Chapter 15

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There was a huge silence when the small family left the room and everyone stared at them without daring to cross their gaze. Especially not Tyon's.The play went well and Amauri really enjoyed his night. During the break, a table full of sweets was waiting for the small family in the waiting room. Alden was sure Tyon asked for so many sweets to be brought to get on Amauri's good side. Alden had brought them to help them get closer and it had worked in a strange way.

Amauri and Tyon had an awkward atmosphere around each other before coming. Tyon cared for the child without knowing how to treat him and Amauri loved his dad without daring to be a child around him. Alden thought it would be harder to get rid of the awkward vibe but for some reason it evaporated after the incident. They still weren't best friends but talk to each other without problem.

Following the play, Amauri got interested in sparring and Tyon decided to teach him. Alden was very surprised by this and didn't understand what had happened but he was happy to see them get on well. However Tyon was a ruthless teacher and Alden had to supervise to be sure he wouldn't traumatize Amauri. The little child was strangely stubborn and didn't get discouraged despite all his hours of hard work. Alden was really proud of his baby but still did his best to force them to take a break from time to time.

Amauri never wanted to take breaks but Alden came from time to time to bring something sweet he liked. In those moments he went up to Tyon and told him everything he couldn't in front of the kid:

"You have to compliment him. Tell him when he does something well. That will give him the motivation to go on."

Tyon didn't say anything, always seriously listening to what Alden was saying. However Alden wasn't used to talking to someone so silent and felt as if talking to a wall which was unnerving. He cut the conversation short and left to compliment Amauri while Tyon was staring at his back, disappointed about how quickly he left.

"You are amazing out there!

-Thank you mommy, I know.

-But aren't you tired?

-No! Not at all!

-You can take a break if you need to. You are already amazing.

-I want to get strong quickly.

-You have a lot of time, you know.

-No. I want to be the one protecting mommy."

Alden didn't know what to say. He had been this child's mom for months and he had grown very attached to him. He couldn't say how touched he was by this declaration and hugged him. Amauri laughed happily, liking to be in his mom's arms. Tyon on the other hand realized that Alden never hugged him and he didn't like that thought:

"How long are you going to relax? You won't become strong anytime soon that way."

Amauri immediately ran to the field and fired up. And for some reason the two seemed to be competing against each other. At the end of the teaching Tyon saw that Alden wasn't happy and he looked away a bit ashamed. What was he doing being jealous of a kid? But this weird competition for Alden's love and attention became the new everyday of the mansion. Amauri didn't like not being the one to protect his mommy and felt inferior to his dad which he couldn't handle. Therefore he started competing about everything else against his dad.

During meals, Amauri wouldn't stop talking about everything he did with his mommy during the day and about everything he knew about his mommy that others didn't. Amauri was happily smiling to Tyon who was boiling in rage. At least all the awkwardness disappeared, Amauri was no more scared of Tyon at all. But now they were some kind of enemies as well as partners.

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