22- Laksh Confess His Love

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Next Day At Colony:

Inside Agrawal house, Saanjh is peacefully sleeping in the bed when morning sun rays fell on her beautiful face due to which she made cute pout and open her eyes while rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand when she suddenly realised that today her Dadimaa and Dadaji are going to Jaipur that too for 3 days and she got up from the bed with a jerk and run inside the bathroom while taking her clothes from the cupboard. After taking shower she came out from the bathroom wearing a beautiful anarkali dress and started drying her hair with dryer after drying her hair she braid her hair and move out from her room and came to the kitchen where Poorvi is frying pooris for breakfast she started helping her di in preparing breakfast.
(Pooris - fried bread made from unleavened whole-wheat flour)

After breakfast Devdatt and Ambika along with Sankalp who's holding there luggage move outside of the house Saanjh and Poorvi following behind them . They all went near the taxi Sankalp kept the lauguage inside the dickey .

"Dadimaa, Dadaji please don't go na". Saanjh said with sad face
Ambika - beta we have to go, if it was not important for us to go, then we never go like that leaving our Saanjh. We will come soon.
"Dadimaa You both are not going to come soon you are going for 3 days". Saanjh  stretch the word 3 days. "In three days there are 72 hours 4320 minutes and 259200 seconds, How will I be without you both for so long" Saanjh said with a sad pout.
Devdatt, Ambika, Poorvi laugh little seeing her antics even Sankalp too chuckled seeing her cute antics to stop her grandparents from going to Jaipur but masked it soon before anyone can see him.
Devdatt - Saanjh beta, you know na anytime Poorvi's wedding date can be fixed, we have to be previously prepared for that. That's why me and your Dadimaa is going to Jaipur we have a very old land over there we need to sell it and the money we will get, we will spend half the money in the wedding preparations of Poorvi.  And half we will kept for your future. That's why we need to go because in one day all the paper works will not be complete , so we have to stay there for 3 days.

Saanjh nodded her head in understanding way Devdatt hugged her and kissed her forehead then he hugged Poorvi . 
Ambika too hugged her both the granddaughters and said to both " Saanjh take care of yourself and Ragini take care of yourself and take care of Saanjh too" and both Devdatt and Ambika sat inside the taxi along with Sankalp who is going to drop them at the Railway station and left from the colony.
Saanjh was little sad Poorvi who sense her sister sadness and thought to cheers her mood she say's "Saanjh you go home I will came back after buying yogurt from the dairy. Today I will make your favourite dish Kadhi, you like it na ?.

(Kadhi -  It consists of a thick gravy based on gram flour, and contains vegetable fritters called pakoras, to which yogurt is added to give it a bit of sour taste).
Saanjh smiled her eyes twinkle listening her favourite dish name and said "di you go home, I'll go and buy yogurt from the dairy "
"Ok" Poorvi said with smile and went inside the Colony and walk towards their house.
Saanjh walked towards the near by dairy shop which is situated at the other side of the road little far from their Colony, unknown to that someone is keeping his eyes on her every move.
After buying yogurt from the shop when she turned she saw that Laksh is standing infront of him. Saanjh smiled seeing him and said.
Saanjh - Laksh Jiju you here ? 
Laksh frowned listening Jiju from her mouth and says " Saanjh I need to talk to you something important please come with me". 
Saanjh got confused that what he wants to talk with her and ask "What important thing do you want to talk to me?" 

Laksh - Saanjh its really urgent and important I want to confess something important to you. please come.

Saanjh feel some seriousness in his voice and nodded her head and both moved to the near by park which is little far from the Colony .

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