3-Entry Of Arhaan Goenka

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We can see one car stop infront of a huge building and a man in his 30's came out from the car along with another man in his mid 20's. The man in his 30's was wearing a business suit perfectly fitting his body his Jaw line was tight and sharp, he's looking extremely dashing and handsome. But there was nothing on his face no smile nor any kind of happiness no expression at all, his face is totally void of any kind of emotions. But his personality was speaking a dominating aura. His eyes are Intimidating its was so deep like an ocean, like he was holding so much inside his eyes.

The man in his 30's said in a bossy tone "let's go Yamir".

The man who's in his mid 20's name is Yamir

Yamir while nodding his head says
"Yes Sir".

And then they both walk inside the building. While the man in his 30's is walking forward and Yamir is following behind him.

While on the other side we can see a huge conference hall where many of the rich and well known businessman of the city are presented there. All are sitting in there respective places.

That's when two people enter inside the conference hall. everybody attention went towards them and everyone gets shock to see the first person who enter inside the hall and at a time their face fell and they become upset. then only when someone from the crowd says his name

"Mr Arhaan Goenka".

The person in his 30's is none other than Arhaan. The rude arrogant businessman Arhaan Goenka devil in business world And the other person with him is his Personal Assistance Yamir.

Businessman 1 - Mr Arhaan Goenka also gonna give presentation. Oh no

Businessman 2 - we should forget about this project now. till Mr Goenka is there We will never gonna get this project

Businessman 3 - yes you are right, inside there was little bit of hope to get this project, it also went away after seeing Arhaan Goenka.

Businessman 4 - I agree with you. He's very sharp minded businessman, we can say that he's devil in business world. Whatever project he eyes on, he definitely achieve that project.

While all the businessman are talking about Arhaan and showing their disappointment regarding on his presence. On the other side two person's are very happy to see him.

And the two person's are none other than Rajveer Goenka and Laksh Goenka. Arhaan's father and half brother.

Arhaan after entering inside conference hall with his P.A goes and sit in his place with Yamir. without paying any attention to the gossips about him.

All the Businessman who were already upset by seeing Rajveer Goenka there. But still having little bit of hope to get this project. But after seeing Arhaan their little bit of hope also get crushed. They all become disappointed. Because in the presence of Rajveer and Arhaan someone else getting the project is next to impossible.

Then after some minutes the presentation started and one by one all the businessman start giving their presentation. From Goenka Industry Laksh gave presentation while seeing Laksh, Arhaan clench his jaw in anger. Dislike or we can say hate is clearly visible on Arhaan face for Laksh.

After Laksh it's AG industry turn to give their presentation and Arhaan get up from his seat and move towards the podium to give presentation. like everytime it was the best presentation and Arhaan got the project .

All the businessman get up from their respective seats and congratulates Arhaan with a fake smile and went out from the conference hall with a sad faces.

From all among the people's who are presented inside the conference hall, two people's are genuinely happy for Arhaan for getting this project. Laksh and Rajveer is so much happy for Arhaan for getting this project. They happily went to him to congratulate him with a big smile plastered on their faces .

" Many many congratulations Bhai (brother) for winning this project, I'm so much happy for you". Laksh said with utmost happiness in his face which always Arhaan failed to notice or we can say that he deliberately ignore it due to his hatred for Laksh.

Rajveer with extreme happiness in his voice says "Congratulations Beta (son)."

Arhaan saw towards Laksh with non interesting look on his face and then he turn towards Rajveer and said with a smirk

Arhaan - So Mr Goenka you also like other people congratulating me by wearing a fake smile on your face. (While smirking he said to Rajveer)

Rajveer taken back by Arhaan word's and immediately reply "No son what are you saying? I am genuinely happy for you. you're my son my own blood and seeing my son's victory and success any father would be extremely happy and proud of his child for his achievement".

Arhaan with a emotionless face said to Rajveer "the person who is standing beside you is your Son which name is Laksh Goenka. I just live in the same house that too because of compulsion. so it will be better if You should not try to relate yourself to me".

While looking towards Laksh, Arhaan continue saying "Anyway today you shouldn't be happy for me you should be sad for your son. because after joining business. This was the first presentation of Laksh Goenka in which he failed miserably". he said this last line as a hint of taunt with a smirk.

After listening Arhaan word's Rajveer felt hurt and his face became gloomy.
Rajveer didn't felt hurt or sad because Arhaan taunt Laksh because Rajveer very well know that Laksh is new to the business world he has long way to go. this is not the only project of his life. Rajveer has full faith upon his son Laksh that he will surely improve himself with time afterall he's honest, hardworking and dedicated man just like him and his elder brother Arhaan. Rajveer actually felt hurt and sad because Arhaan don't consider him, as his father and nor Anusuya as his mother neither Laksh as his brother.

Seeing his father sad face Laksh immediately spoke with a genuine smile on his face .

Laksh - Bhai I'm defeated by my elder brother only, honestly speaking  more than my lose I'm happy for your success. I'm new to business world I have to learn a lot from you and Papa and I'm sure like you one day I will also definitely make Papa, Maa, di and you proud of myself.

Rajveer really felt proud upon Laksh at that moment when he says that more than his lose he's happy for his elder brother achivement.

But on the other side after listening Laksh confidence full of words and again Bhai word for himself from Laksh mouth Arhaan smirk got vanished from his face and he Clenched his fist in Anger and badly wanted to snapped at him , but at that time only Arhaan phone rang so he went away from there leaving them alone in the conference hall while talking in the phone. Laksh look towards Rajveer and sigh.

Laksh - Papa please do not get upset by Bhai words. you will see one day he will definitely call you Papa and will accept maa as his mother and me as his brother. That day will come very soon.

After listening Laksh words a small smile crept upon Rajveer lips and he lovingly caress his son face. 

!! That's all for today!!

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Unedited chapter ignore grammatical errors and mistakes.

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