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At The Farm House :

Arhaan is sitting inside the living room and sipping alcohol and the slapped incident is continuously playing inside his mind, he tightly closed his eyes in anger and clenched his jaw in extreme rage when he opened his eyes it was totally red which is showing only hatred for Saanjh and automatically his hold got tightened over the glass due to pressure glass got crushed, and his hand started bleeding. But he didn't pay any heed to his bleeding hand and took the photograph where Saanjh is slapping him and with extreme hatred and anger he spoke.

"You didn't did right. You insulted me in my own party, till now no one ever dares to raised his/ her eyes infront of me and you slapped me, you slapped Arhaan Goenka in a party full of people. you messed with a wrong person, you have to pay for it, now no one can save you from the fire of my anger, you clumsy girl get ready to face the warmth of Arhaan Goenka" Arhaan said with utmost hatred and anger filled voice and throw the photographer on the floor.

Then only Yamir entered inside the living room while disappointment and scaredness is clearly visible on his face.

Yamir - sir we could not find out how that girl entered inside the party hall because the entrance of the hotel corridor and party hall CCTV camera was not working.

"What the hell are you speaking dammit . How could you be so irresponsible you didn't check anything before booking that hotel" Arhaan yelled at Yamir

Yamir flinched in his place due to his angry tone and say "sir I checked full hotel properly and each and every CCTV camera it was working properly but don't know how it got damaged and stop working at the last moment".

"You know what Yamir you are good for nothing because of your carelessness we will never got to know that how that girl enter inside the party without invitation card" Arhaan again yelled at him while getting frustrated.

Yamir put his head down while murmuring sorry sir.

"Sorry haan sorry do hell with your sorry. actually mistake is not yours it was mine that I hired good for nothing, useless employee like you" Arhaan yelled angrily while glaring Yamir.

Yamir stood silently he didn't dare to speak the single word knowing that how much angry is his boss right now.

"Call the sketch artist" Arhaan spatted frustratingly.

Yamir got confused listening his words and asked "why sir"?

Arhaan look towards him and gritted his teeth and spoke.

"To make your sketch so that I can framed it and hang on my office building with a heading useless, careless , irresponsible and good for nothing employee of AG Industry" Arhaan replied sarcastically.

Yamir looked at him with dumbstruck expression.

Arhaan got more angry looking his dumbstruck facial expression and angrily speak "why are you looking at me like that you idiot just do it what I said go and called the sketch artist now move'' he said last line sternly.

Yamir literally run from their.

After 2 Hour and 45 Minutes:

Sketch Artist - sir sketch is ready as you explained her face features I draw the exact same. But I must say sir this girl is really beautiful I never draw such a beautiful girl sketch in my entire life.

Listening Sketch Artist words suddenly Arhaan became possessive and anger rushed on his veins for that Sketch Artist for praising Saanjh beauty and he angrily through bundle of notes towards him and asked him to leave from here right now. Sketch Artist got scared seeing his anger and collect the money and rushed from their. Arhaan hold the paper and looked at the sketch with his intense gazed and trance his finger over Saanjh sketch, while all the time Yamir was standing little far with confused expression because of his boss unpredictable mood swing.

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