25 - Innocent Wish

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At Gulmohar Hotel:

Laksh is eagerly waiting at the parking lot for Saanjh little did he know in his heart why Saanjh wanted to him thinking that reason he smiled sadly, when Nakul and Mugdha car enter inside and they both saw him standing while leaning his back at the car. Mugdha and Nakul came out of the car along with Aaditya and went near him and asked him why he's not inside the party ? why he's standing here alone? and Laksh got little perplexed due to their sudden arrival and with sudden questions his mind got blank he not able to think properly what to reply, not getting any reply from him Nakul and Mugdha drag him inside the hotel saying that party is about to start. Laksh reluctantly walked with them thinking that Saanjh had his number if she will arrived here then she will call him .
After sometime Arhaan's car arrived at the hotel at first driver came out of the car and open the door for them and he came out of the car with Pihu. Yamir too also came there to receive his boss. when Pihu was getting down from the car her favourite fairy wing hair clip somehow slipped from her hair and fallen inside the car. Arhaan and Pihu was moving towards the venue and bouncers are covering them from both the sides, when at the corridor Pihu stop sensing that her favourite clip is missing from her hair.
"Papa I don't have a clip on my hair. I think it must have fallen somewhere" Pihu said in a shocked voice.
Arhaan stop listening her and said
"It's ok bacha you are looking pretty without clip also" Arhaan said adoring her adorable doll.

"Papa that was my favorite fairy wing clip, I want that" Pihu said with a sad face.
Arhaan - bacha I will bring you another one. Now don't be sad, we need to go inside.

Pihu nodded her head in no and say's "Papa please na let's walk back to the car it may be have accidentally fallen there. Please papa let's go na, I will not go to the party without my favorite clip". She said stubbornly.
"Don't act like stubborn child Pihu, we are getting late for the party already every guests are arrived. Anyway, how would you know the clip have fallen in the car only? We have came far enough from the parking lot" Arhaan try to convince her.
Pihu looked towards her father face and reluctantly agreed to him with a sad face she wanted to search for her clip because it was her favourite clip. Arhaan saw her sad face and sigh and called his driver because he can't see his little princess upset, within a minute driver came their and Arhaan asked him to took Pihu to the car, listening his words Pihu got happy and asked Arhaan to bend down her level and kissed his cheek and cutely said Thank you due to which Arhaan smiled and caress her face lovingly Pihu moved with her driver uncle towards the parking lot and Arhaan move towards the party hall because it was already late and being a host his presence is necessary.
Meanwhile, Saanjh arrived at the Gulmohar hotel and get down from the car and started looking here and there for Laksh but didn't find him in the parking lot she got tensed because she don't know where to find him in this big hotel and cherry on the top she doesn't have her cell phone with her so how can she gonna contact him and asked him about his whereabouts. When she was thinking how to find Laksh she heard a sweet voice calling her.
Pihu who came to parking lot with driver and after taking her fairy wing hair clip was about to go from there when she saw her puchka partner and got happy and called her
"Puchka partner Puchka partner" Pihu happily called Saanjh.
Saanjh listening Pihu voice look at her direction. Pihu leaving driver hand run towards Saanjh direction. Driver too move behind Pihu and saw Saanjh and got happy. he was the same driver with whom Pihu went to ate Puchka and met Saanjh at the Stall.
"Puchka partner you also came to attend the party" Pihu asked happily.
" Pihu bacha party?" Saanjh asked in uncertain voice.
Pihu - Yes party is going on inside the hotel. All people are there inside the hotel, Dadi, Dadu, Papa, Bua, Uncle, Adi and Laksh Chahu.  You too came to attend the party?
Pihu asked excitedly to Saanjh thinking that she too came to attend the party.

Saanjh after listening Laksh name got to know that he must be inside the party and to meet him she have to go inside the party.
Saanjh nodded her head in yes. Pihu got more happy and hold her and says " Then let's go we will go together inside the party".

Saanjh saw clip in Pihu hand and stop her and says " one minute Pihu" and take the clip from her hand and started properly fixing on Pihu hair carefully not to hurt her due to which Pihu got little emotional she again for second time in her life felt motherly affection and that too from Saanjh only and look towards Saanjh and thought in her little brain.

Pihu POV:
"Puchka partner is so sweet and nice. When Puchka partner saw me coughing that day at the Stall she immediately gave me water to drink infact she herself made me drink water from her hand. And how affectionately she caressed my face and back to ease my cough, how much she cared for me that day when at that time we both are stranger for eachother still she helped me. Puchka partner care for me, the same way Mugdha bua cared for Aadi. and even I love being with her too I always felt a different kind of affection from Puchka partner. Bua said that after Laksh chachu and Poorvi chachi marriage Poorvi chachi will came to our house forever and live with us. If Papa and Puchka partner will also get married, then she too will come to our house to live forever with me".

thinking this a big smile appeared in her face looking towards the stars she made a innocent wish inside her heart while closing her eyes

"God ji please make my beloved Puchka partner my mother, please get her married to my papa please God ji".

then suddenly a shooting star passes from the sky , Pihu then open her eyes listening Saanjh voice.
Pov end

"Done Pihu, you are looking very pretty just like a princess" Saanjh said lovingly  while turning Pihu towards her and caress her face.
"Puchka partner You're also so pretty and gorgeous just like Queen mumma of Pihu Princess" Pihu said this line with a flow and bite her tongue while realising what she said in flow.
Saanjh being confused as "Queen Mumma?"
"Puchka partner let's go na we are getting late for the party". saying this Pihu held Saanjh hand and drag her inside the hotel to divert her mind where she got successful because right now Saanjh is only thinking one thing how to convince Laksh not to break the engagement so she didn't pay much attention to Pihu word's and started walking with her.

To be continued...........

PRECAP : Saanjh, Arhaan, party and Dhamakaaaaaaaaaaa

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