Chapter 20

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The little family spent more and more time together and they soon became the center of gossip in town. Everyone talked of the fact that the Commander of Death who had hated people talking to him and touching him had found a little lover. Everyone saw the way he had escorted Alden and the way he had lost his composure the second someone had gone into an argument with Alden. The gossip did diverge starting there. Some people believed Alden had forced Tyon to love him somehow. Be it using magic or threatening him. What was sure was that everyone was curious to see who was the chosen lover of Tyon.

The little family spending more and more time together outside and Amauri loving to talk about his mommy and to call Alden mommy, other gossip spread. People talked about the fact that Tyon had impregnated Alden by some kind of magic who came back with their child recently. Again there were a lot of different versions. Some said Tyon had been looking for Alden for years and that was the reason why he was so cold to everyone while others said Amauri was the reason why Alden could force Tyon to do what he wanted. However most of the people didn't believe that Alden was the mom of Amauri and were sure people had started a groundless rumor.

Hearing all of this, Alden went to Tyon's office. Seeing him come in, Tyon raised his eyebrows. It had been a while since he last came in.

"What can I do for you?

-Did you hear what people are saying?

-Yes. Does it bother you?

-Well, they are talking about Amauri and I don't like that. He is just a child. He shouldn't be in gossips.

-Then I'll silence them.

-Thank you. What do you want to do?

-We could answer to gossip or give them something else to talk about."

Alden thought about it. Gossip was something hard to deal with. He was used to ignoring it and had no idea how to stop it.

"What would we answer?

-We could tell them the truth.

-No. Amauri still doesn't accept the fact that I am not his biological mom. He shouldn't be hearing about it from strangers."

Tyon slowly nodded, taking note.

"Then a lie?

-Like what? That Amauri is really our child?

-Why not?

-They would still talk about Amauri asking where he was until now and they would investigate until they have the whole truth.

-Truth can be forged.

-So we tell them that he is our child and why didn't we live together before? We had a fight?"

Tyon smiled.


-We could say that I wanted to raise Amauri alone but changed my mind 8 months ago."

Amauri started living in town only a few months before he met Alden so no one knew him either making the whole thing believable.

"We could announce it during Amauri's birthday ball.

-Will you be okay? asked Tyon.

-What do you mean?

-You would be known as Amauri's mom after this."

Alden thought about it for a second.

"I love that child. I really do. I have been his mom for almost a year and I really do think of him as my child. I know I am not but if he lets me I would love to be. So no, I don't care."

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