11- First Meet Of Saanjh and Arhaan

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Goenka Mansion:

Late night Arhaan is preparing presentation for new project tomorrow he's going to present that presentation.

Laksh also preparing presentation for the same project which he is gonna present tomorrow. He's working hard more than before. Laksh don't want to make any mistakes this time because by getting this project he wants to make his father proud who has so much trust in him that he gave him another big responsibility to prepare presentation for new project .

Next day after breakfast Arhaan, Rajveer, Laksh and Nakul left for their respective work places.

After some hours Arhaan left from his office today he left early from the office alone because today his P.A was in leave so he's going to attain the project meeting alone where he's gonna present his presentation . When he was going by his car he saw a cafe and stop his car and began to think that there's lots of time for meeting to start so he should have some coffee and for last time he will check his presentation too. He parked his car and went inside the cafe.

In the same cafe Saanjh along with her friends also present there this cafe is near to her college and today her one lecture got cancelled so her friends insist her to have a coffee or any other beverage from a nearby cafe, so trio are here. Saanjh is chitchatting with her friends and sipping her hot chocolate.

Arhaan entered inside cafe and sit in one of the empty table and ordered an Americano for him and open his macbook and start doing his work.

Saanjh and her friends after finished drinking their hot chocolate and coffee get up from there respective seats to leave. Saanjh said that she will pay the bill, her friends saw that the cafe is now getting crowded so they tell her that they are waiting for her outside and her friends Riya and Diya went outside and Saanjh went to pay the bills and after paying bills she was going towards the exit door. When a child after entering the cafe with his mother, he suddenly left his mother hand and run towards the empty table when he accidentally bumped with Saanjh and the coffee which waiter was going to serve Arhaan mistakenly Saanjh hand hit the coffee mug and the coffee fell over the macbook and some coffee fell on Arhaan clothes too, seeing this Arhaan got angry.

Arhaan angrily roared "what the........" But he stop in the middle.

Arhaan Stop in the middle looking Saanjh infront of him who's looking towards his macbook with her big big doe like eyes putting palm in her mouth for a moment Arhaan lost in her beautiful eye's , his nostril got filled with her jasmine fragrance he is looking at Saanjh with his little parted mouth without saying anything without blinking his eyes when Saanjh remove her palms from her mouth Arhaan forgot to breath when he saw her beautiful angelic innocent face, her pinkish little chubby cheeks, her rose petals like juicy pulpy lips , cute little nose, and her doe like eyes, he got drown in her innocent face and due to breeze some of her hair strands are floating in the air which is making Saanjh more beautiful in Arhaan eyes . He's just staring at her without saying anything without caring about anything around him. just like he got hypnotized by her epitome beauty and her beautiful eyes Which has now grown much more bigger than its actual size due to shock.

"I'm sorry sir " waiter words make Arhaan comes out from his world and he got shocked what the hell he was doing he got drown in the beauty of a mere girl and he instantly got angry and look towards the waiter but before Arhaan could say anything to that waiter Saanjh interrupted by saying

Saanjh in little fearfully voice say's "I'm sorry it was not his fault by mistake my hand hit the coffee mug and that coffee fell on your macbook and clothes".

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