10- Saanjh Get Scolded

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Same Day Evening In Agrawal House:

Saanjh happily entered inside house while holding a paper bag and saw her di and her DadiMaa is sitting in the hall. In her excitement she failed to notice their worried face's and call them.

Listening Saanjh voice Poorvi and Ambika get up from their places before Ambika could say something. Saanjh happily run towards them and tightly engulf them in bear hug. After few seconds Saanjh broke the hug and before Saanjh could say something Ambika spoke in angry voice.

Ambika says angrily "Saanjh what is this? You told me at call that you will come back home before 6:00 pm but it's 7:00 pm now. You should come home on time. We are worried for you and you didn't even received our calls not even call us to informed that you will get late. Your two friends are also not picking their phone's. What kind of irresponsible behavior is this Saanjh? today I allowed you to stay out of the house even after 5:00 pm It does not mean that you take advantage of it. Now tell me where were you for so long? and why doesn't you received our calls?" Ambika asked above questions strictly.

Saanjh get scared after listening her angry voice and bow down her head like a sinner who committed some big sin by staying outside after 6:00 pm her happy face change into sad one. Tears gather in her eyes because first time her Dadimaa is scolding her and inside her heart she's feeling guilty for making her Dadimaa worried and angry upon her and tears started flowing from her big doe eyes. Poorvi went towards Saanjh and wrapped her arm around Saanjh shoulder taking her in her embrace and said.

Poorvi - Calm down Dadimaa. May be at last moment some urgent work must have come that's why she got little late in coming home and nowadays how much traffic is also there in Kolkata, and the thing is that she doesn't received call may be her phone was in silent mode.

Poorvi try to defend Saanjh.

"Poorvi do not speak in the middle I have asked question to Saanjh so she's the one who should answer it". Ambika said to Poorvi in a strict tone.

After listening her Dadimaa warning Poorvi got silent.

Ambika - Now tell me Saanjh where were you for so long and why didn't you pick up the calls?

Saanjh come out from Poorvi embrace and went near Ambika and said.

Saanjh while wiping her tears and hiccuping  says "Sorry Dadimaa I had to buy some stationary for my college assignment before coming home so I went to stationary shop but today political rally was going on in the city due to which there was so much traffic jam because of which I got late to reach to the stationery shop so that's why I got late in reaching home and about not receiving your's and di call, di was right my phone battery is dead and Diya phone may be silent or her battery also may be dead and today Riya did not bring her phone. I'm sorry Dadimaa please forgive me it's all my fault this will never happen again in future. I'm sorry Dadimaa, I'm sorry di, I'm very sorry for making you both worried" by saying this Saanjh again started crying like a kid .

At that time Devdatt and Sankalp also reach home and they heard what Saanjh said. 

Sankalp angrily went towards Saanjh and and started scolding her.

Sankalp angrily started scolding Saanjh "do you have any idea how all are worried for you . Don't you have any sense of responsibility? Me and Baba went to that stall to asked about you and the vendor told us you and your friends left from there 2 hours ago. After knowing that you left from there two hours ago and didn't came back home how much Maa , Baba , Poorvi and I.......". Sankalp was going to say that I was worried for you but he immediately stopped and said "how much everyone one was worried for you"

Saanjh flinched in her place listening Sankalp angry voice and felt more guilty and while hiccuping say's "I... I'....m.. So... Sor....Sorry Papa, looking towards Devdatt I.. I'....m... So.... Sor.....Sorry Dadaji " and she again bow down her head and again started crying".

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