4-I Hate You All

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Next Day Morning At Goenka Mansion :

Inside the mansion we can see a  woman is praying infront of God idol.

"God always keep your grace upon my home Keep your blessings on my husband and my all children . fulfill all their wishes give them all the happiness of the world give my three sons lots of success in work keep them happy and healthy and always keep my Mugdha, Pihu and Aaditya happy and healthy like this". Anusuya is praying in front of the God idol while joining her hands and eyes closed.

Three sons means Arhaan, Laksh and Nakul although Nakul is her son-in-law but Rajveer and Anusuya considered him as his son.

After praying see went to set up dinning table because it's time for everyone breakfast. One by one every family members joined at the dinning table. After some minutes Mugdha came with Pihu and Adi, holding hand of Pihu and Adi in her arms. they came near the dinning table, Pihu sit in one of the chair and Mugdha made Adi sit in one the chair and she too occupy one chair.

Mugdha - Good morning everyone.

Everyone one wish her back

Pihu - Good morning Dadu, Good morning Dadi, Good morning chachu, Good morning Nakul uncle.

Everyone wish her back like Good  morning beta, Good morning Pihu beta, Good morning cutie, Good morning Pihu.

Seeing everyone how does a little Adi lag behind when everyone wishes each other good morning.

Aaditya (in his childish voice)  - Gul moning Nanu, Gul moning Nani, Gul moning papa, Gul Moning Mamu.
"Good morning Nanu, Good morning Nani, Good morning papa, Good morning Mamu".

After listening his cute innocent Good Morning wish everyone one smile and Wish him back making him giggle .

At last Arhaan came there and everyone wishes him Good Morning too. but as usual he didn't paid any heed to Laksh, Rajveer and Anusuya wishes and wish back to Mugdha, Nakul, Pihu and Adi by kissing Pihu and Adi cheeks. Rajveer, Anusuya and Laksh felt bad, infact Mugdha and Nakul did feel bad seeing Arhaan ignoring Rajveer, Anusuya and Laksh but they didn't said anything to him. This is not first time he ignored them he always does trying to ignore them like they don't exist for him Or sometimes he even says some bitter words to them which hurt them to the core. But Rajveer, Anusuya and Laksh never left any chance to show Arhaan that how much they love him and care for him.

They all started eating their breakfast. While after seeing everyone is about to complete eating the food of their plates Anusuya wipe her hand from the tissue paper and stand from her place and start serving kheer in bowls . And said

Anusuya - today I have prepared special kheer (Kheer is a sweet rice pudding) for everyone. Which is Arhaan's favourite. And this kheer is especially to celebrate Arhaan wins. the new project he got.

Anusuya says with a smile and started forwarding the kheer bowls to everyone.

By listening Anusuya word's Arhaan clench his fist in anger and thought, this woman can't get tired by acting 24*7, 365 days by showing her fake care and love for him. How much he hate her for snatching his everything, his mother life, his father, his childhood and his mother place in this house he hates her and his son Laksh from the core of his heart.

Pihu - waah dadi kheer is very yummy. Papa you also eat na. Dadi quickly serve papa also the yummy kheer . (She say while eating kheer)

Arhaan - Bacha (child) you are getting late for school go out soon driver uncle most be waiting for you.

Pihu - OK Papa bye bye everyone. (by saying this she keep the bowl on the table and take her school bag and went outside) .

At that time Adi also finish eating his breakfast, Mugdha called one of the maid she came there and took Adi to his room .

Anusuya after forwarding kheer bowl to everyone. She happily went towards Arhaan to give him kheer. Arhaan who is already fuming in anger already got more angry and throw that kheer bowl towards the ground and start shouting at her.

Everybody get shocked by his sudden act and get up from their respective seats.

Arhaan (while Fuming in anger) - How many times I have told you Mrs Goenka to stay away from me. Once spoken thing does not make sense to you? whenever I used to win any trophy in my childhood you used to bring gifts for me, whenever I got good rank in the whole class you kept parties for me and whenever I get success in my business you make my favorite food, and today you make kheer for me because I got new project. Why you always keeps pretending that you love me so much care for me? That you are very happy with my progress and success? You don't get tired by showing your fake love and care towards me?

After listening this from Arhaan mouth Anusuya eyes get moist and tears started to roll down from her eyes.

Rajveer - enough Arhaan this is the way to talk to your mother? (He semi yelled at Arhaan)

Arhaan - Mother?? (chuckle sarcastically) she's not my mother she's the murderer of my mom not only she you too. You both killed my mom. (He said this line with venom filled voice)

Laksh - Bhai please don't say like this. what happened with Sambhavana maa there was no mistake of maa and Papa, Sambhavana maa death was caused by cancer. Maa, Papa really loves you, care for your their love and care is not fake.

Arhaan - don't you dare Laksh Goenka don't you. she's only my and Mugdha's mother. Don't you dare to call her Maa. You three destroyed my life you all snatched my childhood from me I hate to see all your faces, I feel suffocated even living in a same house with you people. Today I am living with you all under same roof having breakfast lunch and dinner with you all only because of compulsion because dadi (grandmother) took promise from me in her death bed that I will never leave this house and the rules made by my dadu (grandfather) that all the members of this house will eat their food together I should follow that rule. Because of that promise I have to tolerate you three people faces.

Arhaan took a deep breath and again said with a anger looking towards Anusuya, Rajveer and Laksh "My family is only my daughter Pihu, my sister Mugdha, my nephew Adi and my friend Nakul. You three are no one to me do you all get that you three are no one to me, I hate you all". Arhaan yelled in utmost anger

By saying those bitter words he walk from there by leaving them all shattered and tears in their eyes.

!! That's all for today!!

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Unedited chapter ignore grammatical errors and mistakes.

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