19 - Papa Hates Me

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All the time Saanjh with smile was adoring Poorvi and Sankalp bonding while standing little far from them, but her heart is in pain for not getting the same love, affection and care from her father and she got lost in past. The day she comes to know that her papa don't love her.


7 years old Saanjh and 11 years old Poorvi wearing their School uniforms happily run inside the house and saw their father is sitting in the hall and discussing something with one of the worker of his Sweet shop . Both the sisters went near him and called him. As usual Sankalp ignored Saanjh and looked towards Poorvi and smiled Saanjh felt bad that her father again ignore her. Sankalp signal to the worker to leave and again look towards Poorvi. Poorvi forwarded her report card and said

"Papa today the result of our exam has come and I have passed with good grades". Poorvi said to her father happily

Sankalp smiled while seeing her report card and kissed her forehead and said

Sankalp - congratulations beta, always study diligently like this and today when I come home from the shop, I will bring a gift for you as a reward for getting such a good mark I'm really proud of you my princess

Saying this Sankalp hugged her.

"Thank you so much papa , not only for me but for Shona also you have to bring gift and she deserves bigger gift than me because not only she came first in her class but also in whole school" Poorvi said happily while being in a hug.

Sankalp didn't react anything and break the hug and took the report card and sign it and gave back to Poorvi m.

Saanjh happily went near Sankalp and showed her report card Sankalp didn't say anything just took the report card he not even bother to look at the marks and simply sign it and placed it on the wooden teapoy and left from there. Saanjh looked towards Sankalp retreating figure tears automatically made their way from her eyes she runs towards her room ignoring Poorvi who's calling her name from the backside when she saw Saanjh running from there with tears in her eyes

Saanjh is crying in her room sitting near window and thinking about all the thing till now happened in her life.

Poorvi entered inside room and saw her sobbing and time to time wiping her tears from her face Poorvi got worried seeing her tears and immediately went near her Poorvi knew that why Saanjh is crying so much but she couldn't understand how to make her silence so she tried to divert her mind saying that.

"Ssshhh Shona please don't cry see today our result came and you again came first in your class not only in class but in whole school you came first. And today evening we will go to Puchka stall with Dadaji to eat Puchka. My Shona love to eat Puchka na?"  Poorvi try to divert Saanjh mind".

Saanjh looked towards her with tears flowing from her eyes and ask "Why papa hate me di?"

Saanjh got stunned listening her words and cupped her face and says "who told you this? Papa loves you so much Shona" .

Saanjh while removing Poorvi hands from her face said.

Saanjh - Don't lie di , I know Papa hates me . even today also he didn't gave a single glance to my report card and just signed it and kept on the table like everytime he did. Believe me di, I did not feel bad that papa praised your marks and Grades or he hugged you or happily kissed your forehead. I felt hurt because he just simply signed and gave my report card back without looking at my marks and grades he didn't even looked at me because he don't love me di. Papa never talks with me, whenever I tried to talk to him, he left from the place without saying anything. Papa even never looked at me, today I came first in the whole school but there was not even a smile on his face. di , am I that much bad?

Saying all this things Saanjh started crying more and Poorvi immediately hugged her tightly.

Poorvi didn't know what to say to her little sister because its true their papa Sankalp never showed his love for Saanjh nor he ever appreciates her for her achievements. She herself don't know why he always do this to Saanjh . she remembered one day she asked this question to Ambika that why her papa never took Saanjh outside with him like he took her to the mall, park and why he never bought gift for Saanjh like he brings for her and why he never hugged Saanjh nor kissed her forehead like he everytime do with her what's the reason behind of her papa cold behaviour towards Saanjh? But Ambika didn't answered properly to her questions and simply said one sentence to her. "Your father loves you both equally" .


Sankalp after saying goodnight to Poorvi went to his room . Poorvi look towards Saanjh and went near her and placed her hand on her shoulder then only Saanjh come out from past thought and look at Poorvi. Poorvi hold her hand and Saanjh smile looking at her Poorvi smiled back and both went to sleep.

PRECAP : Arhaan while inhaling the fragrance said "the same sweet jasmine fragrance".

Author Note

This is not the full flashback of Sankalp past this is one of the incident of Saanjh childhood when she came to know that Sankalp purposely don't gave her attention or we can say that he hates her. I will write one whole chapter on Sankalp, Soumya, and Jhanvi past life and there I will reveal the reason behind Sankalp indifference behaviour towards Saanjh that why he don't consider Saanjh as his daughter.

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