7-Saanjh Teasing Poorvi

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Midnight 12:00 clock in Goenka Mansion everyone is sleeping except one person. And At that time Arhaan enter inside house and directly walked towards his room without noticing the person who's sitting in the hall in the dark and waiting for him.

After getting freshen up Arhaan came out of the room and saw all the lights of the hall were on and Anusuya was busy in placing dishes on the dinning table. Anusuya saw him and smile and said.

Anusuya - Arhaan beta come and have your dinner.

Arhaan ignore her and went inside kitchen and take some water in glass and start drinking it.

Anusuya came near him and again said "Beta please have some food. Today you didn't have your breakfast properly and did not even ate your lunch too" .

After listening her words Arhaan put the glass on the kitchen cabinet with thud sound which was in his hand and angrily look toward Anusuya.

Arhaan - Mrs Goenka how do you get to know that I didn't ate my lunch today?

Anusuya while fumbling with words "woh woh...."

Arhaan while raising his one eyebrow asked "You are spying on me, Mrs Goenka?". Anger is clearly visible in his voice.

Anusuya - No beta it's not like that you are thinking. Today breakfast also you didn't eat properly I'm your mother I was worried for you. So I called Nakul and asked about you.

Arhaan (Angrily) - just shut up. How many times ha? how many times do I have to remind you that you are not my mother, why such a small thing does not fit in your brain.

Arhaan close his eyes for some seconds to calm down himself and then continue further "Dadu and Dadi is not alive, even no one is here so you don't have to do acting of being a good mother of your step son".

"Mind your own business" by saying this Arhaan went to his room.

Anusuya sit there and start crying thinking about Arhaan bitter words. Is her love, care and affection it seem acting to him?. this is not first time he said those bitter word's to her, from the last 25 years she's listening his venom filled words for her but always his same words give fresh wounds in her heart she cried there for sometime and went to her room without having her dinner too.

Anusuya was waiting for Arhaan even she didn't ate her dinner.

Next day morning at Agrawal House:

After having breakfast. Saanjh grandmother fed her Dahi-cheeni (Dahi-cheeni - curd with sugar). Saanjh touch her grandparents feet and took blessings from them as usual Sankalp doesn't gave her chance to touch his feet and went from there. Poorvi hug her and wishes her all the best for her examination because from today her exams were starting. After that Saanjh with her grandfather went to college because today her grandfather wanted to drop her at college .

At University :

Before entering inside college Devdatt hugged Saanjh and kissed her forehead and wishes her good luck. Saanjh went inside college and meet her friends and they all together walk towards their classroom. After some hours the exam was over Saanjh bid bye to her friends and left for her house.

After entering inside colony Saanjh paid the Auto driver and went towards her house door and ring the bell of the house. Poorvi opened the door of the house and smiled seeing Saanjh. After entering inside house Poorvi told her to get freshen up and come to the dinning table for eating some Snacks. Saanjh nod her head and went towards their room.

After sometime at the dinning table Saanjh, Poorvi and Ambika are having some evening snacks and tea. At that time Poorvi asked Saanjh about her today's exam.

Poorvi - Shona How was your today's exam?

Saanjh with a smiling face say's "today's exam was superb di, I attained all the questions".

Ambika - I knew it already because my Saanjh is a brilliant student . But only doing good in studies is not enough, a girl should also adept in household chores too. Tomorrow your marriage will happen you have to go your house then you have to handle your house.

Poorvi - Dadimaa Shona is still a child and you are talking about her marriage (she said while shaking her head)

Ambika - She is not a child anymore, she is 18 years old now after your marriage, I need to start looking for a good alliance for Saanjh too and as soon as her college education get completed we will start preparing for her marriage . You would have been married long ago but your father was not ready to do your marriage so soon and you also wanted to complete your masters degree and your father and grandfather was supporting you at that time so I couldn't say much that time , But now I have already started looking for you a good alliance and after your marriage, I will start looking for a good proposal for Saanjh and this time I will not listen to anyone.

On hearing about her marriage topic Poorvi felt shy.

Saanjh looks towards Poorvi and after seeing her red tomato like cheeks, She took an apple from fruit bowl and said.

Saanjh - Dadi maa today Apple is more red or Di's cheeks. (She say's in teasing manner)

Seeing her little sister naughtiness .

Poorvi with fake angry face says "Shonaaa day by day you are becoming very naughty".

Saanjh - what di I'm just saying the truth look at your cheeks it is giving competition to apples .

"Dadimaa see her na" Poorvi said while whining like a kid.

Ambika - enough both of you, Saanjh come to the kitchen we need to prepare dinner and Poorvi you bring out the clothes from the roof and after that directly come to the kitchen .

Saanjh - ji Dadimaa

Poorvi - wait Shona. (Then she Looked towards Ambika and say) Dadi maa Shona exams are going on till her exams are going on let her concentrate in her studies I'm there na I will help you in all the household chores.

Ambika - OK Saanjh you go and study.

Saanjh nodded her head and went to her room and engrossed herself in her books.

Like this days were passing and Saanjh totally engrossed in her studies and exams. It took two weeks for her exam to finish.

!! That's all for today!!

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And please give a try to my another book also "VENGEANCE FOR BETRAYAL"

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