8-Exam Result

296 49 5

After one month :

At Goenka Mansion Pihu is getting ready for school at that time Arhaan enter inside her room.

Arhaan - Bacha today after school you are directly coming to office. I already informed driver he will drop you at my office. OK bacha .

Pihu - But why Papa?? Why at your office? Are we going for shopping? (she asked excitedly)

Arhaan - No Bacha, we are not going for shopping. Actually today your bua (Bua - Aunty) will not be at home. So no one will be there to take care of you.

Pihu - But Papa Dadi will be there na (She said innocently)

Arhaan - Today she will also not be at home . That's why you are coming to my office after school.

Saying this Arhaan hug Pihu and start caressing her head.

Arhaan In mind "sorry baby for lying to you. I don't trust that woman at all. God knows what she will do to you in our absence. Sorry for hiding everything from you about them but what can I do you are too small to understand anything and moreover, I don't want you to live in stressful environment I want you to have a happy, healthy and normal surrounding . I don't want you to suffer like me the way I suffered in my Childhood that's why I never stopped you for getting close to them. But it always pain me when you called them Dada, Dadi and Chachu and consider them as your family . But they are no one to me. I hate them, infact I loathe them".

After breaking hug "Pihu let's go for breakfast you're getting late for school" said Arhaan .

Pihu nodded her head and said "OK Papa".

And they walk towards the dinning hall. 

Same day, today is the day when Saanjh exam results is going to publish. Saanjh went to college and meet with her friends and they all move towards the notice board to check their results. While walking at the corridor Diya suddenly said.

Diya while biting her nails "yaar Shona I am very nervous, What if I don't get good marks? What if I got failed? oh No if I get fail in some of the subjects then mom surely throw my all make up kits and expensive dresses in the dustbin and Dad will snatch my mobile phone. Then how I'm gonna survive in this cruel world". She is blabbering all this thing nonstop without any break.

Riya - will you please stop your nonsense for sometime. All this same thing you are saying from last one week my ears are literally aching now . (She says while getting irritated by Diya nonstop blabbering)

Saanjh - Diyu nothing will happen like this you are over thinking . It is just misconception of your mind.

Diya (fearfully) - But Shona if this misconception become true then?

Riya while rolling her eyes says "Miss Drama Queen will you please stop your drama".

Saanjh - Diyu tell me one thing ,was you written all questions answer?

Diya (while making crying face) - may be Shona may be not. I Don't remember anything .

Saanjh - Don't worry Diyu keep faith on yourself and have faith on God too. I have full faith on you I am sure my bestie will score good marks in exam.(she said this line with soft smile)

And they all went near the notice board where all other students were checking their results. Three of them started searching there name in the results list.

"Riyu did you find your name in the list". Asked Saanjh while searching her own name in the list.

"No yaar Shona still not yet" said Riya.

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