24 - Saanjh Is Lonely

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After dinner Saanjh started keeping the casserole inside refrigerator and Poorvi started cleaning the dinning table and Sankalp move towards his room.

In Sankalp Room :

Sankalp went inside his room and sat on the bed and start thinking about what he listened today in the park.


Sankalp after dropping Ambika and Devdutt at the station coming back to the house to take his bank passbook when he saw Laksh and Saanjh going inside the park and got confused why they both are going inside the park as per his knowledge Laksh and Goenka family didn't see her because Saanjh was not present in the house when they came to meet Poorvi and in engagement day also all are so busy that Ambika don't get time to introduce Saanjh to Goenka family even at the time of pooja also Saanjh was not present there so how they know eachother and why they are going inside the park thinking all this things he started following them inside the park and he was about to reach near them when he listened Laksh love confession for Saanjh and rooted in his place its like someone poured bucket full of chilled water over him and after listening Laksh each and every words what he was saying to Saanjh how he first time saw her, how he fall in love with her, how he started searching for her each and everything he listened and atlast Laksh saying about breaking his engagement with Poorvi he felt like someone snatched land under his feet he started taking his steps back and stumbled and took the support of nearby bench to balance himself and sat in bench with a thud and started thinking about Poorvi, her glowing face at her engagement day her excitement to start her new life and her love confession for Laksh on terrace, tears started gathering in his eyes he sat there for almost half an hour and after that he called Poorvi and said that he won't come for lunch.


Sankalp POV :

"It can't be happened, Laksh loves Saanjh not Poorvi and he is even going to tell this to his family also and will break engagement also. If this happens, what will happen to my daughter Poorvi, she will be broken completely, she has started loving him, She has started dreaming about her new upcoming life with Laksh. My daughter will not be able to bear it she will be completely shattered her love will remain incomplete. Poorvi is very sensitive girl if she finds out that Laksh loves someone else and that girl is no one else, but she is her own little sister, I'm afraid now, she may be harm herself".

Saying this he palmed his mouth.

"No no it can't be happened I can't see my Poorvi in pain. I have to do something, I have to do something as soon as possible, before that Laksh told all the truth at his house, I have to stop him. For the happiness of my daughter, I have to get her marry with Laksh anyhow".

After thinking about something for some hours he said to himself

"Now this way is only left I have to do this for my Poorvi happiness and to save her from heartbreak".

POV end

Inside Saanjh and Poorvi Room:

Saanjh - di, today I want to sleep in Dadaji and Dadimaa's room.

Saanjh said hesitantly while holding her favourite pillow near her chest.

Poorvi saw her and nodded her head . because she thought that Saanjh is missing their grandparents alot she will feel better if she slept in their room .

Saanjh enter inside her Dadimaa and Dadaji room and closed the door and move towards their photo frame and hold it in her hand and started talking with the photo frame.

Saanjh hold the photo frame in her hand and started talking with them looking at their photos "Dadimaa, Dadaji I'm feeling lonely. Your Saanjh is lonely I don't know what is going to happen next, if Poorvi di got to know about Laksh ji feeling towards me I don't know how she will react, she will be shattered , di was fallen in deeply in love with Laksh ji. I don't know what to do next. How to stop all this things which is going to took place in future" Tears started flowing from her eyes.

Saanjh put the photo frame on the side table when her eyes fall on the diary . It was her Dadaji diary where he writes all the important contacts number she immediately open the diary to search Laksh phone number and finally got his number she mumbled thanks to her kanha ji while folding her hands and thought to call him when she realised she left her mobile in her room and he move towards her room but she saw that door was locked from inside so she didn't knocked at the door she don't want to disturb Poorvi's sleep so she went towards the hall to call Laksh from landline .

Saanjh To Herself - I need to talk with Laksh ji, I have to make him understand he should not tell anyone anything and don't break his engagement with my di, and for that I have to meet him. I have to do this for my di for her happiness.

Saanjh dialled Laksh number. Laksh saw some unknown landline number but he received the call .

On the call:

"Hello! Laksh ji it's me Saanjh" Saanjh speak slowly in phone because Poorvi and Sankalp is sleeping.

Laksh got astonished realising that it's Saanjh call and at the same time he felt happy listening her voice .

Laksh - Haan Saanjh say .

Saanjh - I want to meet you Laksh ji now

Laksh thought for sometime and about to say something when Saanjh again spoke in.

"Please Laksh ji don't say no, I want to meet you now" Saanjh said in desperate tone any how she wants to meet Laksh right now and wanted to make him understand not to tell anything about his towards her and not to break this engagement with Poorvi.

Laksh - ok Saanjh, now I am coming to your colony.

Saanjh instantly denied him.

Saanjh - no no Laksh ji you can't come here, if someone saw you then it will create problem. We will meet outside. Are you at your home now?

"No, Actually I'm at Gulmohar hotel to attend part...." before Laksh could complete his words Saanjh immediately spoke cutting him in the middle.

Saanjh immediately spoke "ok then I'm coming to Gulmohar hotel you stay there only".

Laksh thought for sometime and said

Laksh - okay then I'm sending a car for you. It is night and your coming here alone will not be safe. The hotel is quite far from your house.

Saanjh agreed to his word and said

Saanjh - I will wait outside of the colony at the main road.

Saying this she cut the call and again thanks her kanha ji for making Laksh agreed to meet her now she's 100% sure that he will make Laksh understand to forget her and not breaking the engagement with her di.

Unknown to the fact that today's night is going to change her entire life .

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