2-Burden And Unwanted

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Saanjh enter inside college campus after wiping her tears. And find two girls are already waiting for her.

Diya - what's this Saanjh? how late you are coming to college? Today is the first day of our college and you are coming this much late. I just hope we do not get scolded by the professor on the very first day of our college. (she says this last line while pouting )

Riya - oye make-up queen will you stop your drama for sometime? Look at Shona face seeing looking so dull. Shona what happened? why is your face is looking so dull? What happened? Are you not feeling well?. (While looking towards Saanjh she bombarded her with her questions in worried voice)

Saanjh composing herself and while faking a smile she say's "Nothing has happened to me, I'm totally fine. Actually I left home late for college, so I also felt that the professor should not stop us from entering the class, that's why I am little worried nothing else". She again fake smile.

Diya - Shona yaar I was just kidding 5 minutes is still left for our lecture to start. So Now chill. (She says while flicking her hair)

"Idiot" Riya says with a smile while smacking Diya head.

Diya - Ouch! (While crassing her head where Riya just now smacked her)

"Diyu, Riyu 5 minute is not left, 5 minute was left. It's already time for our first lecture. Now let's go, Somewhere if Diyu words comes true then we all will definitely get scolded by our professor'' Saanjh says while dragging Diya and Riya towards classroom.

Diya and Riya school friends of Saanjh. Diya and Riya both are sisters actually both are twins. They're best friend of Saanjh. Their friendship is since they were in sixth grade. Like Poorvi lovingly called Saanjh as Shona in the same way both Diya and Riya also called Saanjh as Shona and Saanjh called them Diyu and Riyu. But they both don't know anything about Saanjh and her father bitter relationship. Saanjh is expert in hiding this from her both the friends too.

After completing her college Saanjh bid bye to her both the friends and left for her house. 
After entering inside house Poorvi started bombarding her with so many questions like how was her first day in college? About making new friends? about dropping her at college by Sankalp?

But Saanjh lied to her di about Sankalp dropping her at college. But somewhere Poorvi felt something wrong in Saanjh behaviour.

Poorvi - Shona you are fine na? Why do I feel like you are hiding something from me? Papa was actually dropped you in college na? (she asked suspiciously)

Saanjh get tensed after listening her question. She did not want her di to know the truth and felt bad. so she composed herself and say.

Saanjh - of course not di I'm not
hiding anything from you and Papa actually dropped me in college and You wouldn't want to know how was the first day of my College?

Like this she successfully divert Poorvi mind from their papa topic and start telling her about her first day at college , about her all the lecture, professor's and how her first day at college went, and Poorvi happily listened to her each and every words.

At Night:

After dinner all went towards their rooms to sleep. But Saanjh went towards terrace after reaching the terrace she walked towards the railing. while standing on terrace she started thinking about her life and the rude behavior of Sankalp towards her. It's not first time that Sankalp did this to her. From childhood she always saw hatred in her father eyes for her. Discrimination she always had to face between her and her Poorvi di.

Her father always love her Poorvi di like anything else in the world, always pampered her but he never gave a slightest glance to her. it was her Dadaji (Grandfather) who always cheer up her sad mood in her childhood.

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