Chapter 2

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Alden got escorted to Tyon's mansion while still holding the little boy. He didn't stop screaming all the way there:

"Get your hands off me now! I am going to cut your hands off! What are you doing? This is a kidnapping!"

Tyon couldn't take his cries anymore and hurried ahead. Once in Tyon's study, the knights finally let got of Alden. He turned to them furious and as promised he kicked them one after the other. He had more strength than you would have guessed and the two knights who escorted him grabbed their legs with a frown. Tyon raised a hand to calm everyone down but Alden was still glaring at the knights who touched him:

"Leave us. I'll deal with you later."

They left them alone shaking at the thought of being next and once gone Tyon turned to Alden his face cold as ice:

"You are going to be my nephew's, Amauri's mother for a few months.

-I beg your pardon?"

Alden thought he heard wrong and blinked a few times.

"Do I have to repeat everything I say from now on?

-Oh excuse me. Am I an inconvenience? I wasn't the one asking to be dragged here.

-You'll have to pretend until he is old enough to understand the truth. He is too young and even calls me Dada.

-What the heck are you talking about? Do you really think I will do whatever you want just because you asked? Well it sounded more like an order than you asking but besides the point."

Tyon's gaze was ice cold but Alden was really angry:

"Who do you think you are? Just because you want me to do something you think I will do so with a smile? You are no commander of mine. Do you see me wearing armor by any chance? I could interest you in a great ophthalmologist if you want."

Tyon wasn't used to people arguing with him and he wanted to make Alden stop talking. He couldn't stand his sarcasm. His knights would never dare argue back and everyone knew that he was the cardinal of Death. But this young man was looking at his with eyes full of defiance.

"I will give you whatever you want in return.

-I don't want anything from you.

-You'll have all the dresses you want.

-Who wants dresses? I have plenty."

Tyon was extremely surprised. Every time he saw him he was wearing an awful dress and smiling broadly as if oblivious of what people were thinking. How could he refuse dresses? Wasn't that what he loved most? He should be jumping on the occasion.

"I just saved your son, or nephew or whatever. He was crying in a dark alley saying that his father was at work. I am not saying you did something bad. I understand some people spend a lot of time at work that's how things are but he could have been in great danger. And despite everything I did you dragged me here and treated me as a criminal ordering me around as if I should be happy you gave me a chance? Just how full of yourself are you?"

Heering the young man scream, the little boy started crying:

"Mommy don't fight with Dada! You shouldn't fight. Give him a kiss!"

Alden wanted to faint but did his best to smile and raised the child high in the air:

"Sweety look at me. I am not your mommy, okay? This is your family."

Alden tried giving Amauri back to Tyon but the young child started kicking the air shaking his head violently. Alden almost dropped him, having way more force than he would have thought.

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