Chapter 33

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Now that Alden was all better, everyone could calm down. Following the incident, however, people started behaving strangely around Alden. Just like the first time, everyone smiled warmly at Alden and brought him small gifts as well as gave him compliments. Alden didn't think too much about it and went on with his life.

Amauri was acting strangely too. He didn't spend time with his dada and didn't help plan the wedding at all while this had been his sole hobby for the last few days. Alden immediately realized but thought he was a child and it was normal if he got bored of something easily. Therefore he didn't say anything about it and continued playing with Amauri.

While playing together, multiple people came to visit Alden and bring him gifts to celebrate that he was all better. The first one was Earl and then later on Janyn. Alden thanked them warmly just like every other servant but these two were different because instead of small sweets or such, they brought him something more personal such as a book or cloth fabric. Lastly, the five knights that Alden started to know well came and knocked shyly on the door. Seeing them, Alden smiled:

"Hello, there. Come in."

He thought Amauri would be happy to see them but the latter hadn't been friendly with them since they had the idea of the picnic. Seeing them bearing gifts, Amauri gave them the benefit of the doubt and bowed politely. Sir Willie seemed really worried about Alden and brought a very cute plushie that Alden loved, Sir Gaillard brought chocolate that was always welcome, Sir James brought tea leaves, Sir Nicolaus brought a book and Sir Owain brought some candies. Alden thanked them and told them to sit down for a bit which they did.

"How do you feel..."

Sir Gaillard glanced at Amauri before adding:

"Mister Farroworb?

-I am fine, thank you. I rarely get this sick and was quite surprised. But I am glad no one caught it. That's the most important.

-We are happy that you are okay.

-Thank you. And thank you for the gifts.

-Was the circus worth it at least?

-Yes it was! Right Amauri?

-Yes mommy.

-We really liked it. They were amazing. You should go. They are still here for another two weeks, I heard.

-We will. And what is the next event on your list?

-I promised the others to rest for a while.

-Oh, then the next event will be the wedding I guess.


Everyone turned to Amauri, shocked by his outburst.

"What is wrong, Darling?

-I don't want mommy to get married."

Alden frowned.

"What happened? I thought you were excited about it.

-Not anymore."

Alden tried thinking about it. What could have happened for Amauri to change his mind like this? Sensing the weird atmosphere, the knights left them alone and Alden lifted Amauri to his laps:

"What's wrong? You can tell me anything you know, right?

-Yes, mommy.

-Would you like to tell me what happened?"

Amauri didn't seem ready to talk.

"It's okay. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. I am here when you are ready. But you know, I am only getting married because of you."

Amauri suddenly looked up:

"Because of me?

-Yes. Do you remember what I told you when I asked you if you wanted me to be your mom?

-Yes. You are my mom now and you always will be.

-Exactly. At first I wasn't part of your family but Tyon always was and if I marry him, I'll be able to be your mommy for real."

Amauri thought about it for a second before slowly nodding:

"Then I want mommy to get married.



-Would you like to tell me what you were scared of?

-The lady said I had to share you."

Alden immediately remembered Miss Pardirages telling this to Amauri. Had he been that shocked by that sentence?

"The Lady was just joking. You don't have to share me with anyone. You are my only baby."

Amauri seemed way too happy about this.

"But you know, I have a lot of space in my heart. Even if someday I start loving someone, it wouldn't change how much I love you. Maybe I'll love someone as much as you but never more that's impossible I promise.

-I will only love you mommy.

-You are adorable but you don't have too. You have infinite space in your heart too.

-I don't care. I'll only love you."

Alden hugged Amauri while laughing.

"Then thank you, Darling."

Once Amauri calmed down, he went back to planning with his father and Alden soon realized that spring was only a few months away. It was time to choose a precise date for the wedding and send the invitations. Tyon and Amauri had already chosen the design for the invites while being validated by Alden of course. But they still had to make the guest list and choose the date. Therefore Alden sat down with his little family and thought they would be done in a few seconds but for some reason no date was good enough. Tyon wanted the wedding to be the earliest possible but was still as picky as Amauri.

"March 1st is the day of a big massacre. We can't have a wedding on the day of a massacre.

-March 2nd is the coronation of the King.

-We could still overshadow the King."

Alden quickly said no before the two decided to start a war.

"I like March 20th."

They looked at Alden and immediately wrote the date down. Alden laughed. They had such a hard time but would go all silent once he said something. They weren't even looking into what happened on that day. Alden still looked at the calendar and saw something:

"Oh... March the 20th is Sir Delanon's birthday."

Tyon frowned:

"Do you want him dead?"

Alden shuttered.

"No! Is it ill mannered to hold a wedding on someone's birthday?


-You could do whatever you want mommy."

But Alden shook his head.

"I prefer not to take chances. Let's choose another date.

-But mommy, you like March the 20th.

-It is okay, Darling. I don't really care about it that much. What about March the 28th instead?"

They finally settled on a date and started dressing the guests list. The boys wanted a huge wedding and Alden didn't have anything against it, liking big parties. The more people, the easier it was to avoid being bored. Almost everyone got invited to the party but Alden did erase a few names that he didn't want to see. Tyon didn't ask and nodded, giving the list to Janyn for him to send the invites.

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