5-Arhaan's Anger

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In Agrawal House :

Saanjh is getting ready for her college. When She notice that her phone is ringing , she pick up the call "Yes Riyu say".

Riya - Shona how is your health now?

Saanjh - I'm absolutely fine now Riyu and from today onwards I'm going to attend the college also.

Riya phone was on loud speaker because Diya and Riya both are speaking to Saanjh

Diya - ok then you stay at your home only We are coming to pick you up from your home. Today we will all go to college together.

Saanjh - Ok you both come soon, I  will wait for you both

Saanjh cut the call and went outside to have her breakfast. Devdatt after seeing Saanjh went towards her and asked her how's she feeling now while placing his palm on her cheek .

Saanjh - Now I am feeling well Dadaji and from today onwards I'm going to college also.

Ambika - Now both of you come and have your breakfast and Saanjh today your Dadaji will drop you at college. You are just recover from fever going alone will not be okay.

Saanjh - No Dadimaa, Dadaji doesn't need to come with me My friends Diya and Riya are about to come we will go to college together.

Ambika while making faces "who? those Angrezi Titliya (english butterflies)" .

Saanjh smiled while listening the name which her Dadimaa kept for her friends and says "Dadimaa not Angrezi Titliya their name's are Diya and Riya".

Ambika - But they both wears clothes like english man only. what's her name? Yaa Riya, her clothes are still decent but that girl Diya she sometimes wears Jeans and T-Shirts like man and Sometimes small frocks like kids. (she said this line while making faces)

Diya and Riya always wears western dresses Riya wore leggings, jeggings and kurti and sometimes jeans and kurti. While Diya always Wears jeans T-shirt, skirt, frocks, jump suits and different types of western dresses which didn't go well with Ambika. It's not like that Ambika hate them or dislike them, They're her granddaughter Saanjh childhood school friends and she never stopped Saanjh from being friends with both of them she knows that their nature are good and they both belongs from decent family but it's just that according to her cultural girls of decent house's should always wear salwar kameez with stole hanging around their upper body, all thanks to her Orthodox and prejudiced mindset.

After that all the family members of Agrawal house settled down for breakfast and started having their breakfast. At the meantime Riya and Diya also came to pick Saanjh from her house and after breakfast Saanjh along with her friends left for the college.

On The Other Side At AG Office:

Arhaan is shouting and yelling at some of the staffs and all the other staffs are looking down with horrified Faces. and after yelling on them for about 50 minutes Arhaan fired them and the staff get shocked and started pleading him not to fired them .

After listening their pleading Arhaan get more irritated and threatened them.

Arhaan - if you all won't leave this office with in 10 minutes. You all have to face the devil side of mine and I will make sure you all won't get any job in this city. So get the hell out of my office.

After Listening his threats the staffs got more scared and disappear from there without saying a word with sad faces. Because they very well knows who's Arhaan Goenka and he don't give empty threat, they all also know that how much capable he's for doing of and what power he holds in this city.

And the other staffs went to their respective places to continue their work making a note in their minds that not to make a single mistake  today, if they don't want to lose their job's. There was now pin drop silent in the whole office.

After sometime Nakul reach to AG office because he very well know that what happened today's morning Arhaan must be angry and upset and he will vent his anger on his staff's. when he saw the pin drop silent atmosphere he got to know that what just have happened sometimes before his arrival. He directly went towards the Arhaan cabin by using private elevator. After reaching the floor where Arhaan cabin is situated he walk towards his cabin, Floor secretary saw Nakul and wish good morning to him, he too wished him back and without knocking the cabin glass door he entered inside Arhaan cabin. Floor secretary too didn't stop Nakul knowing that he's the best friend of Arhaan and moreover he's his brother-in- law too.

Arhaan who's standing near the glass wall and looking outside and thinking about morning incident and whatever happened till now in his life and fuming in anger. Then only he heard the door opening sound and turned and about to shout on that person who entered inside his cabin without knocking. But stopped by looking Nakul standing there. He walked towards him and says.

Arhaan - Nakul you here? If you have any important work then say it quickly otherwise go from here I want to be alone for a while. (he said this with blank face)

Nakul - off course I have important work and that important work is you. I came here to visit my friend to fix his bad mood, If right now I won't able to fix his bad mood then I don't know how many people will have to be a victim of his anger and don't know how many more people will have to lose their jobs. (He say's while shaking his head slightly)

Arhaan looks at him with expressionless face 
Nakul - Arhaan You know what anger causes wrinkles on our face and it causes hair fall also and human being grow old before time. (he said dramatically).

Arhaan - Done?

Nakul - What done?

Arhaan - Done with your important work ? now leave I have an important meeting to attain. (He said sternly)

Nakul - I know Arhaan you are upset because of today's morning incident but please don't let your anger dominate your mind go out and see all your employees are looking like that they are not in the office but in Lion cave, frightened and scared One mistake and their Lion like boss will eat them raw. They all are already terrified because of your short temper and strict nature and now your Anger, ooff hooo. (he said this while shaking his head)

Arhaan - and they should also be afraid because mistake has no place in my life. Whoever will make mistake he/she will have to face my anger.

Nakul is about to say something.. When they heard a knock at the door.

Arhaan in a bossy tone "come in".

Yamir came inside and said "Sir Foreign delegates have arrived for the meeting and they are waiting for you at the conference room".

Arhaan - OK let's go. 

At University :

Saanjh, Diya and Riya are sitting in library. Saanjh is preparing some notes because she was absent for one week due to her fever so she's writing her notes. While Riya is reading some books and Diya is as usual busy in her cellphone .

At that time only one boy enter inside the library same age of them and stand infront of their table.

To be continued............... 

!! That's all for today!!

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Unedited chapter ignore grammatical errors and mistakes. English is not my first language so you may find faults in my English also so try to ignore it guys.

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