Chapter 18

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Tyon and Amauri escorted Alden to his room and they wanted to help him change his clothes but he told them to stay put which they did. When he came back they helped him lay down and didn't want to leave asking if he was okay every two seconds. Alden really wasn't used to being looked after and he couldn't get mad but felt very uneasy.

"I am fine.

-Do you need another pillow?

-No, it's okay.

-Are you sure?


-Would you like to eat something?

-No, thank you."

Alden answered slowly, feeling his skin crawl because of all the stares. But once again, none of the servants came to his rescue. On the contrary, they encouraged the two masters of the house by bringing hot water bottles, medicinal herbs and much more. Alden became the center of attention and it felt like the whole mansion stopped living for a second concentrated on his well being. What was going on?

Soon the five knights came knocking too, their heads lowered. Seeing them, both Amauri and Tyon crossed their arms, their eyes cold as ice. Alden wasn't even amused by their ressemblance anymore.

"Who let you in?"

The knights shuttered:

"We came to ask for forgiveness.

-We are so sorry. We just wanted to cheer Mister Alden up and didn't think about the weather."

To everyone's surprise, Amauri was the coldest:

"Don't call mommy by his name."

The knights froze for a second. They had been quite close to Amauri before this incident but now they both feared being fired by Amauri and killed by Tyon. James decided to play it safe:

"What should we call mister?

-Mister Farroworb."

Alden's chin almost dropped. Farroworb was the family name of Tyon and Amauri but not his. But he got even more surprised when he saw Tyon slowly nod. How could he be okay with this? Was he going to be Mister Farroworb while Tyon was Sir Farroworb? It sounded as if they were really Amauri's parents and a married couple at that.

"Yes, young master."

Alden immediately tried to get up to stop all of this but hearing him move, Amauri and Tyon pivoted and immediately rushed to help him sit comfortably. Alden wanted to disappear. He was completely fine and they were acting as if he was terminally ill. He slowly pushed them away:

"I am fine. If you are acting this way when I am fine, what would happen if I got actually ill?

-Don't say that!"

Amauri had screamed for the first time against his mommy, his eyes looking terrified. Tyon didn't look better because he seemed on the verge of crying. Alden touched his forehead thinking that maybe he was ill and was hallucinating. It was a wrong move because the two panicked even more:

"Are you okay, mommy? Does your head hurt?

-Do you need a doctor?

-Does it hurt a lot?

-Get back! Give him space!"

Alden signed for them to calm down:

"I am fine. Completely fine."

He needed to change the subject and therefore turned to the five knights:

"Everything is fine. Thank you for the picnic. I had a lot of fun. And you can call me Alden, it's not a problem."

However, looking at Amauri and Tyon, no one dared call Alden by his name again. Feeling this weird atmosphere, Alden signed and laid back with the help of his child and husband, apparently being Mister Farroworb from then on.

"I am a bit tired. Could I sleep a bit?"

Everyone disappeared except for Amauri and Tyon.

"You can go, I am fine.

-But what if you feel worse during the night?

-Then you shouldn't stay here, Amauri. You shouldn't catch my sickness.

-I want to stay next to mommy."

Alden laughed:

"You really are stubborn. Come lay down here."

Amauri jumped on the bed happily and hugged his mommy with all his might. Of course he took advantage of the situation to nag his dad who didn't move an inch from the side of the bed. Alden for some reason felt that Tyon really wanted to come on the bed too which was disturbing.

"You don't have to stand there."

Tyon grabbed a chair and came back to the side of the bed. Seeing him all worried made Alden roll his eyes.

"I am completely fine. I don't have a fever and I don't even feel cold anymore."

But Tyon didn't say anything. It had been a long day and a long week and feeling exhausted as well as tired of someone staring at him sadly, Alden signed Tyon to come closer:


Tyon froze, his cheeks the temperature of lava.


-I can't sleep if you are staring at me from there. Either leave or lay down with us.

-Can I?

-I just told you to come."

Tyon jumped on the bed but didn't lie down immediately.

"What is it?

-Can I hug you too?"

Alden thought about it for a second.


He would have agreed to anything just for people to stop staring at him. Tyon felt really nervous and slowly crawled next to Alden. The latter had been laying on his back with Amauri laying on his right arm. Tyon on his left put his arm behind Alden's head and put his other arm around his hips while Amauri was surrounding Alden's stomach with his arms. Tyon was very gentle and pulled Alden as close to him as he could, his nose buried into his hair. Being like this, Alden could feel Tyon's heart racing frantically. Alden rolled his eyes:

"You are so weird."

Tyon froze before smiling:

"I know."

Amauri and Alden soon fell asleep and Tyon could stare at his little family for hours without anyone complaining. Tyon didn't remember ever feeling this happy in his whole life and put his arm around Amauri's body too. It really felt like two parents and a child and this thought made him tear up. Being this close to Alden, Tyon kissed his forehead to check for a fever without having to let him go of his arms. Kissing him like this, Tyon felt his lips burn and he thought he would be blinded by desire. If this was what he felt after kissing Alden just once, what would happen if he continued? He really wanted to kiss every inch of his body but he didn't have permission so he didn't do anything and tried to sleep too.

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