okay mommy?

-Are you sick?

-No. I am just ashamed.


-We can't arrive two hours late to the King's ball. What... Rah."

He continued rubbing his head and soon realized that the boys didn't even seem sorry.

"We needed time to choose your dress mommy.

-The three were too good to choose from.

-You... Rah nothing.

-We are sorry mommy.


-Don't say it if you don't believe it. You are going to do the same next time.


He didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry. When they arrived, Alden wanted to disappear but their family was nothing but transparent and all eyes turned to them as they walked to the throne. Every ball, people would greet the King one after the other before the festivities could start and Alden had already greeted the King a few times but never really talked to him. He had no idea what kind of person the King really was and was shaking all over. Sensing this, Tyon surrounded Alden's waist and Amauri grabbed his mommy's hand. They stopped in front of the King and bowed deeply. Alden waited for the worst. Maybe they would get killed for being late. Who knew? But the King just told them to look up and when Alden did, he saw a man with a big smile.

The King was a rich and self centered man. Everyone knew that but it seemed that he also loved children. Seeing Amauri, he started smiling before looking at Tyon:

"I never would have thought the Cardinal of Death would someday have a family. Look at you my dear friend."

Alden held back a frown. Calling Tyon a friend was weird. He did do a lot for the King which explained the friendly atmosphere but they weren't friends and Tyon's face showed it. Alden didn't know what would have happened if they would have come without Amauri but everything was turning out for the better and that was the most important. After talking to Tyon, the King turned to Alden:

"And this is the wife I heard so much about."

Alden opened wide eyes.

"Oh, sorry. You are not married yet. I can't wait for your Wedding. The whole country is talking about it."

Alden looked at Tyon, which made the King laugh:

"Are you that surprised? Everyone saw how bloodthirsty your man is when you are talking to someone else. If I could ask for something, please don't talk to anyone tonight because I don't want my guests to be murdered."

The King started laughing really hard, proud of his joke.

"You should tell me how you tamed that beast. I think a lot of people would pay to know. So? What did you do?"

Alden swallowed hard.

"I have no idea, your Highness.

-Don't tell me it is just natural because I would be too jealous. What did you do?"

Alden slowly started relaxing and seeing how much the King liked joking he forced himself to smile:

"I guess I am just too lovable for my own good."

As predicted, the King started laughing really loudly and hitting his throne.

"I like you!"

But seeing Tyon's face he quickly backed away:

"I was just kidding! I don't want anything with your wife, don't worry. I should have followed my own advice and stopped looking at you after two seconds. I am so sorry, Sir Tyon..."

The King bowed a few times to Tyon, still laughing.

"Too bad. I really wanted to know more about you."

He shrugged.

"Guess I'll see you next time, then."

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